mixing joy stick

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  1. #1

    Question mixing joy stick

    I have 2 pots that I am trying to mix at the TX side. The RX side drives standard hobby servos.

    If the joy stick is viewed as 4 compass directions. Moving the stick north and south moves the 2 servos in unison the same amount same direction. But going E and W only moves one that corresponds to East and one that corresponds to West.

    I have tried IF then conditional statements with dead bands to detect the proper mixing conditions but it seems to fall out of these conditions because of the sloppy nature of the pot/joy stick mechanics.

    Does anyone have a cleaver way of finessing these issues?


  2. #2
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    What is this? A V-tail mixer? Spoilerons?
    So, if your range is 0-999, the middle, say 400-600 from the stick is sloppy, and you need to assume that anything between 400 and 600 is actually 500, and need to 'linearize' the curve off of that 500 center some way leading back to the 'normal' values?
    Jeeze...does that make any sense at all?

  3. #3

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    I have only 8bit payload per pot. Actually its like flapperons,I am steering a tank. so to go right it mixes left and right motors in proportions, to steer from large arc to tight arc. To go straight it moves the left and right motor in tandum, same with reverse.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macgman2000 View Post
    I have only 8bit payload per pot. Actually its like flapperons,I am steering a tank. so to go right it mixes left and right motors in proportions, to steer from large arc to tight arc. To go straight it moves the left and right motor in tandum, same with reverse.
    Ok, tank-tread-erons...
    I'll cook it over in the brain for awhile...
    So then, values run from 0 to 255, 128 in the middle, say +/-16 for slop? 112-144 = no movement? Something along those lines?

    EDIT: done cooking...

    Without some better math (i.e. more bits at the input side), you'll lose some range at the output side of things (i.e. 0-223 vs. 0-255)...
    inputvalue var byte
    outputvalue var byte
    deadband var byte
    deadband = 32
    if ( input > ( 128 + ( deadband / 2 ) ) ) or ( input < ( 128 - ( deadband / 2 ) ) ) then
         output = 128   'set output to middle value
         if input > ( 128 + ( deadband / 2 ) ) then
              input = input - deadband
    The total range is reduced to the max byte value (255) minus the total deadband (32 in this case) which equals 223, so 0=minimum, 223=maximum.
    But that's just one way to do it...
    Last edited by skimask; - 16th October 2008 at 03:52.

  5. #5

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    ok i understand the way you did it. I tried the following and it was iffy.

    ;ADCIN1 mydata1 ; X pot L/R
    ;ADCIN2 mydata2 ;y pot FW/REV
    if mydata1 > 120 and mydata1 < 130 then
    mydata2 = mydata1
    here TX out the byte.

    I am looking at the X pot to see if it has moved from center 120~130 if not then make Y the same as X so that left and right motor move in tandum going forward. If the X pot moves outside of the 120~130 range, then skip the conditional statement and load individual values for X and Y. the mechanical slop is so bad it is hard to find the deadband....I guess I need to do something mechanically to stabilize it....since I don't see how to improve it via code.

  6. #6
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    Ok, sure, now I smell what you're cooking... I was only shooting for a single channel, one X pot if you will.
    Let me cook on that a bit more... I'm sure it can be done the same way, just have to sort out the deadband issue. Maybe start huge and working your way down until it seems comfortable...

  7. #7
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    lrinput var byte : frinput var byte : lroutput var byte : froutput var byte
    loutput var byte : routput var byte : lrdeadband var byte : frdeadband var byte
    lrdeadband = 32 : frdeadband = 32
    lrmid var byte : lrmid = 128 - ( lrdeadband / 2 )
    frmid var byte : frmid = 128 - ( frdeadband / 2 )
    ;adcin x
    ;adcin y
    if ( lrinput > ( 128 + ( lrdeadband / 2 ) ) ) or ( lrinput < ( 128 - ( lrdeadband / 2 ) ) ) then
         lroutput = lrmid   'set output to middle value
         if lrinput > ( 128 + ( lrdeadband / 2 ) ) then
              lroutput = lrinput - lrdeadband
    if ( frinput > ( 128 + ( frdeadband / 2 ) ) ) or ( frinput < ( 128 - ( frdeadband / 2 ) ) ) then
         froutput = frmid   'set output to middle value
         if frinput > ( 128 + ( frdeadband / 2 ) ) then
              froutput = frinput - frdeadband
    After this bit o' code, left and right should have the deadband taken out, with (in this case) the mid-point of left/right being at 112, and the forward/reverse midpoint is also at 112.
    Now you have to drive the H-bridge...
    What do you have setup for that? Or do you have a separate controller for it or what?
    Then you have to add in some code to find and/or remember the minimum and maximum values ever read for the pot's, sort of like a calibration routine for joysticks on a PC...blah blah blah...but I suppose you can keep adding tricks to the code until it gets unbearable...

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    Never had a Tank before. But it sounded like an interesting way to spend the evening.

    It might do it all. Or it might blow a loogie.
    DeadBandX  CON 10      ; center mechanical Dead Area
    DeadBandY  CON 5
    JoyX       VAR BYTE    ; A/D values from joystick
    JoyY       VAR BYTE
    TrimX      VAR BYTE
    TrimY      VAR BYTE
    Xcorr      VAR WORD    ; corrected values (x-128)
    Ycorr      VAR WORD    ;   puts center at 0,0
    Left       VAR WORD    ; Left Tread
    Right      VAR WORD    ; Right Tread
    LeftDir    VAR BIT     ; Tread directions  1 = backwards
    RightDir   VAR BIT
        ADCIN 0, JoyX                            ; get Joystick values
        ADCIN 1, JoyY
        ADCIN 2, TrimX                           ; Joystick Center trims
        ADCIN 3, TrimY                           ;  set to 128 if not used
        Xcorr = JoyX - 128 + (TrimX >> 3) - 16   ; adjust center position to 0
        Ycorr = JoyY - 128 + (TrimY >> 3) - 16
        IF ABS(Xcorr) < DeadBandX THEN Xcorr = 0 ; center deadband
        IF ABS(Ycorr) < DeadBandY THEN Ycorr = 0
        Left  = Ycorr + Xcorr                    ; Mix Tread speeds 
        Right = Ycorr - Xcorr
        LeftDir = Left.15                        ; Tread Direction
        RightDir = Right.15                      ;  1 = backwards
        Left = ABS(Left)                         ; make values positive
        Right = ABS(Right)
        if Left > 127 then Left = 127            ; Clamp max outputs 
        if Right > 127 then Right = 127
        ; Drive motors here
        ; LeftDir indicates the direction of the Left tread
        ; Left is the Speed of the motor 0 - 127
        ; Same for Right Track
    GOTO Main

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    Never had a Tank before. But it sounded like an interesting way to spend the evening.
    It might do it all. Or it might blow a loogie.
    What!?! You live in CA. and never had a tank?
    Slick bit of code...not nearly enough colons in there, but slick nonetheless... I'm hanging on to it for future use.

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    Here ya go ski. Is this better ...
    :DeadBandX  CON 10      ; center mechanical Dead Area                      :
    :DeadBandY  CON 5                                                          :
    :JoyX       VAR BYTE    ; A/D values from joystick                         :
    :JoyY       VAR BYTE                                                       :
    :TrimX      VAR BYTE                                                       :
    :TrimY      VAR BYTE                                                       :
    :Xcorr      VAR WORD    ; corrected values (x-128)                         :
    :Ycorr      VAR WORD    ;   puts center at 0,0                             :
    :Left       VAR WORD    ; Left Track                                       :
    :Right      VAR WORD    ; Right Track                                      :
    :LeftDir    VAR BIT     ; Tread directions  1 = backwards                  :
    :RightDir   VAR BIT                                                        :
    :                                                                          :
    :Main:                                                                     :
    :    ADCIN 0, JoyX                            ; get Joystick values        :
    :    ADCIN 1, JoyY                                                         :
    :    ADCIN 2, TrimX                           ; Joystick Center trims      :
    :    ADCIN 3, TrimY                           ;  set to 128 if not used    :
    :                                                                          :
    :    Xcorr = JoyX - 128 + (TrimX >> 3) - 16   ; adjust center position to 0:
    :    Ycorr = JoyY - 128 + (TrimY >> 3) - 16                                :
    :    IF ABS(Xcorr) < DeadBandX THEN Xcorr = 0 ; center deadband            :
    :    IF ABS(Ycorr) < DeadBandY THEN Ycorr = 0 ;                            : 
    :                                                                          :
    :    Left  = Ycorr + Xcorr                    ; Mix Tread speeds           :
    :    Right = Ycorr - Xcorr                                                 :
    :                                                                          :
    :    LeftDir = Left.15                        ; Tread Direction            :
    :    RightDir = Right.15                      ;  1 = backwards             :
    :                                                                          :
    :    Left = ABS(Left)                         ; make values positive       :
    :    Right = ABS(Right)                                                    :
    :                                                                          :
    :    if Left > 127 then Left = 127            ; Clamp max outputs          :
    :    if Right > 127 then Right = 127          ;                            : 
    :                                                                          :
    :    ; Drive motors here                                                   :
    :    ; LeftDir indicates the direction of the Left tread                   :
    :    ; Left is the Speed of the motor 0 - 127                              :
    :    ; Same for Right Track                                                :
    :GOTO Main                                                                 :
    Still compiles.

  11. #11
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    dx con 10:dy con 5:jx var byte:jy var byte:tx var byte:ty var byte:xc var word:yc var word:lt var word:rt var word:ld var bit:rd var bit
    main: adcin 0,jx:adcin 1,jy:adcin 2,tx:adcin 3,ty:xcr=jx-128+(tx>>3)-16:yc=jy-128+(ty>>3)-16:IF ABS(Xc) < dx THEN Xc = 0
    IF ABS(Ycorr) < dy THEN Ycorr = 0
    lt=yc+xc:rt=yc-xc:ld=lt.15:rd=rt.15:lt=abs(lt):rt=abs(rt):if Lt > 127 then Lt = 127
    if Rt > 127 then Rt = 127
    GOTO Main
    That's what I'm talkin' 'bout...

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    Eeeeuuuwww ...

    Cleanup on Isle #2

    <img src="http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=2403" />

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    Eeeeuuuwww ...
    Cleanup on Isle #2
    To quote somebody else...
    Maybe you want a:

    Cleaup on Aisle #2

  14. #14
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    No, I think you have your own little Island there.

    The Colon Isle.

    Population 1.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    No, I think you have your own little Island there.
    The Colon Isle.
    Population 1.
    This Isle has been Colon-ized!
    Oh, and population 2.5 (got one that's just over half-way done cookin' in the oven)

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    Quote Originally Posted by skimask View Post
    This Isle has been Colon-ized!
    Good one!

    Oh, and population 2.5 (got one that's just over half-way done cookin' in the oven)
    That makes it a "semi-colon" ...
    So it's commented out.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    Good one!
    That makes it a "semi-colon" ...
    So it's commented out.
    Well, it's my Isle...2 big hills, a valley, bushes, and a cavern not well tread upon...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darrel Taylor View Post
    Eeeeuuuwww ...

    Cleanup on Isle #2

    <img src="http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=2403" />
    Is this anything like colon cleansing???.......

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