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  1. #41
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    [QUOTE = louislouis; 145048] OK, si prega di registrare questo esadecimale e dire quale numero mostrato sul display. Quindi riscaldare il sensore con le dita o il saldatore. I numeri devono essere intorno a 600 per 30 ° C e 700 per 35 ° C e coś via.
    Questo test la lettura ADC sul PIC. [/ QUOTE]

    Prima di installare questo firmware il display mostrava 25,5 ° C.
    Con questo firmware sul display della legge 665.
    Tenendo il sensore tra le dita puoi vedere il valore salire 670, 674, 677.679 ... ecc.

  2. #42

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    That's confirms the ADC readings is OK.

    If you program this HEX (thermometerNOrele.hex), the rele must be allways switched OFF. Yes or No?

    Then program this HEX (thermometerTEST.hex), probably this should be working proper. Yes or No?
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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by louislouis View Post
    That's confirms the ADC readings is OK.

    If you program this HEX (thermometerNOrele.hex), the rele must be allways switched OFF. Yes or No?
    OK, the rele allways switched OFF

    Quote Originally Posted by louislouis View Post
    Then program this HEX (thermometerTEST.hex), probably this should be working proper. Yes or No?
    after the display appears, the relay goes ON and remains there regardless of the temperature.


    As soon as I turn on, there is a quick initial CLICK-CLACK. I believe the PIC port is set. he always has. Then he shows me the numbers on the display and the relay goes ON and does not move anymore, whatever the temperature.

  4. #44

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    That's weird behaviour. I don't had on hand 16F88, I run it on 16F690, but it doesn't matter.
    OK, one more chance try this:
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    Last edited by louislouis; - 9th April 2020 at 22:33.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by louislouis View Post
    That's weird behaviour. I don't had on hand 16F688, I run it on 16F690, but it doesn't matter.
    OK, one more chance try this:

    OK ! NOW WORK !

    Where was the problem ?
    Can you explain to me ?

    can you also show me how you managed to show the hexadecimal value 665 on the display?

    I am truly grateful to you for taking the time. Thank you very much.

  6. #46

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    I'm just curious, can you please try this hex, is It working OK?
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by louislouis View Post
    I'm just curious, can you please try this hex, is It working OK?
    No, it doesn't work, the relay goes ON as soon as I see the display and then it doesn't move anymore

  8. #48

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    Here is the code. Look at the comments, and modify the RAW number to number when the display show 30.0degC.
    define osc 4
    ANSEL = %000001 'Disable Inputs Tranne AN0
    ADCON1 = %10001110 
    OSCCON = %01100000 'Internal RC set to 4MHZ
    TRISA =  %00000001 ' impostazioni INP/OUT
    TRISB =  %00000000 ' delle porte
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4           '0 --> Bit 0-3 : 4 --> Bit 4-7 
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTB      'LCD register select port - Porta B --> RS
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 2          'LCD register select bit  - Pin RS B2
    DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTB       'LCD enable port - Porta B --> EN
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT 3           'LCD enable bit - Pin EN B3DEFINE LCD_BITS 4           'LCD bus size 4 or 8 
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2          'Number lines on LCD DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000   'Command delay time in us 
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50        'Data delay time in us
    Rele   VAR    PORTA.6     '                  Pin 15
    '---------Define ADCin Parameters   
    DEFINE ADC_BITS 10      'set number of bits in result
    DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3      'set clock source (3=rc)
    DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50  'Set sampling time in uS
    '    RAM Assignments and Variables
    temp var word
    temperature var word
    samples var word
    sample VAR BYTE
    quanta con 1250
    Tmax VAR byte
    Tmin VAR byte
    Lcdout $FE, 1
    low rele
    sample = 1
    samples= 0
    FOR sample = 1 TO 20 'Take 20 samples
    ADCIN 0, temp 'Read AN0 into temp variable
    samples = samples + temp
    PAUSE 50 ' Wait 1/4 seconds per reading
    NEXT sample
    temp = samples/20 'Average over 20 samples (Every 5 seconds)
    temperature= temp */ quanta
    if temp > 675 then high rele  'Instead 675 write the correct RAW number for 30degC 
    if temp < 675 then low rele   'Instead 675 write the correct RAW number for 30degC 
    LCDOUT $FE, 2 ' ritorna al primo carattere
    lcdout $FE, 2, "Temp ",dec2 (temperature/10),".", dec1 (temperature/10),"C"
    'lcdout $FE, $C0, "Tmin ",#Tmin, " Tmax ",#Tmax            FOR NORMAL OPERATION UNCOMMENT LINE 
    lcdout $FE, $C0, "RAW:",dec temp 'this show the ADC value  FOR NORMAL OPERATION COMMENT OR DELETE THIS LINE
    'When the display show 30,0 degC look at the RAW number on LCD and rewrite it in lines: if temp > 675 then high rele
    'and if temp < 675 then low rele . 
    goto main

  9. #49
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    not sure whats going on here

    my LM35 has a 0.3 volt output @30c, adc value 61 [10mV/deg]

    an adc read of 675 would need 329 deg
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  10. #50

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    on 10bit adc?

  11. #51
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    correct 10 bit 1024 counts @5v vcc
    Last edited by richard; - 10th April 2020 at 00:34.
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  12. #52
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    i get same result from proteus

    Name:  frm_on.jpg
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Size:  370.2 KBName:  frm_off.jpg
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    '*  Name    : 16F88_LM35.BAS                                   *
    '*  Author  :                                    *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2020                                *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 04/04/2020                                        *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*           PIC 16F88
      __config  _CONFIG2, _FCMEN_ON & _IESO_ON
    ANSEL  = %00000001 'Disable Inputs Tranne AN0
    OSCCON = %01100000 'Internal RC set to 4MHZ
    TRISA  = %10111111 ' impostazioni INP/OUT
    TRISB  = 0 ' delle porte
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4           '0 --> Bit 0-3 : 4 --> Bit 4-7 
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTB      'LCD register select port - Porta B --> RS
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 2          'LCD register select bit  - Pin RS B2
    DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTB       'LCD enable port - Porta B --> EN
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT 3           'LCD enable bit - Pin EN B3DEFINE LCD_BITS 4           'LCD bus size 4 or 8 
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2          'Number lines on LCD DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000   'Command delay time in us 
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50        'Data delay time in us
    '    EEPROM 
     data @0,16,30
    '*****  SETTAGGIO PORTE 
    Rele   VAR    PORTA.6     '                  Pin 15
    '---------Define ADCin Parameters   
    DEFINE ADC_BITS 10      'set number of bits in result
    DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3      'set clock source (3=rc)
    DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50  'Set sampling time in uS
    '    RAM Assignments and Variables
    temp var word
    temperature var word
    samples var word
    sample VAR BYTE
    quanta con 1249
    Tmax VAR byte
    Tmin VAR byte
    pause 500
        read 0,tmin,tmax
        Lcdout $FE, 1           'Clear screen
        FOR sample = 1 TO 10 'Take 10 samples
            ADCIN 0, temp 'Read AN0 into temp variable
            samples = samples + temp
            PAUSE 40 ' Wait 1/4 seconds per reading
        NEXT sample
        temp = samples/10 'Average over 10 samples 
        temperature= temp */ quanta
        LCDOUT $FE, 1 ' cancella LCD
        lcdout "Temp ",dec2 (temperature/10),".", dec1 (temperature//10),$DF,"C"
        lcdout $FE, $C0,"temp ", dec temp 
        If temperature > (Tmax*10) then
    goto main
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  13. #53
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    not sure whats going on here

    my LM35 has a 0.3 volt output @30c, adc value 61 [10mV/deg]

    an adc read of 675 would need 329 deg
    i think i see the problem, if louis is using a 16f690 then the adc settings used are totally inappropriate
    adc control on a 16f690 is quite different to a 16f88

    define osc 4 ;there is no define called osc
    adcon1.7=1 ;bit 7 is unimplemented
    ADCON1 = %10001110 ;fosc/2 adc clk bits 0:3 and 7 are unimplemented

    should be
    define OSC 4 ;OSC = 4
    adcon0.7=1 ;right justify result
    adcon1= %00110000 ; frc adc clk
    Last edited by richard; - 10th April 2020 at 05:05.
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  14. #54

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    no, no. The problem why is the ADC reading high is the LM335 wiring. Cobuccit has wired a "pullup" resistor to LM335 from 5V and this shifting the output voltage to 3V at 30degC.

    My ADC settings on 16F690 is correct, I don't use settings for 16F88 on 16F690 of course.
    Anyway, I tried to figure out what's wrong with Cobuccit's setup and then I look at web and find the most popular LM335 wiring and then I got it. He has probably wired the sensor like this and that's the problem in cooperation with his posted code.
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  15. #55
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    i see no schematic anywhere and post 1 says a lm35, a pullup for a lm35 is not warranted.
    this has turned into a pointless exercise in guesswork.
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  16. #56
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    this won't work properly with those readings either

    670 */ 1250 = 3271 and would display as 27.1 deg with following code

    temperature= temp */ quanta  ; this result is now 4 digits
    lcdout $FE, 2, "Temp ",dec2 (temperature/10),".", dec1 (temperature/10),"C"
    its just so wrong i give up
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  17. #57

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    Yea lm35, I overlooked that. You have right. I had no info about Cobuccit's setup, wiring, etc. Difficult to gave correct advice. If he use your posted schematic, and code it must be run whitout problems.

  18. #58
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    yes its a good reminder.
    code snippets for debugging are a pointless exercise
    code without a config section or at least in some way describing the config settings is a waste of time
    code without a schematic leads to pointless speculation and wasted time and resources
    if you are using a version of pbp that noah had in the ark at least tell us.
    gigo garbage in garbage out
    lucky covid has us all trapped inside bored shitless
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  19. #59
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    if your lm335 setup was used you need to subtract the offset

    FOR sample = 1 TO 10 'Take 10 samples
    ADCIN 0, temp 'Read AN0 into temp variable
    samples = samples + temp
    PAUSE 40 ' Wait 1/4 seconds per reading
    NEXT sample
    temp = (samples/10) -558 'subtract 2.73 v offset count
    temperature= temp */ quanta
    LCDOUT $FE, 1 ' cancella LCD
    lcdout "Temp ",dec2 (temperature/10),".", dec1 (temperature//10),$DF,"C"
    lcdout $FE, $C0,"temp raw ", dec temp
    If temperature > (Tmax*10) then
    goto main
    Last edited by richard; - 10th April 2020 at 08:29.
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  20. #60

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    I'm pretty sure, He has incorrectly wired the lm35 and that caused the weird behaviour. Tested in proteus, working firmware with wrong lm35 wiring causes relay always on.
    Conclusion, I need a drink Richard's code and schematic is the correct one. Please use it, it works.

    Just in case, here is the schematic and code for lm335:
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    Last edited by louislouis; - 10th April 2020 at 10:20.

  21. #61
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    Hello gentlemen forgive me, I think I put you in trouble. As I explained in some previous posts I pulled out an old "BreadBoard" to play on in this time of "Corona Virus".

    You are right, I looked at it for the good end I do not have an LM35, I have an LM235H recovered who knows where.
    its pattern is the current:

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  22. #62
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    Oh dear... come on now!


  23. #63
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    guess its my fault , should have launched into defensive mode on first reply
    like this
    it looked too easy.

    questions to ask

    what have you tried ?
    what are you measuring ?
    where is your schematic ?
    your code is incomplete what is in your config section ?
    i see an incompletely described pgm with no config settings
    in an unspecified circuit
    no OSC statement in pbp code and still not a clue about the config settings used
    it just occurred to me that the op may be a troll and we have just been played.
    there is no way that the the op's code would ever have shown a realistic temp display with a lm335/lm235
    because multiplying the reading with an offset would yield meaningless results.
    it could have displayed a lm35 result as it was .
    at no time did op ever say the displayed temp results were also wrong
    i wonder.
    Last edited by richard; - 10th April 2020 at 12:16.
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  24. #64

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    Do you think the op just troll us?

  25. #65
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    Do you think the op just troll us?
    seems likely when you analyse it a bit

    how many newcomers can use the */ operator properly
    temperature= (temp*10) */ quanta
    or format a lcd line
    lcdout $FE, 2, "Temp ",dec2 (temperature/100),".", dec1 (temperature//100),$DF,"C"

    yet cannot use an if else block to set/clear a pin from a simple comparison
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  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post

    it just occurred to me that the op may be a troll and we have just been played..

    But please, thank you very much but don't make up stories.

    What does this phrase mean, which I pretended not to know how to do?
    A long time ago I was a more practical programmer and I certainly do not miss old preserved codes on which I went to browse to retrieve pieces of code here and there.

    I had the working object and could not find the source. Since I had noticed a bug I wanted to correct it. Not finding the source I thought to rewrite it. From there the adventure began.

    I am dusting off, I would love to start being a programmer again but times run like the wind.

    I hope to get back on track.

    I hope it is clear what I write, I use google translator.

  27. #67
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    But please, thank you very much but don't make up stories
    i feel no shame , if it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck i'm prepared to say it could be a duck.

    you misled us with the sensor type, provided code that really can't display a meaningful result for the actual sensor in use
    yet provide no indication of that problem at all. you go on to describe a problem that's actually not relevant as if that's the main issue.
    worse still the code provided could very well have displayed proper temperature data with the bogus sensor.
    a troller would have been proud of the effort and result.
    its not a good look for a new user.
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  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    you misled us with the sensor type, provided code that really can't display a meaningful result for the actual sensor in use
    yet provide no indication of that problem at all. you go on to describe a problem that's actually not relevant as if that's the main issue.
    worse still the code provided could very well have displayed proper temperature data with the bogus sensor.
    a troller would have been proud of the effort and result.
    its not a good look for a new user.
    Well I'm sorry. I don't know why you like to make all these insinuations.
    But I can guarantee you that I had no bad intention. And I don't think it's fair to judge a person like that, but what I've done wrong?
    But every time I have to post something, I have to be afraid of being investigated in this way.
    Richard, maybe you see too many detective films.
    Well I'm sorry. I don't know why you like to make all these insinuations.
    But I can guarantee you that I had no bad intention. And I don't think it's fair to judge a person like that, but what I've done wrong?
    But every time I have to post something, I have to be afraid of being investigated in this way.
    Richard, maybe you see too many detective films.
    In any case, I think, it is going off topic. I was here to learn and get advice, not to be charged.

  29. #69
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    Calm everybody please.

    End of story.

    Seems that our lockdown makes everybody more sensitive!


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