Welcome to the MEL PICBASIC Forum.
This Forum is provided by Crownhill Associates Limited, Distributors of the Micro Engineering
Labs PIC BASIC compilers.
Please visit our main web site www.crownhill.co.uk
Discusssion area for the microEngineeringLabs PIC BASIC Compiler
Discussion area for microEngineeringLabs Pic Basic Pro Compiler
Discussion related to the PBP3 compiler
Check here FIRST before posting your Question...
Area for general PIC BASIC discussion
Paid Work. Developers requesting assistance may post requests here. Developers offering their services may post here. Please DO NOT request general unpaid help in this area.
Air your views on future development of the PBP product
Users may post discussion points and code examples in this area, related extending the funtionality of PBP by third party adons or Macro's.
Links to Documents and Data sheets
Discussion group Artificial Intelligence and PICBASIC Programming
PBP section of the AMISUS18 forum
General Discussion related to PBP code for Arduino and Amicus18 Sheilds
USB, I2C, 1-Wire, GSM, etc.
Discussion related to Ethernet Communications
All USB related topics should be posted here
All GSM related topics should be posted here
All serial communications related topics should be posted here.
Area for NON PIC BASIC discussion
Please post commercial adverts in this area. Please keep the advertising PIC BASIC related. You are welcome to advertise your web sites, products etc in THIS area.
Please place requests to the Forum admin here. e.g, "Please create a catagory for Robotics"
If you HAVE to post a "test message", do it here:-) From time to time posts in this forum area will be purged.
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