PICBASIC PRO™ Compiler 3.0
PBP is the industry standard BASIC programming language for Microchip's PIC microcontrollers. No other BASIC compiler for PIC MCUs boasts the 15-year success in both commercial and non-commercial environments.
Version 3 is a major evolution of this popular product, making it even more capable, stable, and reliable. All the years of development culminate here, with many new capabilities and improvements. Come see why thousands of engineers, educators and hobbyists have depended on PBP for more than a decade.
* Supports more than 500 microcontrollers.
* Newly revised 300-page manual.
* MPLABX compatible
Re: I/O Pin status during startup
The important part is to set the PORT (or LAT) registers BEFORE setting the TRIS registers to outputs.
tumbleweed Today, 20:01Otherwise the pins will be in output mode for a period of time but the outputs aren't specified.