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View Full Version : distance sensor

- 26th January 2006, 09:03
Hello boys and girls,

I am looking for a distance sensor making a parking system for my car.
Does anyboby suggest me any sensor using it with 16f628.I want to keep the cost down.


- 27th January 2006, 08:19
Hi Nikos,

You should get the book called "Experimenting with the PICBASIC PRO compiler" by Les Johnson. He has an example program called SON_PROX.bas complete with schematics and explanation. It uses 2 ultrasonic transducers modulated at 40 kHz. The circuit uses an op-amp to amplify and convert the received sound into a TTL voltage and a transistor to adjust the sensitivity back to the pic. That's a pretty low parts count. He's using a PIC16f84 micro so a 628 will work. He reports that his set-up will give a sensitivity of approximately two feet. Ultrasonic transducers are what most of the commercial units use for back-up sensors if I'm not mistaken. Let me know how you make out.

Good Luck

- 27th January 2006, 10:37

I have just find the book you suggest me.
I will look on it and I will let you know.
