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  1. Remote sensing of GoPro from its blinking LED?
  2. #CONFIG for a PIC12F683 ?
  3. Why would this simple code hang after 10 cycles:
  4. Unchanged progam does not compile today??
  5. Time taken to do mainloop
  6. Can such interface be handled with SHIFTOUT? (Macroblock MBI5026 LED driver)
  7. Determining which command caused SERIN2 to trigger?
  8. 12F675 - How to configure the INTCON command to activate the various interrupts?
  9. clarification of SLEEP command?
  10. Unsupported new PIC 16F18015 - how to add?
  11. somebody can help me with the radio module rda5807m?
  12. TMR1 - strange behaviour when toggeling a BIT variable on overflow
  13. PIC12F675 at 20MHz ?? (Pic Basic Pro Compiler)
  14. (Picbasic Pro Compiler) Distinct management of two servos per timer(s) of 12F675?
  15. Leaves the mainloop???
  16. Setting whole content of array variable in a simple way?
  17. Which is most PBP-Friendly external ADC?
  18. PAUSE for a variable time? Using MAX and MIN
  19. SHIFTOUT with PIC12F675?
  20. DFPlayer MP3 Module and Reading #files in several folders
  21. 18F26K80 Code Optimisation.
  22. DT Ints not working on 16F18426
  23. Using as many internal peripherals as possible.
  24. Quadcopter on an 18F25K20
  25. Can't find my .hex file - timestamps confusing?
  26. Depending on value, SOUND statement leaves port output high
  27. PCF8575 Does not work with my code....
  28. GOTO statement causing jitter in output frequency, can be this fixed?
  29. SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch
  30. Ramp up down? Code ideas.
  31. NEC IR decoding issues (and another thread is closed)
  32. What happens when SEROUT2 is issued very fast? (trying to identify a protocol)
  33. Avoiding too many GOSUBs, possible?
  34. Using MPLABX 5.35 Assembler without PbPro
  35. PIC16F886 Pulldown inputs
  36. SSD1306 Inverse screen example?
  37. MCP3301 A/D converter SPI reading
  38. Blinker for 16F18446 - OSC settings and PORT addressing
  39. I2C Communication between PIC18F4550 and AS5600
  40. How to measure how long I pressed a button ?
  41. Problem above address 19720h
  42. 12F683 ADC problems
  43. Serin Not Recognizing Qualifier From Another PIC
  44. SERIN2 Receiving Wrong Data
  45. hserout issues on the 18F26K83
  46. trick with Serin
  47. Replacing 16F628A with 16F1827 - need help, please !
  48. PBP and IDE/programmer
  49. Direct Register Access not recognized
  50. Trouble reading GPS from "NEO-6" module
  51. How do I check my crystal's operation/configuration?
  52. Addressing multiple PORTs using one Variable
  53. Optimizing memory usage for ARRAYWRITE statement?
  54. Blink that LED with a 18F1330
  55. I2C communication with BMI088 IMU?
  56. 12f509 and DS18B20
  57. This simple code fragment crashes and restarts MCU!
  58. Clean code for DST calculation based on GPS data
  59. HSerin waits indefinetely
  60. Variable changing mid-code in 16F883?
  61. Can't get IOC on pin change working
  62. I2CWRITE "Label" option - what does it do?