Problemas Libreria N3310

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Comodoro Rivadavia - Patagonia Argentina

    Default Problemas Libreria N3310

    Hola, consegui un par de modulos 3310 y estoy haciendo algunas pruebas; arranque en proteus y al compilar el ejemplo del foro, me sale este problema:
    Google Translate:
    Hello, I got a couple of modules 3310 and I am doing some tests;
    proteus and start to compile the example of the forum, I get this problem:

    Name:  error_n3310.JPG
Views: 603
Size:  39.4 KB

    solo se ve el caracter "!"... probe de todo, e incluido, me lei todos los topicos, pero no llego a ver el prblema... compilo con PBP 2.50 y hasta llegue a pedirle a un conocido que lo compile en su 2.60 y el mismo problema... sera mplab?
    este es el ejemplo:
    Google Translate:
    only the character is "!" ... tried everything, and even, I read all the topics,
    but I fail to see the prblem ... compiled with PBP 2.50 and to come to ask an
    acquaintance who compile in his 2.60 and the same problem ... it will MPLAB?
    This is the example:

    Include "Modedefs.Bas" 
    include "LCD_3310v4.INC"
    ;Lcd_CLK         VAR PortD.1     'LCD Clock
    ;Lcd_DC          VAR PortD.2     'LCD Data/Command
    ;Lcd_CS          VAR PortD.3     'LCD Chip select
    ;Lcd_RST         VAR PortD.4     'LCD Reset
    ;Lcd_VCC         VAR PortD.5     'LCD Power
    ;Lcd_SDA         VAR PortD.6     'LCD Data
    @ PrintStr  0,0, "I love being"
    @ PrintStr  0,1, "able to print "
    @ PrintStr  0,2, "so easily!"
    pause 1500
    goto menu
    La libreria es la que esta en el foro; Lo unico que modifique es:

    Google Translate:
    The library is the one forum; The only thing that changes is:

    'Configuracion de puertos - Cambiar segun sus apliaciones
    Lcd_CLK VAR PortD.1 'LCD Clock
    Lcd_DC VAR PortD.2 'LCD Data/Command
    Lcd_SCE VAR PortD.3 'LCD Chip select
    Lcd_RES VAR PortD.4 'LCD Reset
    Lcd_VCC VAR PortD.5 'LCD Power
    Lcd_SDO VAR PortD.6 'LCD Data

    Google Translate:
    'Port configuration - changed as apliaciones
    VAR Lcd_CLK PortD.1 'LCD Clock
    VAR Lcd_DC PortD.2 'LCD Data / Command
    VAR Lcd_SCE PortD.3 'LCD Chip select
    VAR Lcd_RES PortD.4 'LCD Reset
    VAR Lcd_VCC PortD.5 'LCD Power
    VAR Lcd_SDO PortD.6 'LCD Data

    '*  Name    : LCD_3310.INC                                       *
    '*  Date    : 29.4.2009                                          *
    '*  Version : 3.1 with string and variable write macros          *
    '*  Notes   : LCD command library for Nokia 3310 or similar LCD  *
    '*          : New Single line string and variable macro for      *
    '*          : write to LCD makes using the Nokia_3310 much easier*                                     
    ' LCD Commands are:
    '   Lcd_Init
    '   Lcd_GotoXY                                             
    '   Lcd_Clear                                      
    '   Lcd_Home                                               
    '   Lcd_Contrast
    '   Scr_Normal                                            
    '   Scr_Invert  
    '   @ PrintStr x,y, "string goes here" 'will auto wrap to next line if needed
    '   @ PrintVar x,y, _anyvariablehere
    'you can manually position x,y and manually print characters by the following:
    '   PosX = 0   'move to position 0 of 83 (char best viewed at spacing of 6)
    '   PosY = 1   'move to second line of 6
    '   Gosub Lcd_GotoXY 'this must be specified BEFORE stating Lcd_Data 
    '   Lcd_Data = "H"   
    '   Gosub Lcd_SendChar
    'LCD Common Variables for 3310 and 7110 LCD
    PosX            var Byte        'Variable para Posicion X
    PosY            var Byte        'Variable para Posicion Y
    FC              var Byte [5]    'Variable 5 bytes = 1 caracter
    Lcd_Data        var Byte        'LCD command or data
    ColumnNum       var byte        'numero de Columna
    CharNum         var byte        'numero de caracter CGRAM
    VarData         var word        'variable a imprimir en el lcd
    n               var byte        'empleado como variable en "for next"
    digits          var bit         'numero de digito en "VarData"
    'for @ printstr
    Addr  VAR WORD
    Char  VAR byte         'lcdchardata[0]
    'Configuracion de puertos - Cambiar segun sus apliaciones
    Lcd_CLK         VAR PortD.1     'LCD Clock
    Lcd_DC          VAR PortD.2     'LCD Data/Command
    Lcd_SCE          VAR PortD.3     'LCD Chip select
    Lcd_RES         VAR PortD.4     'LCD Reset
    Lcd_VCC         VAR PortD.5     'LCD Power
    Lcd_SDO         VAR PortD.6     'LCD Data
    'inicializacion del display-----------------------------------------------
    pause 25
    gosub Lcd_Init                      'Iniciar LCD
    gosub Lcd_Clear                     'Limpiar el conteido de la pantalla
    goto OverLCD                        'al teminar, salir
    Lcd_Init:                                       'Initialize LCD, run 1st this!                 
        Low Lcd_RES                                 'Reset LCD (HW reset)
        pause 1 
        High Lcd_RES                             'Release Reset
        Low Lcd_SCE                                  'Chip Select
        Low Lcd_DC                                  'Command/Data
      Lcd_Data= $21: GOSUB Lcd_SendByte       ' LCD EXTENDED COMMANDS
      Lcd_Data= $c8: GOSUB Lcd_SendByte       ' SET LCD Vop (CONTRAST)
      Lcd_Data= $06: GOSUB Lcd_SendByte       ' SET TEMP COEFFICENT
      Lcd_Data= $13: GOSUB Lcd_Sendbyte       ' LCD BIAS MODE
      Lcd_Data= $20: GOSUB Lcd_Sendbyte       ' LCD STANDARD COMMANDS
      lcd_data= $08: gosub lcd_sendbyte       'lcd blank
      Lcd_Data= $0c: GOSUB Lcd_sendbyte       ' LCD IN NORMAL MODE
    '@ printstr macro function from Darrel and edited to work for this lcd
    'format should look like this: @ PrintStr x,y, "your text string goes here"
    PrintStr macro x, y, Str
        local TheString, OverStr
        goto OverStr
        data  Str, 0
        MOVE?CB  x, _PosX
        MOVE?CB  y, _PosY
        MOVE?CW  TheString, _Addr
        L?CALL   _StringOut
        Readcode Addr, Char           ' Get a character
        if Char = 0 then StringDone   ' Look for Null char, Stop if found
        Gosub Lcd_GotoXY
        Lcd_Data = Char
        gosub Lcd_SendChar          'puttext
        Addr = Addr + 1               ' Point to next character
        PosX = PosX + 6
        if PosX > 78 then           'If end of line, cycle to next line
            PosY = PosY + 1           
            PosX = 0
        goto StringOut                ' Continue with rest of the string
    '@ PrintVar macro function 
    'format should look like this: @ PrintVar x,y, _anyvariable
    PrintVar macro x, y, Variable ;input values from: @PrintVar 0,1, _any_variable  
        local OverVar                
        goto OverVar                
        MOVE?CB  x, _PosX           ;move x from above statement to PosX
        MOVE?CB  y, _PosY           ;move y from above statement to PosY
        MOVE?WW  Variable, _VarData ;move variable in statement to VarData
        L?CALL   _VariableOut       ;call VariableOut function
        @ bcf _digits
        for n = 4 to 0 step -1        'cycles through all possible digts of number
            Gosub Lcd_GotoXY          'place character at position PosX and PosY
            Lcd_Data = (VarData dig n) + 48 'digit number n to character str format
            if Lcd_data = 48 and digits = 0 then SkipChar 'skip if first char is 0
            @ bsf _digits             ;show that one character has been printed
            gosub Lcd_SendChar        'print char to screen
            PosX = PosX + 6           'next x position for character
        next n
    Lcd_GotoXY:                                             'Goto XY coordinates
        Low Lcd_DC
        Lcd_Data=%01000000 | PosY :Gosub Lcd_SendByte    
        Lcd_Data=%10000000 | PosX :Gosub Lcd_SendByte    
    Lcd_Clear:                                              'Clear display
        Gosub Lcd_Home
        High Lcd_DC
        For ColumnNum = 1 to 84                             'Send empty character 
        SHiftOUT Lcd_SDO, Lcd_CLK, MSBFIRST, [0,0,0,0,0,0]  '14 per page           
        Next ColumnNum                                          '6 rows
        High Lcd_DC                                             '14 * 6 = 84
    Lcd_Home:                                               'Cursor home
        PosX=0:PosY=0:Gosub Lcd_GotoXY
    Lcd_Contrast:                                           'Contrast
        Low Lcd_DC
        Lcd_Data= %11010001: Gosub Lcd_SendByte             'Contrast might need 
        Return                                              'fine tunig
    Scr_Normal:                                             'Normal screen mode
        Low Lcd_DC
        Lcd_Data= %00001100:Gosub Lcd_SendByte
    Scr_Invert:                                             'Invert screen mode
        Low Lcd_DC                                
        Lcd_Data= %00001101:Gosub Lcd_SendByte    
    Lcd_SendByte:                                      'Send command or data to LCD
        SHiftOUT Lcd_SDO, Lcd_CLK, MSBFIRST, [Lcd_Data]
    ' This part demonstrates how to write to LCD
        lookdown Lcd_data,[" !\#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"],CharNum'[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"],CharNum
        Lcd_data = CharNum +32   
        sELECT CASE lcd_data
        Case 32                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$00:FC(2)=$00:FC(3)=$00:FC(4)=$00 ' // sp
        Case 33                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$00:FC(2)=$2f:FC(3)=$00:FC(4)=$00 ' // !
        Case 34                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$07:FC(2)=$00:FC(3)=$07:FC(4)=$00 ' // " (use \)
        Case 35                   
            FC(0)=$14:FC(1)=$7f:FC(2)=$14:FC(3)=$7f:FC(4)=$14 ' // #
        Case 36                   
            FC(0)=$24:FC(1)=$2a:FC(2)=$7f:FC(3)=$2a:FC(4)=$12 ' // $
        Case 37                   
            FC(0)=$c4:FC(1)=$c8:FC(2)=$10:FC(3)=$26:FC(4)=$46 ' // %
        Case 38                   
            FC(0)=$36:FC(1)=$49:FC(2)=$55:FC(3)=$22:FC(4)=$50 ' // &
        Case 39                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$05:FC(2)=$03:FC(3)=$00:FC(4)=$00 ' // '
        Case 40                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$1c:FC(2)=$22:FC(3)=$41:FC(4)=$00 ' // (
        Case 41                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$22:FC(3)=$1c:FC(4)=$00 ' // )
        Case 42                   
            FC(0)=$14:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$3E:FC(3)=$08:FC(4)=$14 ' // *
        Case 43                   
            FC(0)=$08:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$3E:FC(3)=$08:FC(4)=$08 ' // +
        Case 44                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$00:FC(2)=$50:FC(3)=$30:FC(4)=$00 ' // 
        Case 45                   
            FC(0)=$10:FC(1)=$10:FC(2)=$10:FC(3)=$10:FC(4)=$10 ' // -
        Case 46                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$60:FC(2)=$60:FC(3)=$00:FC(4)=$00 ' // .
        Case 47                   
            FC(0)=$20:FC(1)=$10:FC(2)=$08:FC(3)=$04:FC(4)=$02 ' // /
        Case 48                   
            FC(0)=$3E:FC(1)=$51:FC(2)=$49:FC(3)=$45:FC(4)=$3E ' // 0
        Case 49                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$42:FC(2)=$7F:FC(3)=$40:FC(4)=$00 ' // 1
        Case 50                   
            FC(0)=$42:FC(1)=$61:FC(2)=$51:FC(3)=$49:FC(4)=$46 ' // 2
        Case 51                   
            FC(0)=$21:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$45:FC(3)=$4B:FC(4)=$31 ' // 3
        Case 52                   
            FC(0)=$18:FC(1)=$14:FC(2)=$12:FC(3)=$7F:FC(4)=$10 ' // 4
        Case 53                   
            FC(0)=$27:FC(1)=$45:FC(2)=$45:FC(3)=$45:FC(4)=$39 ' // 5
        Case 54                   
            FC(0)=$3C:FC(1)=$4A:FC(2)=$49:FC(3)=$49:FC(4)=$30 ' // 6
        Case 55                   
            FC(0)=$01:FC(1)=$71:FC(2)=$09:FC(3)=$05:FC(4)=$03 ' // 7
        Case 56                   
            FC(0)=$36:FC(1)=$49:FC(2)=$49:FC(3)=$49:FC(4)=$36 ' // 8
        Case 57                   
            FC(0)=$06:FC(1)=$49:FC(2)=$49:FC(3)=$29:FC(4)=$1E ' // 9
        Case 58                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$36:FC(2)=$36:FC(3)=$00:FC(4)=$00 ' // :
        Case 59                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$56:FC(2)=$36:FC(3)=$00:FC(4)=$00 ' // ";"
        Case 60                   
            FC(0)=$08:FC(1)=$14:FC(2)=$22:FC(3)=$41:FC(4)=$00 ' // <
        Case 61                   
            FC(0)=$14:FC(1)=$14:FC(2)=$14:FC(3)=$14:FC(4)=$14 ' // =
        Case 62                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$22:FC(3)=$14:FC(4)=$08 ' // >
        Case 63                   
            FC(0)=$02:FC(1)=$01:FC(2)=$51:FC(3)=$09:FC(4)=$06 ' // ?
        Case 64                   
            FC(0)=$32:FC(1)=$49:FC(2)=$59:FC(3)=$51:FC(4)=$3E ' // @
        Case 65                   
            FC(0)=$7E:FC(1)=$11:FC(2)=$11:FC(3)=$11:FC(4)=$7E ' // A
        Case 66                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$49:FC(2)=$49:FC(3)=$49:FC(4)=$36 ' // B
        Case 67                   
            FC(0)=$3E:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$41:FC(3)=$41:FC(4)=$22 ' // C
        Case 68                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$41:FC(3)=$22:FC(4)=$1C ' // D
        Case 69                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$49:FC(2)=$49:FC(3)=$49:FC(4)=$41 ' // E
        Case 70                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$09:FC(2)=$09:FC(3)=$09:FC(4)=$01 ' // F
        Case 71                   
            FC(0)=$3E:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$49:FC(3)=$49:FC(4)=$7A ' // G
        Case 72                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$08:FC(3)=$08:FC(4)=$7F ' // H
        Case 73                   
            FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$7F:FC(3)=$41:FC(4)=$00 ' // I
        Case 74                   
            FC(0)=$20:FC(1)=$40:FC(2)=$41:FC(3)=$3F:FC(4)=$01 ' // J
        Case 75                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$14:FC(3)=$22:FC(4)=$41 ' // K
        Case 76                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$40:FC(2)=$40:FC(3)=$40:FC(4)=$40 ' // L
        Case 77                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$02:FC(2)=$0C:FC(3)=$02:FC(4)=$7F ' // M
        Case 78                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$04:FC(2)=$08:FC(3)=$10:FC(4)=$7F ' // N
        Case 79                   
            FC(0)=$3E:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$41:FC(3)=$41:FC(4)=$3E ' // O
        Case 80                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$09:FC(2)=$09:FC(3)=$09:FC(4)=$06 ' // P
        Case 81                   
            FC(0)=$3E:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$51:FC(3)=$21:FC(4)=$5E ' // Q
        Case 82                   
            FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$09:FC(2)=$19:FC(3)=$29:FC(4)=$46 ' // R
        Case 83                   
            FC(0)=$46:FC(1)=$49:FC(2)=$49:FC(3)=$49:FC(4)=$31 ' // S
        Case 84                   
            FC(0)=$01:FC(1)=$01:FC(2)=$7F:FC(3)=$01:FC(4)=$01 ' // T
        Case 85                   
            FC(0)=$3F:FC(1)=$40:FC(2)=$40:FC(3)=$40:FC(4)=$3F ' // U
        Case 86                   
            FC(0)=$1F:FC(1)=$20:FC(2)=$40:FC(3)=$20:FC(4)=$1F ' // V
        Case 87                   
            FC(0)=$3F:FC(1)=$40:FC(2)=$38:FC(3)=$40:FC(4)=$3F ' // W
        Case 88                   
            FC(0)=$63:FC(1)=$14:FC(2)=$08:FC(3)=$14:FC(4)=$63 ' // X
        Case 89                   
            FC(0)=$07:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$70:FC(3)=$08:FC(4)=$07 ' // Y
        Case 90                   
            FC(0)=$61:FC(1)=$51:FC(2)=$49:FC(3)=$45:FC(4)=$43 ' // Z
    '    Case 91                   
    '        FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$7F:FC(2)=$41:FC(3)=$41:FC(4)=$00 ' // [
    '    Case 92                   
    '        FC(0)=$02:FC(1)=$04:FC(2)=$08:FC(3)=$10:FC(4)=$20 ' // \  (we are using this for " above)
    '    Case 93                   
    '        FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$41:FC(3)=$7F:FC(4)=$00 ' // ]
    '    Case 94                   
    '        FC(0)=$04:FC(1)=$02:FC(2)=$01:FC(3)=$02:FC(4)=$04 ' // ^
    '    Case 95                   
    '        FC(0)=$40:FC(1)=$40:FC(2)=$40:FC(3)=$40:FC(4)=$40 ' // _
    '    Case 96                   
    '        FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$01:FC(2)=$02:FC(3)=$04:FC(4)=$00 ' // '
    '    Case 97                   
    '        FC(0)=$20:FC(1)=$54:FC(2)=$54:FC(3)=$54:FC(4)=$78 ' // a
    '    Case 98                   
    '        FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$48:FC(2)=$44:FC(3)=$44:FC(4)=$38 ' // b
    '    Case 99                   
    '        FC(0)=$38:FC(1)=$44:FC(2)=$44:FC(3)=$44:FC(4)=$20 ' // c
    '    Case 100                   
    '        FC(0)=$38:FC(1)=$44:FC(2)=$44:FC(3)=$48:FC(4)=$7F ' // d
    '    Case 101                   
    '        FC(0)=$38:FC(1)=$54:FC(2)=$54:FC(3)=$54:FC(4)=$18 ' // e
    '    Case 102                   
    '        FC(0)=$08:FC(1)=$7E:FC(2)=$09:FC(3)=$01:FC(4)=$02 ' // f
    '    Case 103                   
    '        FC(0)=$0C:FC(1)=$52:FC(2)=$52:FC(3)=$52:FC(4)=$3E ' // g
    '    Case 104                   
    '        FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$04:FC(3)=$04:FC(4)=$78 ' // h
    '    Case 105                   
    '        FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$44:FC(2)=$7D:FC(3)=$40:FC(4)=$00 ' // i
    '    Case 106                   
    '        FC(0)=$20:FC(1)=$40:FC(2)=$44:FC(3)=$3D:FC(4)=$00 ' // j
    '    Case 107                   
    '        FC(0)=$7F:FC(1)=$10:FC(2)=$28:FC(3)=$44:FC(4)=$00 ' // k
    '    Case 108                   
    '        FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$7F:FC(3)=$40:FC(4)=$00 ' // l
    '    Case 109                   
    '        FC(0)=$7C:FC(1)=$04:FC(2)=$18:FC(3)=$04:FC(4)=$78 ' // m
    '    Case 110                   
    '        FC(0)=$7C:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$04:FC(3)=$04:FC(4)=$78 ' // n
    '    Case 111                   
    '        FC(0)=$38:FC(1)=$44:FC(2)=$44:FC(3)=$44:FC(4)=$38 ' // o
    '    Case 112                   
    '        FC(0)=$7C:FC(1)=$14:FC(2)=$14:FC(3)=$14:FC(4)=$08 ' // p
    '    Case 113                   
    '        FC(0)=$08:FC(1)=$14:FC(2)=$14:FC(3)=$18:FC(4)=$7C ' // q
    '    Case 114                   
    '        FC(0)=$7C:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$04:FC(3)=$04:FC(4)=$08 ' // r
    '    Case 115                   
    '        FC(0)=$48:FC(1)=$54:FC(2)=$54:FC(3)=$54:FC(4)=$20 ' // s
    '    Case 116                   
    '        FC(0)=$04:FC(1)=$3F:FC(2)=$44:FC(3)=$40:FC(4)=$20 ' // t
    '    Case 117                   
    '        FC(0)=$3C:FC(1)=$40:FC(2)=$40:FC(3)=$20:FC(4)=$7C ' // u
    '    Case 118                   
    '        FC(0)=$1C:FC(1)=$20:FC(2)=$40:FC(3)=$20:FC(4)=$1C ' // v
    '    Case 119                   
    '        FC(0)=$3C:FC(1)=$40:FC(2)=$30:FC(3)=$40:FC(4)=$3C ' // w
    '    Case 120                    
    '        FC(0)=$44:FC(1)=$28:FC(2)=$10:FC(3)=$28:FC(4)=$44 ' // x 
    '    Case 121                    
    '        FC(0)=$0C:FC(1)=$50:FC(2)=$50:FC(3)=$50:FC(4)=$3C ' // y 
    '    Case 122                    
    '        FC(0)=$44:FC(1)=$64:FC(2)=$54:FC(3)=$4C:FC(4)=$44 ' // z 
    '    case 123
    '        FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$36:FC(3)=$41:FC(4)=$00'  // {
    '    case 124
    '        FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$00:FC(2)=$7F:FC(3)=$00:FC(4)=$00 ' // |
    '    case 125
    '        FC(0)=$00:FC(1)=$41:FC(2)=$36:FC(3)=$08:FC(4)=$00'  // }    
    '    case 126
    '        FC(0)=$10:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$08:FC(3)=$10:FC(4)=$08'  // ~
        'case 127
        '    FC(0)=$10:FC(1)=$08:FC(2)=$08:FC(3)=$10:FC(4)=$08'  // DEL        
        'Case 128
       '     FC(0)=$55:FC(1)=$2A:FC(2)=$55:FC(3)=$2A:FC(4)=$55 ' // 55 (shaded)
        end SELECT
        High Lcd_DC
        SHiftOUT Lcd_SDO , Lcd_CLK , MSBFIRST, [ FC(0),FC(1),FC(2),FC(3),FC(4),$00 ]
        Low Lcd_DC
    Last edited by Archangel; - 21st October 2015 at 22:22.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Comodoro Rivadavia - Patagonia Argentina

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    Default Re: Problemas Libreria N3310

    me interesa esta libreria, por que parece mucho mas practico y sencillo escribir y colocar el valor de variables
    Google Translate:
    I'm interested in this library, that seems much more practical and easier
    to write and place the value of variables
    Last edited by Archangel; - 21st October 2015 at 22:23.

  3. #3

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    Default Re: Problemas Libreria N3310

    Olá Martin,

    No código principal apenas está a usar letras em minusculas e na libraria as letras minusculas estão comentadas.

    Tem duas opções:

    Mudar o texto no codigo principal para maiusculas ou descomentar na libraria os caracteres que vai usar no programa principal.

    My translate

    Greetings Martin,

    In your main code you are using lowercase characters while in the library all of the lowercase characters are commented.

    You have 2 options:

    Or you modify your main code to use uppercase characters or just uncomment the lowercase letters in the library.

    Best regards

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Comodoro Rivadavia - Patagonia Argentina

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    Default Re: Problemas Libreria N3310

    Hello Friend; tried everything ... including this one you described me as I had noticed that too in the library ...
    if I put in the program:

    PrintStr 0.1, "Hi!"
    PrintStr 0.2, "HELLO!"

    and the display is only "oa"

    I'm trying another way of writing, is half complicated (the example of nokv10 - and achieve something ... the truth, it seems weird this problem. Cheers

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Las Vegas, NV

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    Default Re: Problemas Libreria N3310

    Maybe it's in code you didn't post but I don't see where you configured the 16F877a oscillator for internal/external and speed. DEFINE OSC 20 tells PBP what frequency you want so the chip itself might be defaulting to the 4MHz internal oscillator. That could cause a communication issue.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Comodoro Rivadavia - Patagonia Argentina

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    Default Re: Problemas Libreria N3310

    Hello friend, look, this is the simple program I made to see how the library and good works, the result is the above comment
    Name:  falla_lib3310.JPG
Views: 359
Size:  48.4 KB
    compile with PBP probe with MPLAB and I get the same results

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