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  1. Custom "Joystick" for Flight SIMS (2 replies)
  2. How to setup pbp3 with MPLABX? (16 replies)
  3. MPPT solar battery charger (40 replies)
  4. LED ON and OFF with 2 Push button switches (15 replies)
  5. Ibutton Protection Circuit (OneWire) (3 replies)
  6. help with random pause times; PIC16f88 (4 replies)
  7. PBP 2.60 and supported devices (1 replies)
  8. ADCIN Problems with PIC16F1783 (1 replies)
  9. Easiest way to get started with barebones PIC (1 replies)
  10. adc dac mirror ... how could be done? (4 replies)
  11. dummie joystick guide problem (14 replies)
  12. Lego wire guided robot in PBP (3 replies)
  13. Serial command (1 replies)
  14. Microchip Tips n Tricks (0 replies)
  15. Self powered PIC, app note. How to do. (4 replies)
  16. BUTTON statement without repeat rate variable? (1 replies)
  17. Record, storage and compare analog signals (16 replies)
  18. Encoder velocity.... (11 replies)
  19. PIC16F trias & INTCON problem!!!!!! (3 replies)
  20. PicBasic Pro 16F628A Clock speed help ! (10 replies)
  21. SD Card Write/Read (2 replies)
  22. help with ad pic16f88 (9 replies)
  23. number match selection (5 replies)
  24. Slow speed tachometer (9 replies)
  25. Serial data sending#do someone came across programming 16f676 with TRH031M? (16 replies)
  26. using same pin for multiple purposes (3 replies)
  27. Control of servo motor wireless (8 replies)
  28. PicBasic Pro PIC18LF45J10 Hserin2 problem (3 replies)
  29. Darryl's MIBAM code: won't compile for me! (2 replies)
  30. Serial problem between BasicStamp code and PBP code (22 replies)
  31. Operator problem (15 replies)
  32. How to?????? >> square wave inverter. Feedback option needed (1 replies)
  33. parameters on which PIC is selected (13 replies)
  34. sine wave inverter (modified tahmid mikro C 16f877 to 16f72) problem in: feedback (6 replies)
  35. Key fifo (1 replies)
  36. need help!!! >> 2 channel SPWM variable duty cycle. (12 replies)
  37. Extending the Program Memory (8 replies)
  38. A/D compiler issues (3 replies)
  39. Darrel's SPWM: Frequency, processor time.. (2 replies)
  40. Struggling again with SEROUT2 and numbers format (11 replies)
  41. how to control the contrast of GLCD (9 replies)
  42. Usage of built-in DAC ? (10 replies)
  43. ADCIN & 16F870 - how to avoid non linear conversion? (12 replies)
  44. led blink help needed (1 replies)
  45. Windows 7 32 bit problem with 2.60C (1 replies)
  46. PORTB + PORTC Interrupt-On-Change (27 replies)
  47. ADCIN does not work with AN16 (4 replies)
  48. SMBus, SBS, I2CWrite, I2CRead (21 replies)
  49. New user: port configuration problem/unexpected interaction/16F887 (4 replies)
  50. Code for WWVB time base (1 replies)
  51. onewire.bas & DS18B20 - reading shows 10x greater temperature! (1 replies)
  52. How do I make a formula from gps information. (1 replies)
  53. 18F1320 question (8 replies)
  54. Dht11 - 16f877a (14 replies)
  55. PIC 18F4550 Serial Bootloader (1 replies)
  56. DTMF Decoder (4 replies)
  57. Using Floating Point to integer subroutines (9 replies)
  58. Displaying Temperature on a DLR2416? (2 replies)
  59. Bug in my timekeeping code (7 replies)
  60. Calibration Word & Processor Speed (4 replies)
  61. Modifications in the charger circuit for 4,6 & 8 volts (2 replies)
  62. HSERIN and HSEROUT Pins (2 replies)
  63. HPWM with zero duty cycle on PIC18F2550 (5 replies)
  64. Changing output state after 2 minutes (3 replies)
  65. Data labels (2 replies)
  66. Wrapping code (13 replies)
  67. Can't seem to find DT's Ansi.INC file (4 replies)
  68. ADC calibration menu (0 replies)
  69. LED turns off when jumping to a routine (8 replies)
  70. Figuring out the Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) 12F1822 (and others) (1 replies)
  71. Nokia 3310 and servo motors (2 replies)
  72. Need help to modifie a thermostat project (2 replies)
  73. Exit from an IF/ENDIF loop with a GOTO (7 replies)
  74. '[HD44780] Controller received data whist busy' error while simulating (2 replies)
  75. XTEA for PIC16F... without using longs (0 replies)
  76. Acessing Config1 Register in PIC16F88 (6 replies)
  77. IF-THEN issue (5 replies)
  78. Ports interacting?? 16F1826 (11 replies)
  79. Count Pulses and duration (6 replies)
  80. sd using SDFS.bas FAt16 ON 18F67K22 (2 replies)
  81. 16F1826 cannot get MCLR to act as an INPUT (9 replies)
  82. Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again! (7 replies)
  83. MAX7219 behaves strangely with various PICs and config. (2 replies)
  84. Help to setup ADC for 16F1826 (5 replies)
  85. analog to digital setup on 18F2550 (1 replies)
  86. Serial: PIC18F45K22 -> (Arduino) Uno = works | Uno -> PIC18F45K22 = fails Why? (8 replies)
  87. Execute Picbasic Pro code from external EEPROM? (1 replies)
  88. How to detect variable decrease moment? (5 replies)
  89. Counting Timer0 and Timer1 overflows without any interrupt handler (32 replies)
  90. 16F690 VREF PGC question (0 replies)
  91. Need help: hserin, serin and serin2 does not work for me (5 replies)
  92. LM71 reads garbage sometimes. (12 replies)
  93. Help with Hellebuyck reverse flashing led (4 replies)
  94. Help with macro (2 replies)
  95. HEX2 statement result to variable? (2 replies)
  96. Can't WAIT (5 replies)
  97. Help with some maths please (3 replies)
  98. Multiple version of PBP on same computer (1 replies)
  99. 18F4550 running 3.3V (serin2) and 16F877 running 5v (serout2), is possible? (8 replies)
  100. Assembler problem (3 replies)
  101. Driving a 2x16 LCD with only One Pin and 74HC595 (20 replies)
  102. I can't read some input pins on a PIC18F4620 (3 replies)
  103. Use of high / low priority interrupts - dt_int_18lp.bas ver 18f67k22 internal regs (4 replies)
  104. Language translator (1 replies)
  105. Shifting Bits (1 replies)
  106. Counter and interrupt theory (2 replies)
  107. LTC-1298 to 18K1320 not working?! (0 replies)
  108. ICD Malfunction? (1 replies)
  109. how to setup 7 digit led multiplexer code for running in background? (5 replies)
  110. What am I doing wrong? 16F628A (6 replies)
  111. 16F877A and Sensirion SHT21 (8 replies)
  112. 12F683 - basic code not working (56 replies)
  113. DS1302 Problem, again :( (9 replies)
  114. Adc on 18f67k22 - an4 (7 replies)
  115. 60Hz timebase clock (7 replies)
  116. 18F26K22 slow startup (0 replies)
  117. Pic12f615 pwm output w/ analog a/d control input (2 replies)
  118. BH1750FVI sample code available? (14 replies)
  119. DT-ints-18, How to ... (18 replies)
  120. itoa or wordtostring function? (10 replies)
  121. Pulsin alternative for 2khz pwm (3 replies)
  122. Using TCFT 5000 Sensors (3 replies)
  123. ADC non linear reading correction table (3 replies)
  124. First time trying to flash one LED (2 replies)
  125. Realtime 32x8k lookup table operation with PICBASIC PRO and PIC hardware possible? (2 replies)
  126. Can not decode properly IR remote code. (10 replies)
  127. PIC16F1828, "Symbol not previously defined (CCPTMRS0)", need help! (10 replies)
  128. Help with water speed please (17 replies)
  129. Mini problem with DT_INTS-14 (7 replies)
  130. config for 18F67K22 (2 replies)
  131. Serial port settings for given crystal (9 replies)
  132. Help for a new boy (7 replies)
  133. Question: PICs with two configuration words versus one, e.g., 16F88 versus 12F683 (4 replies)
  134. How to write port names into array ? (28 replies)
  135. Multiple PWM and port C (23 replies)
  136. Using (software)UART Driven vs. Open ? Whats best practice? (1 replies)
  137. MIBAM blinky on 16f628 (2 replies)
  138. DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ; how do I work? am I taxing performance heavily? (1 replies)
  139. 7 segment clock PIC16f72 with DS1307 problems!!!!!!! (3 replies)
  140. convert assembly file to bas (5 replies)
  141. PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947 (25 replies)
  142. my project Capacitive Sensing LED dimmer 12F1822 via PWM (42 replies)
  143. RTCC Interrupt for DT_INTS-18.bas (0 replies)
  144. Need help setting up Capacitive Sense 12F1822 (0 replies)
  145. Port indexing & PWM for LED fade (9 replies)
  146. Need help with understanding PID control (11 replies)
  147. INA219 interface help (5 replies)
  148. using DS1307 (16 replies)
  149. DS18B20 ID saving To and Reading From EEPROM (14 replies)
  150. 1 x external crystal oscillator for multiple PICs (4 replies)
  151. Converting period to Miles Per Hour (14 replies)
  152. Touch sensitive colour video display (4 replies)
  153. SILLION BUG issue on ADC and get around required 16F1947 rev 2 silicon (10 replies)
  154. PIC18F4620 Write Command (5 replies)
  155. Toggle led and turn off another (5 replies)
  156. DT_Analog.pbp (7 replies)
  157. first time use in 2 years. (2 replies)
  158. Problem with 16F886 and LCD on PortC (6 replies)
  159. Bad token error in compile (3 replies)
  160. Dt_ints-14 (3 replies)
  161. All about Occillators? Frequency/PLL? (14 replies)
  162. Multiple PWM pins (2 replies)
  163. Shiftin problem (16f877A with MCP3201) (3 replies)
  164. Logic (4 replies)
  165. Banks related to memory problem? (7 replies)
  166. "Writing error" and "communication timeout" PIC16F877a bootloader (0 replies)
  167. Ruined U2 Programmer? (6 replies)
  168. PIC16F527 don't do nothing... (2 replies)
  169. need help coding NRF24L01. What am I missing? (6 replies)
  170. I'm at a loss (16 replies)
  171. Minimum Vref Voltage? (3 replies)
  172. Stumped with word variable (30 replies)
  173. PIC12F629 flash led (13 replies)
  174. 18F87K22 & extended memory in PBP3 (5 replies)
  175. Using SPI hardware (9 replies)
  176. Questions on Darrel's Instant Interrupts (10 replies)
  177. Question about sending serial 2 digit HEX commands (3 replies)
  178. Pic FPU (9 replies)
  179. Communication using a Bluetooth module (4 replies)
  180. Addressing ports via offset using lookup command (10 replies)
  181. Possible? to use 'SOUND' to drive a Stepper Motor Driver Board (1 replies)
  182. PIC18F14K50 and USBin (9 replies)
  183. Questions regarding SPI (and I2C) (10 replies)
  184. Cpu selection help (12 replies)
  185. Stuck on porting code to 18F4520 (42 replies)
  186. IF... THEN question. (3 replies)
  187. DS1307 issue (9 replies)
  188. Time logic (6 replies)
  189. PBP 2.6C assembler (13 replies)
  190. I2C clock code with tiny problem (7 replies)
  191. PORTC Weak Pull-ups on PIC16F1503 (12 replies)
  192. 16F877A and LCD HD44780 (38 replies)
  193. PIC to WS2812B / WS2811 IC (6 replies)
  194. QuadCopter (10 replies)
  195. HSEROUT/HSERIN with RS422/485 Driver (6 replies)
  196. IMP board give away (1 replies)
  197. Problem with PIC 16F628A resetting intermittently (8 replies)
  198. LM35 and instability below 6 degree... (7 replies)
  199. Have a headache - need some suggestions with code logic (3 replies)
  200. Drawing a blank on trigger pin polarity (4 replies)
  201. Converting CLEAR in Proton basic to picbasic pro (2 replies)
  202. Memory View (5 replies)
  203. Second I2C address not responding (21 replies)
  204. 16F688 wake with comparators and internal Vref (1 replies)
  205. Help guys...communication issue, I think? (16 replies)
  206. EEPROM or DATA issue with 16F1503 (2 replies)
  207. PIC List? (3 replies)
  208. MPLAB Configuration (4 replies)
  209. Random outcome on multiple devices (22 replies)
  210. Wake on piezo vibration detection A/D? (6 replies)
  211. Customers Performing Own Upgrades. How Hard Can It Be? (19 replies)
  212. Dts int 18f26j50 (1 replies)
  213. DT_INT error (1 replies)
  214. Hardware SPI ? (3 replies)
  215. pic18f252 PWM duty update : Help (9 replies)
  216. Can't make RA1 a digital Input on (10 out of 20) 16F887. (16 replies)
  217. Interfacing of PIC18F46K80 with HART modem AD5700 / 5700-1 (1 replies)
  218. SPI woes (5 replies)
  219. Help Needed with arrays (2 replies)
  220. Read the 64 Bit ID of DS18S20 sensor (1 replies)
  221. How to get encoder direction and speed / rpm ? ( with DT INT ?) (13 replies)
  222. LCD Inverter (2 replies)
  223. PAUSEUS Using a 16MHz Oscillator (6 replies)
  224. Configuration bits 18F45K20 (4 replies)
  225. 12F683 Maths and code genius reqd. (7 replies)
  226. How to decode communication (17 replies)
  227. Pulsin weird problem (1 replies)
  228. MicroSD - SD card FAT32 newbie (3 replies)
  229. My 16F886 thread has disappeared? (2 replies)
  230. How Connecting dos devices USART one 2EUSART Pic multiplexed. (2 replies)
  231. PBP3 MCS question on device support. (4 replies)
  232. ALFAT vs ULFAT (0 replies)
  233. How can I avoid stack corruption (2 replies)
  234. Strange problem with simple program - help please (2 replies)
  235. Brown-out symbol not accepted. (6 replies)
  236. HWPM higher resolution stepping (2 replies)
  237. IOC on a ACD pin ? (5 replies)
  238. 16F886 and Voltage reference (3 replies)
  239. Toggle program branch ussing interrupot by button? (13 replies)
  240. Adding values one at a time and sending them serially (4 replies)
  241. Is there a way to see if a DS18B20 is present (3 replies)
  242. 877A & 16 Inputs to be monitored (4 replies)
  243. Stopping at 3 minutes!!! (8 replies)
  244. Interupt driven servo PWM output (9 replies)
  245. Can you use the same pin as input/output and control led load? (6 replies)
  246. Wire guide & H-bridge control (4 replies)
  247. Inconsistant A2D readings (3 replies)
  248. I2C MMA8452 Accelerometer (12 replies)
  249. Can I use DT_INTS-18.bas and MIBAM.pbp together? (2 replies)
  250. RFM22B Radio Module (5 replies)