18F4431 Quaduature Encoder

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  1. #1
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    Jan 2007

    Default 18F4431 Quaduature Encoder

    I am not able to set up
    the Quaduature Encoder Interface
    for a MicroChip 18F4431.
    Any help with the set up code
    would be appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.


  2. #2
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    This works for me on 18F2431, should be the same. Don't forget to set the QEA, QEB & QEI pins to inputs.
    QEICON = %00010100                      'Setup QEI, 4X mode, reset on indexpulse.
    PosHigh var BYTE
    PosLow var BYTE
    PosTemp var BYTE
    Position var WORD                       'Motor position in encoder counts.
      Gosub GetPosition
      HSEROUT [#Position,13,10]
      Pause 100
    Goto Main
    'Since the position counter isn't double buffered we can get to situations
    'where the lowbyte overflows between readings of the high and low byte. This
    'is prevented by reading the high byte two times and compare the two readings.
    'If they are the same then we're fine, if not re-read the registers.
        PosHigh = POSCNTH                       'Get high byte of counter
        PosLow = POSCNTL                        'Get low byte of counter
        PosTemp = POSCNTH                       'Get high byte again
        If PosHigh - PosTemp = 0 then Goto Done  'Compare, if equal we're done.
        PosHigh = POSCNTH                       'If not, get values again.
        PosLow = POSCNTL
        Position = PosHigh * 256 + PosLow       'Put high and lowbyte together.
    /Henrik Olsson.
    Last edited by HenrikOlsson; - 19th February 2007 at 21:31. Reason: Code errror fixed.

  3. #3
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    Thank you for the code sample

  4. #4
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    The problem was that I did not set
    the ANSEL0 register to digital i/o.

    Great tip on counter overflow.
    I will definately incorporate.

    Thank You again.

  5. #5
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    Isn't that an awesome controller? The motion feedback module with pulse width & frequency measurement is really handy.

    Note: On the 28-pin version, forget using RE3 as an input. I tried, and submitted a support ticket to Microchip. Here's what I received back;
    RE3 pin in PIC18F2331/2431 has been removed as a digital input. Hence, pin no. 1 of PIC18F2331/2431 can be used for MCLR/ Vpp only.

    This change will be notified in a datasheet's (DS39616B.pdf) future update.
    Last edited by Bruce; - 19th February 2007 at 23:36.

    tech at rentron.com

  6. #6
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    Hi Bruce,
    Thank you for info regarding RE3/MCLR as input.

    It sure is a cool device. Using Darrel's interupt routines I managed to get motor controller for my robot working, with PID filter and all. Very fun project.

    However.....I never managed to get QEI module going in velocity mode. I made a few attempts to begin with but could never quite figure it out so I went for my own velocity calcs (newPos-oldPos). Any pointers?

    /Henrik Olsson.

  7. #7
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    Hi Henrik,

    I haven't messed with QEI yet, but if I do get something going, I'll port it from C to PBP and post it here.

    My primary interest in this one was the new high-speed A/D, and motion feedback module for background pulse & freq measurements.

    tech at rentron.com

  8. #8
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    I see. Thanks anyway!

    /Henrik Olsson.

  9. #9
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    Default 18F4431 PPWM setup and operation

    i got hold of Microchip PICDEm MC LV board with 3-phase BLDC motor.It has a CD that conatins source code in assembly. I was wondering if someone has done same thing in pic basic i.e used power PWM module of 18F4431.I tried according to application note but to no avail. Here is my code.could someone point me out in right direction.some code snipet would be appreciated.

    while true
    PTCON0=00000000 'page 8,step 1
    PTPERL=$37 'a guess
    PWMCON0=01001111 'step 3
    PWMCON1=00000001 'step 4
    DTCON=00000000 ' a guess
    OVDCOND=00000000 'step 6
    'step 8

    PTCON1=10000000 'or PTCON1.7=1

  10. #10
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    Default PPWM setup and operation setup and operation

    i got hold of Microchip PICDEm MC LV board with 3-phase BLDC motor.It has a CD that conatins source code in assembly. I was wondering if someone has done same thing in pic basic i.e used power PWM module of 18F4431.I tried according to application note but to no avail. Here is my code.could someone point me out in right direction.some code snipet would be appreciated.

    while true
    PTCON0=00000000 'page 8,step 1
    PTPERL=$37 'a guess
    PWMCON0=01001111 'step 3
    PWMCON1=00000001 'step 4
    DTCON=00000000 ' a guess
    OVDCOND=00000000 'step 6
    'step 8

    PTCON1=10000000 'or PTCON1.7=1

  11. #11
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    I wish I could help but I am using the 18F4431 in a completely
    different manner.

  12. #12
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    I don't have the 18F4431 or Microchip motor control board, but this works
    on the 18F2431. It outputs PWM on RB0,RB1,RB2,RB3,RB4 and RB5 with a
    varying duty cycle. Ramps up, then down.

    It should be at least enough to get you started.
        DEFINE OSC 20
        Duty VAR WORD
        PORTB = $FF
        TRISB = 0
        PTCON0=$00 'page 8,step 1
        PTPERL=$A0      ' $01A0 = 12kHz
        PWMCON0=%01011110 'would be %01011111 for the 18F4431
        PWMCON1=%00000001 'step 4
        ;OVDCOND=$00 'step 6  ; May want to un-comment these based on your PIC & board.
        ;step 8
        ;PDC3L=$FF ; un-comment for 18F4431
        FOR Duty = 50 TO $500 STEP 4
            bsf   PWMCON1,UDIS	    ;Disable the PWM buffer update
            MOVFF _Duty,PDC0L
            MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC0H
            MOVFF _Duty,PDC1L
            MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC1H
            MOVFF _Duty,PDC2L
            MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC2H
            ;MOVFF _Duty,PDC3L      ;un-comment for 18F4431
            ;MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC3H
            bcf	  PWMCON1,UDIS	    ;Enable the PWM buffer update
            PAUSE 50
        NEXT Duty
        FOR Duty = $500 TO 50 STEP-4
            bsf	  PWMCON1,UDIS	    ;Disable the PWM buffer update
            MOVFF _Duty,PDC0L
            MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC0H
            MOVFF _Duty,PDC1L
            MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC1H
            MOVFF _Duty,PDC2L
            MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC2H
            ;MOVFF _Duty,PDC3L      ;un-comment for 18F4431
            ;MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC3H
            bcf	  PWMCON1,UDIS	    ;Enable the PWM buffer update
            PAUSE 50
        NEXT Duty
        GOTO Main
    This is just a slight modification to what you posted before. To work with the
    18F2431. I haven't done much beyond this with the PCPWM module. Not yet
    at least..;o}


    tech at rentron.com

  13. #13
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    I'm using the 18F2431 too.
    And I begun with the PICDEm MC LV board...

    It's a great uC ! (UART, I2C, fast AD, 3-times PWM...)
    I use it as a PI(D)-Controller for a BLDC-Motor.
    And I use it for his fast AD-Converters in a CR-Tuning-Box.

    The Quadrature-Encoder isn't very strange ... the whole business with this chip is to use the right timers for the right tasks and use the right prescalers !!

    PBP 2.50C, MCS+, MPLAB 8, MPASM 5.14, ASIX Presto, PoScope, mE mikroBasic V7.2, PICKIT2

  14. #14
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    Yeah this one is a nifty series PIC for sure. Sampling 4 x A/D inputs at once is
    a very handy feature.

    See this post http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=6768

    I just received a few samples of the new USB 18F2553. 12-bit A/D on this
    one is nice, but the 18F2431 is still my favorite. Now, if I can just find more
    time to play with it..;o}

    tech at rentron.com

  15. #15
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    Thanks a lot Bruce.
    I just want to get started with PPWM and then build my own code for brushless DC motor control.
    Thanks for your code although its in assembly.i will figure it out.

  16. #16
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    Here's the BASIC equivalent commands to the right of the assembly version.
    FOR Duty = 50 TO $500 STEP 4
            bsf   PWMCON1,UDIS    ; PWMCON1.1 = 1
            MOVFF _Duty,PDC0L     ; PDCOL = Duty.LowByte
            MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC0H   ; PDC0H = Duty.HighByte
            MOVFF _Duty,PDC1L     ; PDC1L = Duty.LowByte
            MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC1H   ; PDC1H = Duty.HighByte
            MOVFF _Duty,PDC2L     ; PDC2L = Duty.LowByte
            MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC2H   ; PDC2H = Duty.HighByte
            ;MOVFF _Duty,PDC3L    ; PDC3L = Duty.LowByte
            ;MOVFF _Duty+1,PDC3H  ; PDC3H = Duty.HighByte
            bcf   PWMCON1,UDIS    ; PWMCON1.1 = 0
            PAUSE 50
        NEXT Duty
    bsf PWMCON1,UDIS just sets bit 1 in PWMCON1. bcf PWMCON1,UDIS then
    clears the UDIS bit.

    MOVFF is move file to file.

    MOVFF _Duty,PDC0L moves the low byte of Duty into file register PDC0L.

    MOVFF _Duty+1, PDC0H moves the high byte of Duty into file register PDC0H.

    Placing the underscore before the _Duty variable allows you to access the
    variable declared in BASIC with assembler.

    So the BASIC version would look like this;
      FOR Duty = 50 TO $500 STEP 4
        PWMCON1.1 = 1
        PDC0L = Duty.LowByte
        PDC0H = Duty.HighByte
        PDC1L = Duty.LowByte
        PDC1H = Duty.HighByte
        PDC2L = Duty.LowByte
        PDC2L = Duty.HighByte
        PDC3L = Duty.LowByte
        PDC3H = Duty.HighByte
        PWMCON1.1 = 0
        PAUSE 50
      NEXT Duty
      FOR Duty = $500 TO 50 STEP-4
        PWMCON1.1 = 1
        PDC0L = Duty.LowByte
        PDC0H = Duty.HighByte
        PDC1L = Duty.LowByte
        PDC1H = Duty.HighByte
        PDC2L = Duty.LowByte
        PDC2L = Duty.HighByte
        PDC3L = Duty.LowByte
        PDC3H = Duty.HighByte
        PWMCON1.1 = 0
        PAUSE 50
      NEXT Duty

    tech at rentron.com

  17. #17
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    Default Hmm..


    That's a super start to a beginner like me.

    But,i gotta some problem with the PWM Period value.I mean how to find the values for .. say...a PIC18F4431 running at OSC 20 , wish to set base period 19.5KHZ.How to find this using equation 17-1 ( i use this equ since it's free running mode here).Apart from that , how to calculate the min & max value of dutycycle?.Dohh...it's really bothering me no matter how many times i try it.

    Could you guide me how to do this.I am a bit confused.The rest seems yeeha as it's taught in "863 MTR" from Microchip.


  18. #18
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    Default Anyone...

    Anyone..know how to do it?.

  19. #19
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           (PTPER+1) x PTMRPS
    TPWM = ------------------
    Equation 17-1 assumes you know the value in PTPER.

    TPWM is the period of the PWM frequency.
    PTPER is the value loaded into the PWM period register.
    PTMRPS is the PWM timer prescaler. 1, 4, 16 or 64.

    1/19,500 = 0.000051282. This is the period for a PWM frequency (TPWM) of 19.5kHz.

    At 20MHz the instruction cycle time = 1/5MHz = 200nS.

    To find the value to load into PTPER, divide the PWM period by the instruction cycle time.

    0.000051282/0.0000002 = 256.410. Subtract 1 for 255.

    If you load 255 into the period register, it will generate a PWM frequency of around 19.5kHz.

    PTPERL=$FF ' low byte = $FF
    PTPERH=$00 ' high byte = $00

    Assuming a 20MHz osc, 1:1 prescaler, Fosc/4 = 5Mhz, so plug this into equation 17-1.
    TPWM = (255+1) * prescaler
    TPWM = 256/5MHz = 0.0000512.
    Frequency = 1/TPWM so 1/0.0000512 = 19.531kHz.

    The period register is 12-bits wide, so the minimum period for a given oscillator speed = the
    instruction cycle time * ($0FFF+1) * the prescaler.

    I.E. at 40MHz the instruction cycle time = 1/10Mhz = 100nS.

    100ns * $1000 = 0.0004096. 1/0.0004096 = 2.441kHz.

    At 10MHz 1/2.5Mhz = 400nS. 400nS * $1000 = 0.0016384.

    1/0.0016384 = 610Hz, etc, etc..

    You can see from Table 17-1 how the PWM timer prescaler affects the PWM frequency.
    I.E. 2.441kHz/64 = 38Hz, etc,..

    Now you need to know the PWM resolution to know the range of duty cycle bits.

    Note: Resolution is the number of bits you have to control the duty cycle. Not the PWM

    For PWM resolution use the equation below. Equation 17-3 'as shown in the data sheet'
    doesn't produce the same figures for PWM resolution shown in Table 17-2.
    Resolution = ------------------
    At 20MHz, with a PWM frequency of 19.5kHz;
                 log(20MHz/19.5kHz)   3.010995384
    Resolution = ------------------ = ----------- = 10.003
                       .301               .301
    So we 10-bit resolution. The value loaded into duty cycle registers would range from 0 to
    1023 or $00 to $03FF.

    512 loaded into the duty registers should give ~50% duty at 19.5kHz.

    There's a lot more to the PCPWM module than this, but it should help you get
    started. I haven't played much with this particular feature.

    tech at rentron.com

  20. #20
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    Default Holy Cow!

    Hi Bruce,

    Sorry if i pester you a lot.Well,it drive me crazy to know about it.This should be more than enough for me to get started.Yes.You are right.This is part of it and not complete yet.But anyhow,it's clear enough for me to understand.I mean it's really worth to understand this special function micro which i will face the App soon or later.

    Thanks a lot.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: 18F4431 Quaduature Encoder

    hi all...
    i am starter for PIC 18F4431......
    i want to interface a encoder to that...
    what are the things i need to take care?

    how to do?
    is it like a plug and play?(i hope no)

  22. #22
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    Default Re: 18F4431 Quaduature Encoder

    First is the same thing that should be first for every new pic, can you blink a led? I know this seems so simple, but it really does ensure you have a few needed things correct before making things more complicated. After 10+ years, I still blink LEDs the first time I use a new pic.

    The glass is not half full or half empty, Its twice as big as needed for the job!

    http://foamcasualty.com/ - Warbird R/C scratch building with foam!

  23. #23
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    Default Re: 18F4431 Quaduature Encoder

    I use the "Hello World" out the serial port test. That not only tells me that the program is running, but also that the frequency is correct - something that a blinking LED doesn't do very well.
    Charles Linquist

  24. #24
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    Default Re: 18F4431 Quaduature Encoder

    Quote Originally Posted by cncmachineguy View Post
    First is the same thing that should be first for every new pic, can you blink a led? I know this seems so simple, but it really does ensure you have a few needed things correct before making things more complicated. After 10+ years, I still blink LEDs the first time I use a new pic.
    While Bert's statement might sound like just so much talk to some I vouch for his opinion especially if you are moving to 18F chips for the first few times, I had an amazingly difficult time just getting this chip to blink the LED, owing to programmer issues, config issues . . . . ( I Know, men do not HAVE ISSUES, but PICs some times do ).
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
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    There simply is no "Happy Spam" If you do it you will disappear from this forum.

  25. #25
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    Default Using the PCPWM

    HI All,
    This explanation has been the best one that I have found concerning the use of the PCPWM. That said, there still seems to be a bit of mystery surrounding it's use, at least to me. I mapped out the formulas in Excel, but I am still having trouble getting my head around the details. I'm trying to make a generic H-bridge for low frequencies and keep running into the wall. An 18F1330 with two pots, a switch, and the FETs with drivers. One Pot is for Frequency, the other is for Duty. The switch controls if the output is pulsed DC or cycles both ways. I'm not understanding the interaction of the frequency to the Duty. I can control the Freq just fine, but it makes a mess of the duty. Currently, the application needs it to run from 3 Hz to 100Hz with control from low power to high power (~5%-95% duty). I can see that there is a dependency with the PWM resolution, but I'm not sure how to manage it. I can get the PTPER values within 0-4096, but the resolution gets out of range. I'm thinking I need to find some way to scale the Duty to the PTPER values, and adjust accordingly, but I haven't managed to make it click. Any suggestions?
    '*  Name    : PCPWM_1330_H-bridge84.BAS                         *
    '*  Author  : Mark Rokus                                        *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2012 Controlled Surroundings Inc.   *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 6/9/2012                                          *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : 18F1330 to drive H bridge:                        *
    '*          : (2)L6378 drivers to (4) FDP22N50N N-FETs          *
    '* used PCPWM_1330_H-bridge5 to test Hardware on separate FETS
    '* New rewrite using ints
    '* moved switch to RB3, rewire drivers complementary
    '* NOTE: Int not working, Not going into AC
    '*          Freq and Duty not correct
    '                            18F1330                                                             
    '              ---------------------u----------------------
    '    Freq    -1|RA0/AN0/INT0                  RB3/INT3/CMP1|18-   Switch      
    '    Duty    -2|RA1/AN1/INT1                  RB2/INT2/CMP2|17-   Pad      
    '    Pad     -3|RA4/TOCKI/AN2                 RA7/OSC1/CLKI|16-   Pad     
    '    Vpp     -4|RA5/MCLR/vpp              RA6/OSC2/CLKO/AN3|15-   Pad           
    '    Gnd     -5|-- VSS                                VDD++|14-   5 vdc         
    '    Tx      -6|RA2/TX/CK                      RB7/PGD/PWM5|13-    PGD      
    '    Rx      -7|RA3/RX/DT                      RB6/PGC/PWM4|12-    PGC      
    '   Pad      -8|RB0/PWM0                           RB5/PWM3|11-   Q1/Q4 PWM      
    '   Pad      -9|RB1/PWM1                           RB4/PWM2|10-   Q2/Q3 PWM        
    '              |___________________________________________|
        CONFIG OSC = INTIO2        ;Internal oscillator, port function on RA6 and RA7
    DEFINE OSC 4                  ' Actually @ 2MHz 
    OSCCON  = %11011100         ' INTOSC primary, 2MHz
    '****** Hardware Serial Setup ***************
    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
    DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 8   ' 57600 Baud @ 2MHz, -3.55%
    SPBRGH = 0
    BAUDCON.3 = 1         ' Enable 16 bit baudrate generator
    TRISA   = %00000011          ' PortA : outputs except RA.0/RA.1= AN
    TRISB   = %00001000          ' all outputs ex: RB.3 switch i/p  
    INTCON    = 0                      ' 
    INTCON2 = 0                     
    CMCON   = 0                      ' Comparators off
    '**** Analog setup   ****
        ADCON1 = %00001100   ' AN0,AN1 Analog: VDD ref. RA4 & RA6 DIO
        ADCON2 = %10010001   ' Right justified, 8 Tad, Fosc/8
    '***** PWM Setup ? ********************
        PTCON0 = %00001110      ' 1:1 post, Fosc/256 (1:64) pre, UpDown(...00 free)
        PTCON1 = %11000000      ' PWM Time Base timer on, Count Down      
        PWMCON0 = %00110111     ' 0-3 PWM,  complementary
        PWMCON1 = 1             ' 1:1 postscale, updates enabled, overrides sync 
        DTCON = 0               ' zero dead-time  
        PTCON1 = %10000000      ' PWM time base is ON, counts up
        FLTCONFIG = 0           ' disable fault A 
        OVDCONS      =    %00000000    ' 
        '   Variable definition
    PORTB = 0                   ' clear port latch
    Fraw         var    word          ' Raw reading for Frequency
    Freq         var    word        ' Frequency of PWM
    Draw         var    word        ' Raw reading for Duty
    Duty         Var    Word        ' Duty of PWM
    Sw             var    PORTB.3        ' switch input for AC or Positive only
        hserout  ["1330_H-bridge83",13,10]
        pause 500    
        If sw = 0 then ac            ' mode check                
      ADCON0 = %00000011            ' Start conversion on AN0
        WHILE ADCON0.1=1             ' Wait for it to complete 
         Fraw.HighByte = ADRESH     ' get result from AN0
         Fraw.LowByte = ADRESL      '     
      ADCON0 = %00000111            ' Start conversion on AN1
        WHILE ADCON0.1=1             ' Wait for it to complete 
         Draw.HighByte = ADRESH     ' get result from AN1
         Draw.LowByte = ADRESL      '      
         Freq = (Fraw) max 3        ' 
         Duty = (Draw*3) max 1        '   
             PTPERH = Freq.highbyte 'load timer: Freq low byte
             PTPERL = Freq.lowbyte     ' Freq low byte
               PDC1H = Duty.HighByte  ' PWM duty on Out1
             PDC1L = Duty.LowByte
              OVDCOND = %00001000         ' enable PWM3 OUT1 (Q1/Q4 on RB5)           
            hserout ["Duty ",dec duty," PosFreq ",dec Freq]
            goto PosOnly                ' Loop 
    AC:        ' sequence for generating Alternating pulses     
    PosAlt:                                'drive Positive pulse on bridge      
            If sw = 1 then posonly    ' mode check
            PIR3.4 = 0               ' reset PWM Int flag
              while PIR3.4 = 0
             OVDCOND = %00001000       ' enable PWM3 OUT1 (Q1/Q4 on RB5)
              ADCON0 = %00000011     ' Start conversion on AN1
             WHILE ADCON0.1=1      ' Wait for it to complete 
             Fraw.HighByte = ADRESH ' get result from AN0
            Fraw.LowByte = ADRESL  '     
            Freq = Fraw max 3           ' 
             PTPERH = Freq.highbyte  'load timer: Freq low byte
              PTPERL = Freq.lowbyte     ' Freq low byte
            wend                       ' one cycle until Int 
    NegAlt:                              ' drive Negative pulse on bridge
            PIR3.4 = 0                ' reset PWM Int flag
              while PIR3.4 = 0
             OVDCOND = %00000100    ' enable PWM1 OUT2 (Q2/Q3 on RB4)               
               ADCON0 = %00000111     ' Start conversion on AN0
             WHILE ADCON0.1=1       ' Wait for it to complete 
            Draw.HighByte = ADRESH     ' get result from AN1
             Draw.LowByte = ADRESL      '         
              Duty = (Draw) max 1        ' 
                PDC1H = Duty.HighByte  ' PWM duty on Out1
             PDC1L = Duty.LowByte
             wend                       ' one cycle until Int    
            hserout ["Duty ",dec duty," ACFreq ",dec Freq]
            goto AC                  ' Loop         
    So I guess the question is: Can anyone explain the relationship between PTPER and PDCx in this dynamic environment in a way that I'm not seeing?

  26. #26
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    Default Re: 18F4431 Quaduature Encoder

    Basically, when you change the frequency (which you do when you change the PTPER) you also change the resolution. So, if you set the duty cycle to 50% at one frequency and then change the frequency the actual dutycyle will also change.

    Basically the module is counter and two comparators. When the counter starts at 0 the output is set, when it "hits" the value of the first comparator the outputs is cleared and when the counter "hits" the value of the second compartor the PWM cycle starts over. In this case the value "in" the first comparator is your PDCx (duty)and the value in the second comparator is your PTPER (period) registers.

    If the counter was an 8 bit counter and you had your second comparator (PTPER) set to 255 then there would be 256 "steps" to one PWM period. If you then set the value "in" the first compartor (PDC) to 127 you'll get a 50% dutycycle because the output will be set when the counter starts at 0 and cleared when it reaches 127, the counter will then continue to 255 and start over at which point the output is again set and so on.

    Now, if you change the value of the second comparator (PTPER) to say 180 there's no longer 256 "steps" to one PWM period, the counter will start over when it "hits" 180 instead of 255 - the PWM period is shorter, PWM frequency is higher. So if you keep the value "in" the first comparator (PDC) unchanged (127) the dutycycle will no longer be 50% because the output will be "on" from 0 to 127 and then off from 127 to 180 at which point the cycle starts over.

    The PWM module is more complec than this, as you've noticed, but the above is a basic explanation of the interaction between PWM period and PWM dutycycle.


  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Michigan, USA

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    Default Re: 18F4431 Quaduature Encoder

    Thanks for the explanation Henrik.
    The more we pound on this and post the results, the better we can get a handle on it.
    That concept started to peek through the fog eventually. The fact that my frequency and duty had to be changeable made it a bit more confusing for me.

    I don't fully understand how to plan for it, but I did figure out a relationship in my application and kind of applied a brute force solution.

    What I ended up with was this:
    '* Working:  1.2Hz to 101Hz, .2% - 97% Duty 
    '                            18F1330                                                             
    '              ---------------------u----------------------
    '    Freq    -1|RA0/AN0/INT0                  RB3/INT3/CMP1|18-   Switch      
    '    Duty    -2|RA1/AN1/INT1                  RB2/INT2/CMP2|17-   Pad      
    '    Pad     -3|RA4/TOCKI/AN2                 RA7/OSC1/CLKI|16-   Pad     
    '    Vpp     -4|RA5/MCLR/vpp              RA6/OSC2/CLKO/AN3|15-   Pad           
    '    Gnd     -5|-- VSS                                VDD++|14-   5 vdc         
    '    Tx      -6|RA2/TX/CK                      RB7/PGD/PWM5|13-    PGD      
    '    Rx      -7|RA3/RX/DT                      RB6/PGC/PWM4|12-    PGC      
    '   Pad      -8|RB0/PWM0                           RB5/PWM3|11-   Q1/Q4 PWM      
    '   Pad      -9|RB1/PWM1                           RB4/PWM2|10-   Q2/Q3 PWM        
    '              |___________________________________________|
        CONFIG OSC = INTIO2        ;Internal oscillator, port function on RA6 and RA7
    DEFINE OSC 4                  ' Actually @ 2MHz 
    OSCCON  = %11011100         ' INTOSC primary, 2MHz
    '****** Hardware Serial Setup ***************
    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
    DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 8   ' 57600 Baud @ 2MHz, -3.55%
    SPBRGH = 0
    BAUDCON.3 = 1         ' Enable 16 bit baudrate generator
    TRISA   = %00000011          ' PortA : outputs except RA.0/RA.1= AN
    TRISB   = %00001000          ' all outputs ex: RB.3 switch i/p  
    INTCON    = 0                      ' 
    INTCON2 = 0                     
    CMCON   = 0                      ' Comparators off
    '**** Analog setup   ****************************
        ADCON1 = %00001100        ' AN0,AN1 Analog: VDD ref. RA4 & RA6 DIO
        ADCON2 = %10000000       ' Right justified, 0 Tad, Fosc/2
    '***** PWM Setup  *******************************
        PTCON0 = %00001110      ' 1:1 post, Fosc/256 (1:64) pre, UpDown(...00 free)
        PTCON1 = %11000000      ' PWM Time Base timer on, Count Down      
        PWMCON1 = 1             ' 1:1 postscale, updates enabled, overrides sync 
        DTCON = 0               ' zero dead-time  
        PTCON1 = %10000000      ' PWM time base is ON, counts up
        FLTCONFIG = 0           ' disable fault A 
        OVDCONS      =    %00000000    ' 
    '***** Variable definition  **********************
    PORTB = 0                       ' clear port latch
    Fraw         var    word          ' Raw reading for Frequency
    Freq         var    word        ' Frequency of PWM
    Draw         var    word        ' Raw reading for Duty
    Duty         Var    LONG          
    Sw             var    PORTB.3        ' switch input for AC or Positive only
        hserout  ["1330_H-bridge85",13,10]
        pause 500    
        If sw = 0 then               ' mode check                
           PWMCON0 = %00110111      ' 0-3 PWM,  independant
           OVDCOND = %00001000        ' enable only PWM3 OUT1 (Q1/Q4 on RB5)       
           PWMCON0 = %00110000      ' 0-3 PWM,  complementary
      ADCON0 = %00000011            ' Start conversion on AN0
        WHILE ADCON0.1=1             ' Wait for it to complete 
         Fraw.HighByte = ADRESH     ' get result from AN0
         Fraw.LowByte = ADRESL      '     
      ADCON0 = %00000111            ' Start conversion on AN1
        WHILE ADCON0.1=1             ' Wait for it to complete 
         Draw.HighByte = ADRESH     ' get result from AN1
         Draw.LowByte = ADRESL      '      
         Freq = (Fraw *3) max 38    ' 
         draw = draw +1
         Duty=((freq*Draw)/261) +1
             PTPERH = Freq.highbyte 'load timer: Freq low byte
             PTPERL = Freq.lowbyte     ' Freq low byte
               PDC1H = Duty.HighByte  ' PWM duty
             PDC1L = Duty.LowByte          
    hserout ["D",dec duty,"F",dec Freq]
    goto Main                        ' Loop   
    Like I said, I'm going to have to study my own work just to understand it better, but at least it works like it is suppose to. Yay! That was a few weeks of hair pulling!. Beat your head long enough against the wall, and sometimes you find a door.


  28. #28
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    Jun 2013

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    Default Re: 18F4431 Quaduature Encoder

    Hi all,

    Does some one by any chance have a C code on this QEI module?

    Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. #29
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    This is NOT a " C " forum, it is M E Labs PBASIC.
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