Incorrect , timer1 is not an option for hpwm1 ever
timer2 is the default for ccp1 on 16F1939
Yes, thanks, I've checked some datasheets.
For 16F1939 default timer for HPWM1 is Timer1, but it can be changed via registers.
For 16F722 default timer for HPWM1 is Timer2, so no change is...
for hpwm timers 2,4 or 6 can be used so there is no conflict for pwm
richard Yesterday, 09:31Hello.
Say I run DT's MIBAM on PORTB pins, but I also want to use existing HPWM module to generate something on PORTC pins.
Will it work?
Hi, Richard
just open your Holy Manual @ asm interrupts page ... ;)
as Ioannis states ... It's better to know what you are doing here ...
Our friend Paul was just asking if it was possible...
it only works for and with ON INTERRUPT, and that's not a real interrupt
richard Yesterday, 00:30Yes, if you really, really know what you are doing and spend hours on the asm code to double and triple check the code flow.
you can return wherever you want at the end of an interrupt stubb ...
I did it some years ago ... but Darrel did not like it at all !!! ( ;) )
just have a look to the asm code generated...
Greetings Richard,
thanks for the reply.
I thought that the interrupt would still work (at least the detection part) even if we didn't want to go back to the code.
In that case i will need to do...
Re: Is it possible to use HPWM and DT's MIBAM at the same time?
I'm assembling test circuit with PIC16F722 today and will give it a try :)
CuriousOne Today, 06:23