View Full Version : A/D problems

Roddy Wayne
- 4th June 2009, 01:26
'************************************************* ***************
'* Name : New_PWM.bas *
'* Author : Roddy Wayne *
'* Notice : Copyright (c) 2009 *
'* : All Rights Reserved *
'* Date : 05/09/2009 *
'* Version : 1.0 *
'* Notes: *
'* *
'* *
'************************************************* ***************
' Hi All,
'The problem I'm having is: The input to A2D 0, is somehow effecting
'the input to A2D 1. A2D 0 is reading a Pot's Position. A2D 1 is
'reading an analog voltage set up by an LM34 Temperature unit.
'The Temp unit works fine (A2D 1)until I increase the Pot's Position
'going into A2D 0. Doing this is causing the the Temperature to
'rise up to 33 degrees.
'Don't know what I've done wrong but, I'm sure there's something
'I've missed!
'I'd be greatful for any help!
'Thank You!
'************************************************* ***************

CLEAR ;always start with clear
DEFINE OSC 4 ;define oscillator speed
DEFINE ADC_BITS 8 ; Sets number of bits in result
DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3 ; Sets clock source (3=rc)
DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 400 ; Sets sampling time in uS
define DEBUG_BAUD 2400
Low PORTE.2 ;makes low for write only
TRISA = %00000111 ;sets porta 0, 1, & 2, as an inputs (A to D's)
TRISB = %00111111 ;sets bits 6 & 7 portb pins as outputs, 0 thru 5 as inputs
TRISC = %10111111 ;sets port c.6 for serial output, rest to inputs
TRISD = %00000011 ;sets PORTD 0,1, lines to inputs, rest to outputs
TRISE = %00000000 ;sets all PORTE lines to output
potpos var BYTE ;VAR BYTE for Pot Position
celltemp VAR BYTE ;VAR BYTE for Cell Temperature
A2D_V VAR BYTE ; Create A2D_V Value to store potpos result
A2D_V2 Var BYTE ;Create A2D_V2 Value to store cellamps result
ADCON1=%00000000 ;Sets the Analog to Digital control register


If portc.0 = 0 then portb.6 = 0 'If pin 15 is low, make pin 39 low
If Portc.0 = 1 then portb.6 = 1 'If pin 15 is high, make pin 39 high
'When Pin 39 goes high, this turns the
'pump on! I'm using a Darlington pair
'to do this (Part # TIP130) It also
'turns on the "Pump On" LED.
If portc.3 = 0 then portb.7 = 0 'If pin 18 is low, make pin 40 low
If portc.3 = 1 then portb.7 = 1 'If pin 18 is high, make pin 40 high
'When Pin 40 goes high, the "Low Tank
'Water" LED is turned on!

debug 1, 14 'Send curser home & Turn Backlight on
Pause 100 'Pause .1 second

HPWM 2, 127, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 50% duty cycle (pin 16)
ADCON0=%11001101 'Sets up the AtoD Module to read Channel 1
ADCIN 1, A2D_V2 'Read channel 1 to A2D_V2 Value
celltemp= 1+(((300-70)*A2D_V2)/255*2)
DEBUG "Cell Temp = ", DEC3 celltemp," ", 223, 70," "
DEBUG "Cell Temp = ", BIN8 celltemp
Pause 200
ADCON0=%11000101 'Sets Up the AtoD Module to read channel 0
ADCIN 0, A2D_V ' Read channel 0 to A2D_V Value
potpos= 1+(((255-1)*a2d_v)/255)
Debug "Pot Position = ", DEC3 potpos," "

Pause 200
If (potpos <=%00001111)and(potpos <=%00011011) then percent_20 '15 to 27
Pause 200

If (potpos <=%00011100)and(potpos <=%00111111) then percent_40 '28 to 63
Pause 200

If (potpos <=%01000000)and(potpos <=%01011001) then percent_60 '64 to 89

Pause 200

If (potpos <=%01011010)and(potpos <=%01110011) then percent_80 '90 to 115

Pause 200

If (potpos <=%01110100)and(potpos <=%01111110) then percent_100 '116 to 126
If (potpos >=%01011110) Then percent_100

percent_20: 'Asking for 20% high PWM
HPWM 1, 51, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 20% duty cycle (pin 17)
HPWM 2, 127, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 50% duty cycle (pin 16)
DEBUG "PWM = 20%High/80%Low"
Pause 100
GoTO start

percent_40: 'Asking for 40% high PWM
HPWM 1, 102, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 40% duty cycle (pin 17)
HPWM 2, 127, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 50% duty cycle (pin 16)
DEBUG "PWM = 40%High/60%Low"
Pause 100
GoTO start

percent_60: 'Asking for 60% high PWM
HPWM 1, 153, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 60% duty cycle (pin 17)
HPWM 2, 127, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 50% duty cycle (pin 16)
DEBUG "PWM = 60%High/40%Low"
Pause 100
GoTO start

percent_80: 'Asking for 80% high PWM
HPWM 1, 204, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 80% duty cycle (pin 17)
HPWM 2, 127, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 50% duty cycle (pin 16)
DEBUG "PWM = 80%High/20%Low"
Pause 100
GoTO start

percent_100: 'Now at 100% on PWM
HPWM 1, 254, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 100% duty cycle (pin 17)
HPWM 2, 127, 17500 'Output is a 17.5 Khz, 50% duty cycle (pin 16)
DEBUG "PWM = 99%High/01%Low"
Pause 100
GoTO start


Darrel Taylor
- 4th June 2009, 02:57
You have an ADCON0 assignment just prior to each ADCIN statement.
ADCON0=%11001101 'Sets up the AtoD Module to read Channel 1
ADCIN 1, A2D_V2 'Read channel 1 to A2D_V2 Value

That will change the channel and start the conversion immediately without allowing for acquisition time.
This leaves the voltage from the previous channel in the sample&hold capacitor.

The ADCIN statement handles ADCON0 for you, so Removing the ADCON0 lines should help.

You can also reduce the ADC_SAMPLEUS 400 to around 50 or less.