I have spent some time learning the BetaBrite protocol to drive the display using serial commands. Unfortunately the Model I have (the popular 1036) has a serial port that is fixed at 7-E-2 (two stop bits), 9600 baud. I am unable to find any code that will let me configure a Pic to those serial settings. Any suggestions on how to interface with the Betabrite. The application is a simple counter. Every time a push button is depressed, I want the Betabrite to display "That's 1" then "That's 2" Etc. Looking around, the closest thing I found was a function routine written for the DiosPro that follows. I do not know how to convert this to work with a PIC, nor do I want to start working with a whole new compiler and hardware. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Here is the DiosPro code:

'Send a byte of data at 9600 7e2
func sendchar7e(port,dat)
dim x,b
dim ep
ep = 0
for x = 0 to 6
if dat.bit(x) = 1 then
ep = ep + 1
dat.bit(7) = ep.bit(0)