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View Full Version : 4x40 Lcd ?

- 6th December 2003, 08:01
I need to interface a 4X40 LCD using the LCDOUT command.

The LCD has two standard controllers.
It has two enable pins to activate the controllers one at a time.
All other lines are in parallel

I have an interface that works great in MBasic but the commands in PicBasic are no way similar and the manual does not address how to control the enable pin except for a single controller.

A simple code example will get me on the right track.


- 6th December 2003, 09:13
Although there are some major differences between versions of PIC BASIC from different sources.

generally there are some common issues that can be addressed similarly. This solution is listed on the Proton PICBASIC users site, but could be applied to an application written in PBP.
