Trouble with I2CREAD Command and Pressure Sensor

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  1. #1

    Post Trouble with I2CREAD Command and Pressure Sensor


    I have been struggling for the past few days trying to interface an I2C pressure sensor from SensorTechnics with the PIC16F1827. I successfully bit banged the sensor using a Basic Stamp II a few weeks ago so I know that the sensor is working properly. However, even when I convert the bit banging code to the PIC it still doesn't work, so I know I am doing something simple incorrectly.

    I can see clock and data when I connect my oscilloscope to the I/O pins so I know their is activity on the ports, but the result is always filled 0's.

    I2C DataSheet for Pressure Sensor

    DataSheet for the PIC16F1827 chip
    1. When you use the I2CREAD command does it send a START condition?
    2. Using this syntax
      I2CRead sda,scl,$F1,[result1,result2]
      does the I2CREAD command send the device address? and an along with an Ack, Nak after the two bytes?

    Do I need to use an I2CWRITE command to write the address to the I2C slave after manually generating a START condition myself?

    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h       ' Define Receive Port
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h       ' Define Transmit Port
    DEFINE HSER_BAUD    9600    ' Decalre 9600 Baud Rate for Serial Port
    scl VAR PORTB.4: TRISB.4 = 1 ' I2C clock input
    sda VAR PORTB.1: TRISB.1 = 1 ' I2C data input
    LED     VAR     PORTB.0     ' Assign name "LED" to PORTB.0
    addr    VAR     Byte        ' I2C Address Variable
    result1  VAR     BYTE        ' I2C Result Variable
    result2  VAR     BYTE        ' I2C Result Variable
    result  VAR WORD
    ADDR = %11110001
    'Reset Digi Xbee Module
    LOW PORTB.3 
    ' *** Flash LED (HeartBeat)
       High LED         ' Turn on LED connected to PORTB.0
       Pause 1000       ' Delay for .5 seconds
    ' *** Read I2C
       Low LED          ' Turn off LED connected to PORTB.0
       Pause 1000       ' Delay for .5 seconds
       TRISB.1 = 1
       TRISb.4 = 1
       HIGH SDA
       HIGH SCL
       LOW sda
       I2CRead sda,scl,addr,[result1,result2], i2c_error
       PAUSE 1000      ' Pause 1 Second for Read Operation to complete
       HSEROUT ["Value:", BIN8 result1, BIN8 result2]  ' Output Pressure reading through Serial Port
       Goto mainloop   ' Go back to loop and blink LED forever
    ' Trasnmit Error if Reading unable to occur
       HSEROUT ["Error"]
       GOTO mainloop
    Here is the bit banging code

    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h       ' Define Receive Port
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h       ' Define Transmit Port
    DEFINE HSER_BAUD    9600    ' Declare 9600 Baud Rate for Serial Port
    'Include Basic Stamp II Command Support
    INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    ' I/O Definitions
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    SDA             VAR PORTB.1                       ' I2C serial data line
    SCL             VAR PORTB.4                       ' I2C serial clock line
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    ' Constants
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    Ack             CON     0               ' acknowledge bit
    Nak             CON     1               ' no ack bit
    slaveAddress    CON     %11110001       'SensorTechnics Slave Address
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    ' Variables
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    i2cData         VAR     Word                    ' data to/from device
    i2cWork         VAR     Byte                    ' work byte for TX routine
    i2cAck          VAR     Bit                     ' Ack bit from device
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    ' Initialization
     '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
      PAUSE 250
      i2cACK = 0
     ' Reset XBee
      LOW PORTB.3  
      HIGH PORTB.3
    TRISB.1 = 0
    TRISB.4 = 0
    PAUSE 5000
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    ' Program Code
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
      GOSUB Read_Word
      Hserout ["Current Pressure Reading (16 BITS): " , BIN16 i2cData]
      PAUSE 1000
      GOTO Main
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    ' SensorTechnics Access Subroutines
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    ' Read i2cData (16 bits) from Sensor
      GOSUB I2C_Start                               ' Send START Condition
      i2cWork = slaveAddress                        ' Set Slave Address
      GOSUB I2C_TX_Byte                             ' Send Slave Address
      GOSUB I2C_RX_Byte
      i2cData.HIGHBYTE = i2cWork                    ' Read high byte of data / send ack
      GOSUB I2C_RX_Byte_Nak
      i2cData.LOWBYTE = i2cWork                     ' Read low byte of data /send nack
      GOSUB I2C_Stop                                ' Send STOP Command
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    ' Low Level I2C Subroutines
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
    ' --- Start ---
    I2C_Start:                                      ' I2C start bit sequence
      TRISB.1 = 1
      TRISB.4 = 1
      'HIGH SDA                                     ' Pull SDA High
      'HIGH SCL                                     ' Pull SCL High
      LOW SDA                                      ' SDA -> low while SCL high
    Hserout ["Waiting for Clock"]
      IF (PORTB.4 = 0) THEN Clock_Hold      ' device ready?
    PAUSE 500
    ' --- Transmit ---
      SHIFTOUT SDA,SCL,MSBFIRST,[i2cWork\8]      ' send byte to device
      SHIFTIN SDA,SCL,MSBPRE,[i2cAck\1]          ' get acknowledge bit
    ' --- Receive ---
      i2cAck = Nak                                  ' no Ack = high
      GOTO I2C_RX
      i2cAck = Ack                                  ' Ack = low
      i2cWork = %00000000
      SHIFTIN SDA,SCL,MSBPRE,[i2cWork\8]         ' get byte from device
      SHIFTOUT SDA,SCL,LSBFIRST,[i2cAck\1]       ' send ack or nak
      ' --- Stop ---
    I2C_Stop:                                       ' I2C stop bit sequence
      LOW SDA
      TRISB.1 = 1
      TRISB.4 = 1
      HIGH SCL
      HIGH SDA                                  ' SDA --> high while SCL high
    Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    Default Re: Trouble with I2CREAD Command and Pressure Sensor

    Maybe this will help answer some of your questions.
    Last edited by mackrackit; - 9th July 2011 at 18:49.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Wellton, U.S.A.

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    Default Re: Trouble with I2CREAD Command and Pressure Sensor

    By the way, I moved this thread to the general section as it has nothing to do with USB.
    I also deleted your duplicate thread in another section of the forum. One thread per topic.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  4. #4

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    Default Re: Trouble with I2CREAD Command and Pressure Sensor

    Sorry about the double post, I intended to post in the Serial forum. After I realized I had posted in the wrong one, I tried to delete my initial post but didn't see the option.

    However, I read the first paragraph of the article you sent me and instantly realized what I had been doing wrong. I did not change the analog port to digital.

    ANSELB = 0 ' Port B Digital

    The sensor is working like a charm now.

    Thanks so much for the help..


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