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  1. I2C code to write the DAC MCP4725 (8 replies)
  2. ws2812 led library for pic 12f1840 (0 replies)
  3. Fast Fourier Transform (3 replies)
  4. Fram temperature logger (4 replies)
  5. DT_Ints with PIC18F45K80 problem (2 replies)
  6. PIC18FxxQ43 Version of DT_INTS (25 replies)
  7. PIC self reprogramming (5 replies)
  8. another state machine example (2 replies)
  9. Vishay 2x16 OLED Display (aka Winstar WEO001602B) (0 replies)
  10. HW-179 8-Digit 7-Segment LED Display (Cascaded MAX7219s) (2 replies)
  11. HW-179 8-Digit 7-Segment LED Display (MAX7219 Driver) (10 replies)
  12. Newhaven NHD-0420CW OLED Display (US2066 Controller) (0 replies)
  13. tm1638 8 button 8 digit display (0 replies)
  14. Driving SK6812 LEDs (5 replies)
  15. Alarm Clock code and scematic (6 replies)
  16. divide a 10 Mhz signal by 1000 ... (7 replies)
  17. max7219 4x 8x8 panels spi (26 replies)
  18. TM1638 LED Display Driver/Controller - Part II (0 replies)
  19. TM1638 LED Display Driver/Controller (1 replies)
  20. Assembly Interrupts for PIC 18F27K42 (3 replies)
  21. Minsky algorithm (3 replies)
  22. LCD serial terminal (4 replies)
  23. DHT11 Humidity & temperature sensor with SLEEP for 16F690 (1 replies)
  24. PID Filter Coefficient (5 replies)
  25. Winstar WS0010 OLED Display Used in SPI Mode (0 replies)
  26. NRF24L01+ CODE Example for 1 to 1 data communication using same code on 2 PICs. (0 replies)
  27. PIC18F67K40 DT_INTS that really work. (11 replies)
  28. TM1637 - display module include example (5 replies)
  29. Help PBP code? (2 replies)
  30. Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's (110 replies)
  31. How to send string of 32 bits using SPI - 16F1939 - PicBasic Pro (2 replies)
  32. Rotary Encoder on 20x4 LCD with pushbutton digit select and other features (23 replies)
  33. Circumference of circle to many decimal places (10 replies)
  34. ADC Calculator (1 replies)
  35. Customizing the DT_INTS-XX.bas Instant Interrupt (13 replies)
  36. DT_INTS for K42 (29 replies)
  37. NCO Calculator (24 replies)
  38. help to test a I2C LCD (0 replies)
  39. Code for SHT21 (4 replies)
  40. Nixie Counter to Clock Modification with PBP (5 replies)
  41. How to start programming in pic (3 replies)
  42. KS0108 glcd another look (1 replies)
  43. Infrared Remote Receiver (4 replies)
  44. Multi-Button CSM with Pic16LF722A (31 replies)
  45. Manipulating ADC values.... (2 replies)
  46. ws2812 - pic12f1822 (0 replies)
  47. I2C EEPROM content flasher/eraser thru PIC (0 replies)
  48. PS2 Mouse Interpreter (2 replies)
  49. Setting RTC by Serial input (1 replies)
  50. GMT to Local Time Routine (14 replies)
  51. Nokia 3310 Custom size characters (1 replies)
  52. DHT22 interface problem (2 replies)
  53. I2C Ping program (0 replies)
  54. SSD1306 Include example (11 replies)
  55. 240 Neopixels w/PIC 16F1825 and PBP (0 replies)
  56. Spi flash example - 4kb/32kb/64kb erase support / winbond 25q series (9 replies)
  57. DHT Sensor Library (8 replies)
  58. flash2ram (1 replies)
  59. 50mS counter on Timer0 (18F4550 on Lab X1) (0 replies)
  60. 4 x 4 Keypad on Port B (18F4550 with Lab X1) (7 replies)
  61. 1ms Elapsed Timer Demo with DT's Instant Interrupts (21 replies)
  62. DHT11 humidity sensor (0 replies)
  63. 128x64 GLCD ST7920 Example code (0 replies)
  64. dht22 using bit field array and ext references (4 replies)
  65. Dynamic NeoPixel Demo (6 replies)
  66. 500 Year Calendar for DT Elapsed Timer (8 replies)
  67. 16f883 sleeping mode (5 replies)
  68. Charlie-plexing (60 replies)
  69. NeoPixel (WS2812B) Demo (11 replies)
  70. Single Button Menus and 4 Line LCDs (0 replies)
  71. Paralel switches with a Rotary encoder (5 replies)
  72. Spi flash chip example - 8mb flash (6 replies)
  73. Stacker Arcade Game 8*8 LED Matrix (7 replies)
  74. PIC - receive data while pulsing pin from low to high and from high to low (10 replies)
  75. Pic Microcontroller Infrared Receiver . (4 replies)
  76. Light Activated Chicken Coop Door (2 replies)
  77. Hobby servo tester (0 replies)
  78. Looking for schematic from rentron.com/PicBasic/LM34.htm (5 replies)
  79. RGB LED controller that change color in sequence,did anyone have sample program? (1 replies)
  80. Problem with clock (8 replies)
  81. Set configuration bits (5 replies)
  82. OLED 128X96 cheap china lcd (10 replies)
  83. New software filter for adc reading (28 replies)
  84. Scrolling LED Badge Hack (0 replies)
  85. Easy Servo driver (0 replies)
  86. Ultrasonic [HC-SR04] + PIC16F877A (7 replies)
  87. PIC18F25k22 configuration - I/O problem (0 replies)
  88. PIC18F26K80 A/D Converter (2 replies)
  89. LM 35 Sensor interfacing with PIC16F877A (1 replies)
  90. port handle (6 replies)
  91. Max31855 Thermocouple Temperature Reading (5 replies)
  92. pic16f690 and ultrasonic tranducers (1 replies)
  93. Consulta sobre proyectos (8 replies)
  94. Communication help for DCC (Digital Command Control) (4 replies)
  95. Code example AT42CT2120 (1 replies)
  96. Musical sounds (2 replies)
  97. If then (11 replies)
  98. pcb 245 LED Display (0 replies)
  99. Precision Volts and Amps Meter (0 replies)
  100. How to Interface PIC24FJ256GA110 with an Arduino UNO? (2 replies)
  101. 16f877 comparator (1 replies)
  102. A site you MUST visit ... (7 replies)
  103. A 9 station automatic water sprinkler (0 replies)
  104. RTC Timing using PIC16f690 and serial comms serout command any help (1 replies)
  105. Save some bytes in program memory (11 replies)
  106. MCP23S17 - Three different approaches - ShiftIn/ShiftOut / MSSP+PBP / MSSP+ASM (18 replies)
  107. PICs, CONFIGS and Oscillator Settings for Beginners (0 replies)
  108. Lab X1 and 16F877 examples for beginners (6 replies)
  109. sht_75 and SHT XX pgm correction (5 replies)
  110. SD card multiple read blocks giving error (5 replies)
  111. How to shoehorn MORE text into 2k or how to squeeze in the most bytes. (1 replies)
  112. sd/mmc sdfs3.zip "bad link" (1 replies)
  113. A REALLY accurate clock. (24 replies)
  114. Post your INCLUDE files here (4 replies)
  115. Help with Inverse Kinematics for 3 DOF Hexapod Robot (0 replies)
  116. Sample code for I2C text LCD needed (4 replies)
  117. Add IR remote control capabilities to your next project!! (3 replies)
  118. Silly little LED flasher (2 replies)
  119. Quick and dirty candle effect with PIC12F675 (2 replies)
  120. A little Quiz game (Two players + audience) with PIC12F675 (8 replies)
  121. Candy Candy (Old Japanese cartoon) Melody with PIC12F675 (13 replies)
  122. Regenerating OSCCAL (1 replies)
  123. 8 bit parallel debounce routine (0 replies)
  124. My Small Solar Tracker (7 replies)
  125. Color GLCD Project, Analog clock (5 replies)
  126. color LCD workshop (9 replies)
  127. PWM on pic16f1825 issues - 1.pbp v2.60c bug found, fix shown, 2.CCP2 on ALT pin probl (5 replies)
  128. Temperature sensor module for greenhouse (1 replies)
  129. tsop1238 and 16f877a (1 replies)
  130. How to round number using integer only (2 replies)
  131. MCP4261 Digital Pot Control example - A quick little project (2 replies)
  132. Range Finder with Laser pointers (4 replies)
  133. LED chaser - Scanner Sequence PIC16F628A (4 replies)
  134. 5x5x5 LED Cube example (0 replies)
  135. Forum Community Competition - Winner gets a BigPic4 development board (33 replies)
  136. Playing sound files from 4dSystems SOMO Module (2 replies)
  137. How do I compare two temperatures (4 replies)
  138. Christmas Carols on a PIC (2 replies)
  139. PIC Power saving (0 replies)
  140. LCD Toshiba T6961 (4 replies)
  141. Displaying Videos and Images on 4Dsystems uOLED Serially (67 replies)
  142. Menu Code Example, 5 buttons, LCD (2 replies)
  143. SHT_75 with picbasic pro (19 replies)
  144. Working clock example using 32K watch crystal (19 replies)
  145. EEPROM automatic identification routine (1 replies)
  146. Using the TMP100 series of I2C temperature sensor from Texas Instruments (3 replies)
  147. 3.5" Color LCD code example (44 replies)
  148. help on OWIN and OWOUT fucntion (3 replies)
  149. Copy 144 LED console for my school project (38 replies)
  150. Useless Pickit2 demo board ??? Modeller or using R/C servos ??? (0 replies)
  151. Oscillator Switching (0 replies)
  152. Use Timer1 Gate to Capture Pulse Widths (1 replies)
  153. LAB-X1 Timer2 Clock (0 replies)
  154. LAB-X1 keypad/timer (0 replies)
  155. Article: 144 LED Games Console Project (13 replies)
  156. How to use the HLVD module as a low voltage monitor (2 replies)
  157. New approach to Rotary Encoder (90 replies)
  158. Transmit IR Signals Through Walls (2 replies)
  159. 4 Channel Thermostat using PID loops (36 replies)
  160. 144 LED Games Console Project (103 replies)
  161. DS1307 RTC example (13 replies)
  162. RC Servo decoding/encoding using 12F683 (13 replies)
  163. High Resolution Timer & Speed Calculator (4 replies)
  164. MCP3208 12 bit A/D driver (0 replies)
  165. Using hardware capture (14 replies)
  166. remote code learning (20 replies)
  167. Simple RF remote control code (13 replies)
  168. 18F25J11 RTCC & remappable pin options (13 replies)
  169. N-Bit_MATH (38 replies)
  170. Searching and Matching Input String with data stored in external EEPROM. (1 replies)
  171. Another Stepper motor controller (3 replies)
  172. Using Comparators (4 replies)
  173. ds1307 (0 replies)
  174. comp music with pic Sounds - Aka BeepMaster (18 replies)
  175. PBP projects for R/C models (771 replies)
  176. Quadrature encoder and loop count (1 replies)
  177. Sure Electronics 0832 Dot Matrix Display (10 replies)
  178. Sony LanC Program (2 replies)
  179. Generic RF Receiver (0 replies)
  180. SDHC (FAT32 for SD cards) (22 replies)
  181. Manchester coding/decoding Code help (0 replies)
  182. Octave synthesizer PIC program for PIC16f84A (0 replies)
  183. Single digit 7 Seg LED clock - PIC16F88 (4 replies)
  184. lcd interfacing with pic18f452 (1 replies)
  185. HARDWARE I2C SAMPLE CODE question (2 replies)
  186. Ultimate 7-Segment Driving Example (0 replies)
  187. Nested For Next Loop Demo (0 replies)
  188. 8x8 LED Matrix - Car / Boat Game (16F872) (4 replies)
  189. Digital clock thermometer Calendar PIC 16F628 (0 replies)
  190. Current Measurement (2 replies)
  191. cool RTC1302 alarm Clock:) (4 replies)
  192. 8x8 Scrolling LED display (Simple example) (68 replies)
  193. Reading in Manchester code (0 replies)
  194. My code for TV remote and MIBAM for RGB control (4 replies)
  195. general purpose password protected menu (9 replies)
  196. MIBAM - (Mirror Imaged Bit Angle Modulation) (2 replies)
  197. Camera Flash Trigger showing assembly Interrupts within PBP (2 replies)
  198. Simple line follow routine using Fuzzy logic for robot project (0 replies)
  199. Universal Keypad System (3 replies)
  200. 3-Axis Accelerometer (LIS302DL) (20 replies)
  201. Control NEXA 230V RF Switch (3 replies)
  202. Symbol not previously defined (2 replies)
  203. Driving the SmartDisplay, first impressions (9 replies)
  204. Smart Star (how to use shift registers) (3 replies)
  205. I2C 8+8 expander with extra features (5 replies)
  206. 10x4 matrix keyboard using only portB (19 replies)
  207. Ascii decoder (4 replies)
  208. Writing & Reading to iButton EEPROM (2 replies)
  209. Servo pulsemeter + Tribute to Darrel (4 replies)
  210. Code Timer - How long does it take to execute XYZ command? (5 replies)
  211. a simple boxe timer (code included) (24 replies)
  212. Simple Array Demo (5 replies)
  213. Example: How to Use Page Write Feature of I2C EEPROMs (5 replies)
  214. Yet another thermometer (16F628 + LCD Nokia 3310 + DS18B20) (3 replies)
  215. MM5451 35way LED driver example (3 replies)
  216. PIC 18F4550 and MCP23017 (12 replies)
  217. XTEA Encrypt Decrypt Routines (0 replies)
  218. 16F876 power supply(project) (5 replies)
  219. 16f877 74hc165 decoder (projects) (1 replies)
  220. 7 segment led clok date LED Signs (projects) 16f877 (3 replies)
  221. dummies guide to serin/serout by a dummie (11 replies)
  222. My I2CWRITE - timings and tricks (5 replies)
  223. Nokia COLOR LCD PicBasicPro 2.50a example code (49 replies)
  224. initializing command for CGM 064128f (1 replies)
  225. Roman Black Sound (btc) (57 replies)
  226. Simple 4 channel DMX controller (19 replies)
  227. Reading temperature using multi DS18B20 (16 replies)
  228. Little "monitor" program (1 replies)
  229. analog data acquisition with 16f88 (3 replies)
  230. Poor Man's Oscilloscope (3 replies)
  231. 5x5 display 16f648a (6 replies)
  232. How to drive the Vinculum VDIP1 in UART mode (41 replies)
  233. Sensirion CRC (3 replies)
  234. Automatic VB6 to pic serial connection (13 replies)
  235. KITT2000 Stoplight - Indexing/Referencing Ports & Tristate use (1 replies)
  236. Pic12F675 serial voltmeter (22 replies)
  237. 0-255 minute count down PIC and LCD (2 replies)
  238. Super easy 18F print strings to UART (0 replies)
  239. Parallax RFID Reader code example (4 replies)
  240. Number Sort Algorithm (54 replies)
  241. 245 Led Matrix Display (as constructed by Magu) (11 replies)
  242. DMX512 Reception + 3 * 8-Bit PWM Outputs (5 replies)
  243. 122x32 GLCD basic code (17 replies)
  244. bisiklet hız ölçer (bicycle speedmetre ) (36 replies)
  245. Samples (7 replies)
  246. 20 Digit Virtual LED Counter (9 replies)
  247. Virtual LED Clock For Windows By Trent Jackson (8 replies)
  248. Full list of project examples at a glance (6 replies)
  249. Complete Keypad Example (18 replies)
  250. Beam Switches for Laser Table (1 replies)