I know this is a big request, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

I'm looking for an example of a hardware interrupt for a 16F876.

Basically I have some PBP code that jumps around several loops depending on certain conditions.

Only while it's in one of those loops I need an interrupt to be triggerred if a pin changes state from low to high. I would use software interrupots, however the problem is that I'm using "sound" and that ties up the program while the sound is being played, so the event could happend while the sound is being played and I would never know it.

Can I send a hardware interrupt back to a piece of PBP code?

Can that code then disable the hardware interrupt until the next time the loop is entered?

Any examples of this or something similar to get me going would be really appreciated.

Also if you know of any nice and easy primers (links) to PIC ASM
that would also be nice.
