I am having some problems understanding ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming), I've actually never programmed an ic before but I'm trying to figure out how to get the code to the chip, without using a programmer. I have a book that describes some different programs and whatnot for the 16F684.

I do not have a programmer of any sort, thus the question.

I have a breadboard, a 16F684 microchip, I also have available some resistors, and some other minor electronic components and I also have a DB9 connector (for the ICSP programming).

As I understand it, the ICSP is designed so you can connect to an IC when it is in a circuit.

What I don't quite understand is if I can directly connect it to my computer, or if I need to connect it to a programmer which is then of course connected to the computer.

If anyone has some more information I would appreciate it.