Hi Guys ,

as per normal when i am implementing a new cpu , i refer to the INFO file for its config, then go through the datasheet to see what it setting or not as dephalt

The setting for CONFIG7L in the datasheet shows it is EBTR0 - EBTR7 ( TABLE 28-1 ) spelling
and CONFIG7H in datasheet shows EBTRB spelling

when looking at the INFO file for both 18f67k22 , 18f87k22 it shows "CONFIG EBRT0- EBRT7 = OFF " , "EBRTB = OFF"

When doing a compile the INFO file is correct in what PBP expects it as EBRT0-7 , EBRTB , , but its clearly not the same name spelling as the datasheet it is setting the bits config for

i have not checked if these setting actually protect the read block as yet on the chip

it is now an typo error that PBP now expects and now must use for now or perhaps the datasheet got it wrong ,( i but doubt it)

Name:  18f87k22 config bits.JPG
Views: 776
Size:  232.6 KB

;  File:    PIC18F87K22.INFO
;  Date:    06/02/15
;  Generated by melabs File Manager
;  PICBASIC PRO(tm) Compiler version: 3.0.8
;  Copyright 2015 microEngineering Labs, Inc.   All Rights Reserved
;  The content herein is intended to facilitate embedded development using
;  PICBASIC PRO Compiler.  Reproduction or utilization for other purposes
;  is prohibited without written permission from microEngineering Labs, Inc..
;  microEngineering Labs, Inc.
;  2845 Ore Mill Road STE 4
;  Colorado Springs, CO  80904
;  719-520-5323
;  fax: 719-520-1867
;  http://melabs.com
;  [email protected]
;  Modifications to this file in the \DEVICE_REFERENCE folder will be
;  overwritten when you install future upgrades.
;MPASM CONFIG Directive Options
;  This section is included for reference only.  The options below may be
;  used with the MPASM CONFIG directive to specify configuration settings
;  in the source program using the #CONFIG/#ENDCONFIG block.
;  The PBP default configuration for the PIC18F87K22 is:
;    CONFIG  RETEN = ON            ; Enabled
;    CONFIG  INTOSCSEL = HIGH      ; LF-INTOSC in High-power mode during Sleep
;    CONFIG  SOSCSEL = HIGH        ; High Power SOSC circuit selected
;    CONFIG  XINST = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  FOSC = HS1            ; HS oscillator (Medium power, 4 MHz - 16 MHz)
;    CONFIG  PLLCFG = ON           ; Enabled
;    CONFIG  FCMEN = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  IESO = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  PWRTEN = OFF          ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  BOREN = SBORDIS       ; Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled
;    CONFIG  BORV = 3              ; 1.8V
;    CONFIG  BORPWR = ZPBORMV      ; ZPBORMV instead of BORMV is selected
;    CONFIG  WDTEN = SWDTDIS       ; WDT enabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled
;    CONFIG  WDTPS = 512           ; 1:512
;    CONFIG  EASHFT = ON           ; Address Shifting enabled
;    CONFIG  ABW = XM20            ; 20-bit address bus
;    CONFIG  BW = 16               ; 16-bit external bus mode
;    CONFIG  WAIT = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CCP2MX = PORTC        ; RC1
;    CONFIG  ECCPMX = PORTE        ; Enhanced CCP1/3 [P1B/P1C/P3B/P3C] muxed with RE6/RE5/RE4/RE3
;    CONFIG  MSSPMSK = MSK7        ; 7 Bit address masking mode
;    CONFIG  MCLRE = ON            ; MCLR Enabled, RG5 Disabled
;    CONFIG  STVREN = ON           ; Enabled
;    CONFIG  BBSIZ = BB2K          ; 2K word Boot Block size
;    CONFIG  DEBUG = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CP0 = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CP1 = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CP2 = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CP3 = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CP4 = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CP5 = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CP6 = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CP7 = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CPB = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  CPD = OFF             ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRT0 = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRT1 = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRT2 = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRT3 = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRT4 = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRT5 = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRT6 = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRT7 = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRTC = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRTB = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  WRTD = OFF            ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  EBRT0 = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  EBRT1 = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  EBRT2 = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  EBRT3 = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  EBRT4 = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  EBRT5 = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  EBRT6 = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  EBRT7 = OFF           ; Disabled
;    CONFIG  EBRTB = OFF           ; Disabled
;  Use the available options below to construct your configuration directives.
;  when you include a #CONFIG block in your program.
;  Available configuration settings for PIC18F87K22:
;  VREG Sleep Enable bit
;    CONFIG RETEN = ON	    ;Enabled
;    CONFIG RETEN = OFF	    ;Disabled - Controlled by SRETEN bit
;  LF-INTOSC Low-power Enable bit
;    CONFIG INTOSCSEL = HIGH	    ;LF-INTOSC in High-power mode during Sleep
;    CONFIG INTOSCSEL = LOW	    ;LF-INTOSC in Low-power mode during Sleep
;  SOSC Power Selection and mode Configuration bits
;    CONFIG SOSCSEL = HIGH	    ;High Power SOSC circuit selected
;    CONFIG SOSCSEL = LOW	    ;Low Power SOSC circuit selected
;    CONFIG SOSCSEL = DIG	    ;Digital (SCLKI) mode
;  Extended Instruction Set
;    CONFIG XINST = ON	    ;Enabled
;    CONFIG XINST = OFF	    ;Disabled
;  Oscillator
;    CONFIG FOSC = RCIO	    ;External RC oscillator
;    CONFIG FOSC = RC	    ;External RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2
;    CONFIG FOSC = EC1	    ;EC oscillator (Low power, DC - 160 kHz)
;    CONFIG FOSC = EC1IO	    ;EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (Low power, DC - 160 kHz)
;    CONFIG FOSC = EC2	    ;EC oscillator (Medium power, 160 kHz - 16 MHz)
;    CONFIG FOSC = EC2IO	    ;EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (Medium power, 160 kHz - 16 MHz)
;    CONFIG FOSC = INTIO1	    ;Internal RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2
;    CONFIG FOSC = INTIO2	    ;Internal RC oscillator
;    CONFIG FOSC = EC3	    ;EC oscillator (High power, 16 MHz - 64 MHz)
;    CONFIG FOSC = EC3IO	    ;EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (High power, 16 MHz - 64 MHz)
;    CONFIG FOSC = HS1	    ;HS oscillator (Medium power, 4 MHz - 16 MHz)
;    CONFIG FOSC = HS2	    ;HS oscillator (High power, 16 MHz - 25 MHz)
;    CONFIG FOSC = XT	    ;XT oscillator
;    CONFIG FOSC = LP	    ;LP oscillator
;  PLL x4 Enable bit
;    CONFIG PLLCFG = ON	    ;Enabled
;    CONFIG PLLCFG = OFF	    ;Disabled
;  Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
;    CONFIG FCMEN = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG FCMEN = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Internal External Oscillator Switch Over Mode
;    CONFIG IESO = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG IESO = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Power Up Timer
;    CONFIG PWRTEN = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG PWRTEN = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Brown Out Detect
;    CONFIG BOREN = SBORDIS	    ;Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled
;    CONFIG BOREN = NOSLP	    ;Enabled while active, disabled in SLEEP, SBOREN disabled
;    CONFIG BOREN = ON	    ;Controlled with SBOREN bit
;    CONFIG BOREN = OFF	    ;Disabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled
;  Brown-out Reset Voltage bits
;    CONFIG BORV = 3	    ;1.8V
;    CONFIG BORV = 2	    ;2.0V
;    CONFIG BORV = 1	    ;2.7V
;    CONFIG BORV = 0	    ;3.0V
;  BORMV Power level
;    CONFIG BORPWR = ZPBORMV	    ;ZPBORMV instead of BORMV is selected
;    CONFIG BORPWR = HIGH	    ;BORMV set to high power level
;    CONFIG BORPWR = MEDIUM	    ;BORMV set to medium power level
;    CONFIG BORPWR = LOW	    ;BORMV set to low power level
;  Watchdog Timer
;    CONFIG WDTEN = SWDTDIS	    ;WDT enabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled
;    CONFIG WDTEN = ON	    ;WDT controlled by SWDTEN bit setting
;    CONFIG WDTEN = NOSLP	    ;WDT enabled only while device is active and disabled in Sleep mode; SWDTEN bit disabled
;    CONFIG WDTEN = OFF	    ;WDT disabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled
;  Watchdog Postscaler
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 1048576	    ;1:1048576
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 524288	    ;1:524288
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 262144	    ;1:262144
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 131072	    ;1:131072
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 65536	    ;1:65536
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 32768	    ;1:32768
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 16384	    ;1:16384
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 8192	    ;1:8192
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 4096	    ;1:4096
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 2048	    ;1:2048
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 1024	    ;1:1024
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 512	    ;1:512
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 256	    ;1:256
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 128	    ;1:128
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 64	    ;1:64
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 32	    ;1:32
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 16	    ;1:16
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 8	    ;1:8
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 4	    ;1:4
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 2	    ;1:2
;    CONFIG WDTPS = 1	    ;1:1
;  RTCC Clock Select
;  External Address Shift bit
;    CONFIG EASHFT = ON	    ;Address Shifting enabled
;    CONFIG EASHFT = OFF	    ;Address Shifting disabled
;  Address Bus Width Select bits
;    CONFIG ABW = XM20	    ;20-bit address bus
;    CONFIG ABW = XM16	    ;16-bit address bus
;    CONFIG ABW = XM12	    ;12-bit address bus
;    CONFIG ABW = MM	    ;8-bit address bus
;  Data Bus Width
;    CONFIG BW = 16	    ;16-bit external bus mode
;    CONFIG BW = 8	    ;8-bit external bus mode
;  External Bus Wait
;    CONFIG WAIT = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WAIT = ON	    ;Enabled
;  CCP2 Mux
;    CONFIG CCP2MX = PORTBE	    ;RE7-Microcontroller Mode/RB3-All other modes
;  ECCP Mux
;    CONFIG ECCPMX = PORTE	    ;Enhanced CCP1/3 [P1B/P1C/P3B/P3C] muxed with RE6/RE5/RE4/RE3
;    CONFIG ECCPMX = PORTH	    ;Enhanced CCP1/3 [P1B/P1C/P3B/P3C] muxed with RH7/RH6/RH5/RH4
;  MSSP address masking
;    CONFIG MSSPMSK = MSK7	    ;7 Bit address masking mode
;    CONFIG MSSPMSK = MSK5	    ;5 bit address masking mode
;  Master Clear Enable
;    CONFIG MCLRE = ON	    ;MCLR Enabled, RG5 Disabled
;    CONFIG MCLRE = OFF	    ;MCLR Disabled, RG5 Enabled
;  Stack Overflow Reset
;    CONFIG STVREN = ON	    ;Enabled
;    CONFIG STVREN = OFF	    ;Disabled
;  Boot Block Size
;    CONFIG BBSIZ = BB2K	    ;2K word Boot Block size
;    CONFIG BBSIZ = BB1K	    ;1K word Boot Block size
;  Background Debug
;    CONFIG DEBUG = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG DEBUG = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Code Protect 00800-03FFF
;    CONFIG CP0 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CP0 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Code Protect 04000-07FFF
;    CONFIG CP1 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CP1 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Code Protect 08000-0BFFF
;    CONFIG CP2 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CP2 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Code Protect 0C000-0FFFF
;    CONFIG CP3 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CP3 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Code Protect 10000-13FFF
;    CONFIG CP4 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CP4 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Code Protect 14000-17FFF
;    CONFIG CP5 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CP5 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Code Protect 18000-1BFFF
;    CONFIG CP6 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CP6 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Code Protect 1C000-1FFFF
;    CONFIG CP7 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CP7 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Code Protect Boot
;    CONFIG CPB = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CPB = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Data EE Read Protect
;    CONFIG CPD = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG CPD = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Write Protect 00800-03FFF
;    CONFIG WRT0 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRT0 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Write Protect 04000-07FFF
;    CONFIG WRT1 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRT1 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Write Protect 08000-0BFFF
;    CONFIG WRT2 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRT2 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Write Protect 0C000-0FFFF
;    CONFIG WRT3 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRT3 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Write Protect 10000-13FFF
;    CONFIG WRT4 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRT4 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Write Protect 14000-17FFF
;    CONFIG WRT5 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRT5 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Write Protect 18000-1BFFF
;    CONFIG WRT6 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRT6 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Write Protect 1C000-1FFFF
;    CONFIG WRT7 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRT7 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Config. Write Protect
;    CONFIG WRTC = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRTC = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Write Protect Boot
;    CONFIG WRTB = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRTB = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Data EE Write Protect
;    CONFIG WRTD = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG WRTD = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Read Protect 00800-03FFF
;    CONFIG EBRT0 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG EBRT0 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Read Protect 04000-07FFF
;    CONFIG EBRT1 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG EBRT1 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Read Protect 08000-0BFFF
;    CONFIG EBRT2 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG EBRT2 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Read Protect 0C000-0FFFF
;    CONFIG EBRT3 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG EBRT3 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Read Protect 10000-13FFF
;    CONFIG EBRT4 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG EBRT4 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Read Protect 14000-17FFF
;    CONFIG EBRT5 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG EBRT5 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Read Protect 18000-1BFFF
;    CONFIG EBRT6 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG EBRT6 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Read Protect 1C000-1FFFF
;    CONFIG EBRT7 = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG EBRT7 = ON	    ;Enabled
;  Table Read Protect Boot
;    CONFIG EBRTB = OFF	    ;Disabled
;    CONFIG EBRTB = ON	    ;Enabled