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  1. jumping out of a gosub reminder (17 replies)
  2. Output directly to input? (7 replies)
  3. 16F88 but more memory (4 replies)
  4. Need to drive 4 rgb leds, but have only 1 pin available... (11 replies)
  5. Array error in Hserin (21 replies)
  6. Trying to measure TACH pulses. (8 replies)
  7. Activation Key Questions (1 replies)
  8. 3 digit 7-Seg serial Display (6 replies)
  9. DS3231 works in one config, but does not works with other IC. (3 replies)
  10. FN-M16P wow's (5 replies)
  11. GOTO to a return in a subroutine amidst multiple If-Then's (3 replies)
  12. An Excel tool to get the byte values for 7-segment displays (6 replies)
  13. Why does PICkit2 show it as an LF device? (3 replies)
  14. How to use TM1637 chip for LED Display? (13 replies)
  15. Rotary encoder subroutine (1 replies)
  16. DS1307 Problems help please !!! :-) (4 replies)
  17. ac 220v measurement with differential amplifier (1 replies)
  18. Using parentheses for operation order when setting an IO pin? (4 replies)
  19. Serial data sent to 16F627A being read incorrectly by PIC? (6 replies)
  20. SDFS & finding a faster way to append data to closed file (0 replies)
  21. symmetric source code pic 16f877a (4 replies)
  22. color sensor tsc34725 again (1 replies)
  23. Re-using pins while still connected to MAX7219 ? (6 replies)
  24. PCF8563 date data corrupted (2 replies)
  25. color sensor tcs34725 (1 replies)
  26. Using byte variable for storing two different values<100 at same time? (2 replies)
  27. Most memory saving way for comparing 98 preset values with ADC input? (6 replies)
  28. MPU-6050 - gyroscope/accelerometer (0 replies)
  29. Confused by Arraywrite (12 replies)
  30. Multiplexer address control.. (17 replies)
  31. EEPROM Issue (13 replies)
  32. MP3 DFPlayer Mini and PIC MCU (13 replies)
  33. more i2c and mcp23017 (10 replies)
  34. inverting all bits in a byte (7 replies)
  35. need help with PBP, I2C and MCP23017 (5 replies)
  36. Indexing WORD variables goes wrong after index(0) - 18F1330 (6 replies)
  37. Learning how to use USART (13 replies)
  38. PIC 18F - read TMR0 registers in 16 bits mode (2 replies)
  39. Code verification errors 16F1847 (25 replies)
  40. ADC resolution for 16F616 (10 replies)
  41. 12F683 PWM output not remembering. (6 replies)
  42. Cannot compile 16F15345 (4 replies)
  43. CONFIG issues with 18F26K22 (12 replies)
  44. PIC16f877a bcd seven segment controling through four inputs (4 replies)
  45. PWM and audio noise (22 replies)
  46. Mplabx 4.15 (2 replies)
  47. LCD displays, rotary encoders, and the WRITE statement (8 replies)
  48. Future project Ideas (10 replies)
  49. 18F26K42 TMR1 Interrupt troubles (5 replies)
  50. Again about array (6 replies)
  51. Unable to Open Include File (15 replies)
  52. Getting a 18F2525 to wake up from sleep with change of input (2 replies)
  53. help with 4 x 20 LCD (14 replies)
  54. WTV020-SD-20SS SD Card U Disk Audio Player Interface (10 replies)
  55. 4 bit 7 segment display with two 74HC595 (23 replies)
  56. EUSART vs. MSSP (9 replies)
  57. VEML6040 I2C sensor problem (2 replies)
  58. Safely getting out of an interrupt (15 replies)
  59. 16F628A Configuring all pins for digital I/O ? (4 replies)
  60. PIC 18F46K22 Wierdness (7 replies)
  61. PIC12F683 pin GP3 as output (14 replies)
  62. lcd delay time (2 replies)
  63. I2C fast to slow at runtime (6 replies)
  64. 26K80 Configuration and Port C 0, 1 (7 replies)
  65. First programming for 4 years. PBPP 2.6 (1 replies)
  66. Help with PWM6 and PWM7 on 16F18857 ??? (8 replies)
  67. Decoding serial data bytes and nibbles. (6 replies)
  68. Serial data transmission period (10 replies)
  69. SHARP GP2Y10 optical dust sensor (0 replies)
  70. 12C fails on first attempt, then works fine... (4 replies)
  71. Microcode studio problem with include (8 replies)
  72. First use of i2c from parallel output processing (10 replies)
  73. NCO Glitch (3 replies)
  74. A/D converter PIC16F1827 (8 replies)
  75. DT Elapsed Timer (2 replies)
  76. Finding Fractional calculator (3 replies)
  77. how to calculate reverse value with scale (3 replies)
  78. problem with LCD large Numbers (5 replies)
  79. MCP3201 problems (16 replies)
  80. Nextion LCDs... How to comunicate ??? (29 replies)
  81. I2C read and write to 24C01 eeprom (7 replies)
  82. Trying to get LCD to work on 18f45k22 and portB and EasyPic V7 - no luck (14 replies)
  83. FREQOUT 4mhz (20 replies)
  84. DHT22 and PIC18F25K22 (2 replies)
  85. PIC18F1320 HPWM on 2 pins (21 replies)
  86. MIDI over USB (7 replies)
  87. ICD2 debugger/programmer with PBP possible? (5 replies)
  88. e-paper/ e-ink display (4 replies)
  89. Piezo disc and best way to drive ? (1 replies)
  90. Mpasmx (1 replies)
  91. What memory is used for DATA @X, LONG $XXXXXX (2 replies)
  92. Speed of commands (2 replies)
  93. WS2811 and WS2812 One-Wire Communication Assembly Help (24 replies)
  94. UV EPROM programmer (0 replies)
  95. SDFS3 SD Card File System Errors (9 replies)
  96. Anybody used EPSON M-42V Daisy wheel Printer (2 replies)
  97. Pic16f18857 clock setup (9 replies)
  98. Real time clock + external interrupt in one PIC possible? (33 replies)
  99. Long ago thre was a variable named "long" (5 replies)
  100. Choice of FET (6 replies)
  101. DT_INTS and 18F26k22 (14 replies)
  102. Ethernet with microcontrollers (9 replies)
  103. Working with HEF (4 replies)
  104. AD9833 Example (5 replies)
  105. Binary to BCD conversion (8 replies)
  106. Pic18f2320 (4 replies)
  107. Simple subtraction (8 replies)
  108. LCDOUT -- lose the zero ? (5 replies)
  109. CANBUS Stuff (0 replies)
  110. Is it possible to feed PBP variable data into ASM code fragment? (4 replies)
  111. MicroCode Studio not displaying full microcontroller list (2 replies)
  112. ADC on 12F683 (1 replies)
  113. Byte to integer ? (2 replies)
  114. Onewire.pbp sample program -- high readings (4 replies)
  115. Time limit while waiting for input ? (5 replies)
  116. HB100 radar module (8 replies)
  117. Percentage (5 replies)
  118. Temperature probe options (2 replies)
  119. A little HELP!! (76 replies)
  120. Max7221 (3 replies)
  121. Code interpretation (4 replies)
  122. LCD -- melabs sample program (15 replies)
  123. Parsing strings received serially. (2 replies)
  124. Testing Bits in variables.. (2 replies)
  125. some problem with a pic adc (2 replies)
  126. MPLABX shows PBP Plugin Update; Won't Install (5 replies)
  127. LCD code makes no sense (2 replies)
  128. Serial over the IR (12 replies)
  129. LCD_LINES Question Help ? (3 replies)
  130. Is anyone willing to work with me to rewrite some code? (8 replies)
  131. how to reprogram 12f675 and 12f629 ? (9 replies)
  132. Digital output (RA5) on 16f884 (7 replies)
  133. HELP!!! OSD Hserout problem?? (10 replies)
  134. Wait for a string on a serial port (19 replies)
  135. Two questions / errors (3 replies)
  136. Fuses issue on 16f884.... Locked out ?? (7 replies)
  137. sorting array (3 replies)
  138. reading I/O state of pic12f675... (21 replies)
  139. Activation problem! (4 replies)
  140. generate 38 KHz help (4 replies)
  141. Can I use an Absolute rotary encoder 12bit resolution with a PIC18F4550 ? (2 replies)
  142. ReEnterPBP-18.bas, where to get? (2 replies)
  143. PICBasic Pro Getting Bootloader Into PIC the First Time (6 replies)
  144. MEProg Bootloader Software (4 replies)
  145. Drive Current Sufficiency (8 replies)
  146. Port Digital Output Not Changing Properly (5 replies)
  147. Display values from two PIC16F series controllers with one LCD display (9 replies)
  148. 32.768kHz external crystal for TMR1 time base and internal 4MHz oscillator (8 replies)
  149. TMR1 & Button - long delay (1 min) before starting (9 replies)
  150. Help converting small PicBasic program to MP LAB (10 replies)
  151. Anyone ever use a TI TPA2016D2 stereo Audio AMP? (0 replies)
  152. Nested "Select Case"s (11 replies)
  153. What happens if interrupt breaks PULSIN, PULSOUT, ADCIN, PWM, etc statements? (10 replies)
  154. 18F2620 32mhz pll and Timer1 250ms ticks (1 replies)
  155. Has anyone used MAX6952, MAX6953, MAX6955 With PBP? (2 replies)
  156. Measuring duty cycle of short duration pulses with long period (12 replies)
  157. Arduino type libraries (11 replies)
  158. SLEEP and NAP commands (1 replies)
  159. Hserout/Hserin via bluetooth (5 replies)
  160. MCU seset and stop (5 replies)
  161. 12LF1572 Support (5 replies)
  162. Just to update my registry ... (0 replies)
  163. Device does not match (1 replies)
  164. Installation Advice Please (7 replies)
  165. Defining Long Variable (4 replies)
  166. quick question 12F683 (7 replies)
  167. HSERIN String reading (3 replies)
  168. Any 8 pin PIC MCU, that can use MCLR as ADCIN or output? (0 replies)
  169. help for the adc of the 16f1786 (1 replies)
  170. Finding the least common multiple, LCM of three numbers (1 replies)
  171. Hserin (7 replies)
  172. SSD1306 start display problem (1 replies)
  173. PBP Road map (2 replies)
  174. Pic16f18855 (0 replies)
  175. create an USB virtual serial port on pic18f4550 (4 replies)
  176. ctrate an USB port pic184550 (1 replies)
  177. 16F690 read/write (13 replies)
  178. Serout code space (11 replies)
  179. Strange problem with 'pauseus' command (5 replies)
  180. Math for A/D conversion (6 replies)
  181. PBP RAM allocation - how to find available or total used RAM? (18 replies)
  182. Push Pull to Half Bridged Sinewave Inverter (0 replies)
  183. quick question (4 replies)
  184. SPI Commands Operating Speed (6 replies)
  185. Can button be set to cause interrupt, and then it's functions changed? (4 replies)
  186. Reading and storing pulses from 8 bit port (5 replies)
  187. How to add two binary variables next to each other, without mathematical operations? (4 replies)
  188. HSEROUT with 18F2420 won't work (2 replies)
  189. Pulse Input > Array > Output help (3 replies)
  190. Is there a penalty for breaking early out of a For Loop with a Goto Statement? (3 replies)
  191. vu-meter with a pic adc (3 replies)
  192. Use any pin as tmr input? (1 replies)
  193. Posting requests for help (0 replies)
  194. Generating a series of high frequency pulses with pre-defined length. (10 replies)
  195. Sequence of statements makes code work differently. (PIC16F628A) (10 replies)
  196. HEDS5540 optical encoder (23 replies)
  197. How to make an LED gradually and slowly get brighter and dimmer? (11 replies)
  198. Strange behavior on PORTB on a PIC18F26K20 (7 replies)
  199. UART communication problem (3 replies)
  200. Read array in sequence, and convert it's contents into single variable? (6 replies)
  201. is it possible to break PAUSE statement with multiple interrupts? (5 replies)
  202. Small pin-count device for generating output frequencies when triggered (9 replies)
  203. Problems setting config bits on 10F222 part (9 replies)
  204. Negative numbers in a lookup table? (6 replies)
  205. pic18f25k22 clock (5 replies)
  206. Servo info using DT's PWPS_Servo.INC (0 replies)
  207. Timer SubRoutine (7 replies)
  208. Pullup confusion 12c508a (4 replies)
  209. Please help configure 16F616 (15 replies)
  210. Pickit3 ordered -- what else? (12 replies)
  211. Programming error at 0000 (12F675) (6 replies)
  212. problem with toggle command (6 replies)
  213. How to move data from array into LCD? (Using LCDOUT) (18 replies)
  214. how to get an analog potentiometer to settle down? (11 replies)
  215. COUNT never counts properly! (16F870) (9 replies)
  216. converting decimal to 8 bit binary, or do I even need to? (2 replies)
  217. 18f252-i/sp (4 replies)
  218. Installing today (2 replies)
  219. VFD Display Brightness & Lcdout (4 replies)
  220. MCP4231 vs. MCP4251? (3 replies)
  221. shiftout with 32 bits long (ADF4351 registers) (2 replies)
  222. Please help configure 16F676 (1 replies)
  223. 16F1782 @ 80MHz clock (6 replies)
  224. Write and read to memory of PIC18F14k50 (1 replies)
  225. How to control the Si5351 pls ? (6 replies)
  226. Been away from PIC a long time (7 replies)
  227. Displaying a percentage (11 replies)
  228. CC3000 language requirements (2 replies)
  229. PPM decoding using 12F508 problem (2 replies)
  230. EA-DOGM-163 with ST7036 LCD controller - can't find address for line 2 and 3 (8 replies)
  231. MikroE clicker, 18f47J53, serout 2 to serial LCD issues (7 replies)
  232. Wanted: Experienced PBP programmer for paid work on east coast of USA (1 replies)
  233. I need help (5 replies)
  234. PIC18F14K50 ADC problem (1 replies)
  235. SERIN2/SEROUT2 - first data received is always garbage (8 replies)
  236. Simple as 16F870, but with built-in oscillator and ADC reference? (7 replies)
  237. Pic will not run (9 replies)
  238. Data from DS1307 (BCD) saved to ext memory and read back to display (10 replies)
  239. starting with I2C read/write devices addressing (3 replies)
  240. Hserout sends wrong values (7 replies)
  241. Looking for "transparent" RF transceiver (7 replies)
  242. What's the best code loop-structure to handle multiple tasks without interruption? (8 replies)
  243. help setting up 16F886 for ADC (16 replies)
  244. Is it possible to interpret non-standard serial data with PicBasic (sample attached) (60 replies)
  245. PIC18F I2C Communication with Arduino (11 replies)
  246. Please help me figure out the flaw in my logic (2 replies)
  247. Timing diagram for MSGEQ7 spectrum analyzer chip, is it correct? (9 replies)
  248. I need to play with Nibbles, am i on the right track? (4 replies)
  249. PROBLEM ICD 18F26K22 no work (7 replies)
  250. HSERIN string starting index ? (6 replies)