Ive got a project that has some issues, what the project is suppose to do is have 2 pots that control 2 FET's via Software or Hardware PWM's to control LED light strings.

Here is the results
Trial 1 - Get a single unit to work, both Software and hardware work fine as a single unit with code for only 1 being used, the software version can use about any chip with a adc converter.
Here is some code that was working with
DEFINE ADC_BITS 10 ' A/D number of bits
DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 1 ' Use A/D internal RC
DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set sampling ti
TRISIO = %000101 ' AN0 & AN2 is Analog input
CNT VAR byte
    ADCIN 0, POT1 ' Read Channel 0 data
    POT1 = POT1 / 256
    if POT1 < 10 then POT1 = 0
    ADCIN 2, POT2 ' Read Channel 0 data
    POT2 = POT2 / 256
    if POT2 < 10 then POT2 = 0
    if POT1 > CNT then 
 GPIO.1 = 1 
 GPIO.1 = 0
    if POT2 > CNT then 
 GPIO.3 = 1 
 GPIO.3 = 0
    CNT = CNT + 1
    if CNT > 255 then CNT = 0
    if CNT = 0 then goto again
GOTO runner
Now this is the software version of PWM, its low tech and maybe theres another way better for software PWM.
Here is my hardware version I am using a 12F683 for this one
DEFINE ADC_BITS 8 ' A/D number of bits
DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 1 ' Use A/D internal RC clock
DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set sampling time in us
ADCON0.7 = 0 ' Justify Result to 10 & 8 bit Side
CCP1CON = %00001100 ' Set ADC Port
RES1 Var Word ' A/D converter result
TRISIO = %00000010
ADCIN 1, Res1 ' Read Channel 0 data
if res1 < 10 then res1 = 0 ' Low Auto Shutoff
HPWM 1, res1, 18000 ' PWM Pin, Setting, Frequency (20k Max)
pause 25
goto again
Again this one works fine by itself.
I did try to merge both into one chip and have both hardware and software but that didnt go so well, they interact with each other, im not sure why as the pins they use and code are seperate but it happens, and I erased the code that was messed up.

So what I would like is some sample code for dual PWMs that do not interfere with each other, I only have legacy 8bit processors right now (629, 675, 683, 4550) and although I do have a PicKit3 Available I am using pbp2.6 and mcs4. I will be getting PBP 3gold soon, perhaps in a couple of months and will have access to other chips then too.

So any ideas are welcome.