View Full Version : test

Big Gaz
- 12th February 2011, 13:21
here is my code


for index = 1 to 3 step 1 ; read 10 values for 3 sensors

For index2 = 1 to 10 step 1 ; Take 10 reading

if temp_val[index2] < temp_val_lo[index] then ; is readling lower than lowest
temp_val_lo[index] = temp_val[index2] ; update lowest
temp1[index] = temp1[index] + temp_val[index2] ; add reading to running total
else if temp_val[index2] > temp_val_hi[index] then ; is reading higher than highest
temp_val_hi[index] = temp_val[index2] ; update highest
temp1[index] = temp1[index] + temp_val[index2] ; add reading to running total
else ; if reading not highest or lowest
temp1[index] = temp1[index] + temp_val[index2] ; add reading to running total

next index2 ; update next reading

next index ; update next sensor

goto mainloop

- 10th February 2012, 17:51