Re: 16f88 configuration ..... and pickit2 configuration word warning....
I think with PM, you can just use the @ DEVICE, and don't need to specify @DEVICE2 (especially since @ DEVICE PIC16F88, INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT is really defining config1 configs). I would use your @ DEVICE on all the configs you wish to set. However, I don't use PM, so I could be wrong about this. The warning about all configs not being set, is just a warning. There are a few more configs that are not set. Here is the complete list for the 16F88.
It looks like you do name all the configs, so I don't know why you are getting a warning. Although, you do name CCPMX twice .., shouldn't matter though.
Last edited by ScaleRobotics; - 27th December 2011 at 20:59.