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View Full Version : Error[128] Help!

- 22nd July 2015, 12:09
Hello everyone, i've made a simple program to drive LDC display and this happens:
Error[128] g:\pickit~1\pic\pbp247\pbppic14.lib 2945: Missing Argument(s)
Any similar experiences? :/

- 22nd July 2015, 12:12
Hi and welcome to the forum!
Probably. It says there are missing arguments so I suspect that's actually the issue.
You're going to have to post the code so we can se it.


- 23rd July 2015, 10:34
Have you selected the correct PIC from the dropdown list in MCS to match the actual PIC you are using ?

Are you using MPASM to complile or PicPasic, if using MPSAM you need to comment out the config settings in the INC file for the PIC you are using in the PBP2.xx folder

Just noticed g:\pickit~1\pic\pbp247\pbppic14.lib - are you using version 2.47 ? - that's a really old version of PBP and will require an old version of MPSAM to compile