Tim C
' Name : TMR1CLK.pbp ' Target PIC : PIC18F452 or similar 18F types ' Hardware : PIC-WEB ver A board with added LCD ' Oscillator : 10MHz crystal. You May have to modify default 18F452 fuses for > 4Mhz ' Resolution : Expect to get +- 5sec/day or better ' Description : PicBasic Pro program using external 32K watch xtal and Timer1 ' interrupt for a real-time clock. ' Origional ver from: ' DEFINE OSC 10 ' We're using a 10MHz oscillator DEFINE LOADER_USED 1 ' Boot-Loader is being used Define INTHAND myint ' Define interrupt handler Symbol LED_0 = PORTD.5 symbol BUTTON_0 = PORTB.0 wsave VAR BYTE bankA system ' Saves W ssave VAR BYTE bankA system ' Saves STATUS seconds VAR BYTE bankA ' variables within myint must be in bank 0. minutes VAR Byte ' Elapsed minutes hours var byte ' LCD config Define LCD_DREG PORTD Define LCD_DBIT 0 Define LCD_RSREG PORTE Define LCD_RSBIT 0 Define LCD_EREG PORTE Define LCD_EBIT 1 ADCON1 = 7 ' Set PORTA and PORTE for digital operation Low PORTE.2 ' Enable the LCD Pause 150 ' Pause to allow LCD to initialize LCDOut $fe,1 ' Clear LCD hours = 2 minutes = 23 ' Pre Set time here then add seconds to clock using button seconds = 0 T1CON.7=0 ' 8 Bit r/w (16 bit seems to cause problems) T1CON.5=0 ' Part 1 of 1:1 prescale T1CON.4=0 ' Part 2 pf 1:1 prescale T1CON.3=1 ' turn on the low freq clock osc T1CON.2=1 ' Do not Sync low Freq clock with main clock T1CON.1=1 ' use 32Khz xtal as the Timer1 source T1CON.0=1 ' enable Timer1 PIE1 = $01 ' Enable TMR1 overflow interrupt INTCON = $C0 ' Finally Enable global interrupt and peripheral interrupts GoTo mainloop ' jump over the interrupt handler and sub ' Assembly language interrupt handler ' simplified by Bruce @myint ; create myint label TMR1H.7=1 ' Set TMR1 high bit for 1 second overflows seconds = seconds+1 ' Increment seconds PIR1.0=0 ' Clear TMR1 int flag @ retfie FAST ; Return with 'auto restore' of WREG, STATUS and BSR ' Subroutine to update the time variables get_time: if seconds > 59 then seconds = seconds - 60 ' better then making seconds=0 minutes = minutes + 1 if minutes > 59 then minutes = 0 hours = hours + 1 if hours > 12 then ' simple 12 hour clock format hours = 1 endif endif endif Return mainloop: GoSub get_time ' Update minutes and seconds TOGGLE LED_0 LCDOut $fe,2,"Time: ",DEC hours, ":", DEC2 minutes, ":", DEC2 seconds, " " Pause 300 ' Pause to see LED blink. Also help with debounce if button_0 = 0 then LCDOut $fe,$C0,"+1s " seconds = seconds + 1 else LCDOut $fe,$C0," " endif GoTo mainloop ' Repeat main loop End
Re: Voltage regulation circuit 12V to 5V in 5A range
The 2A wall adapter was a quick fix to be able to continue testing.
Demon Today, 00:27The 9V 2A is holding up for now.