Virtual LED Clock For Windows By Trent Jackson

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  1. #1
    T.Jackson's Avatar
    T.Jackson Guest

    Talking Virtual LED Clock For Windows By Trent Jackson

    <table width="100%" border="0" Cellpadding="5">
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    <img src=" 9">
    Not your ordinary Windows-based desktop clock, this one's PIC-driven! Yes that's right, the Windows software is just a display, it's the PIC that actually keeps the time. The circuit connects to any spare serial port on your PC and feeds the Windows-based software with an accurate time string every second. Setting the time is snack, this is done directly via the Windows software. The time can be set or displayed in either 12 or 24 hour formats.

    An interesting aspect of this project is that, in the Windows software, instead of using MSCOMM32.ocx, it uses a relatively much easier-to-use API based approach. First initial tests with this protocol have proven flawless. I haven't confirmed this yet but I think it might actually be much faster too. So for Windows developers out there using VB, I strongly suggest that you take a close look at the protocol in the download.

    Anyhow, turning your attention back to the clock for a moment, if you take a look at the schematic below you'll see that the whole thing can be built for less than the cost of your lunch. The circuit relies on no dedicated RTC chip, but instead uses portions of Paul R. Borgmeier's EZCLOCK2 code which makes good use of TMR0 to enable for some relatively accurate time keeping. Arguably almost on par with the DS1302. Last but not least, some of you may be asking what's the buzzer and LED for? Well, as it stands with the software "as is", the buzzer briefly goes off every second making a sort of tick-tock sound.
    <table align="center" width="100px" border="2" >
    <img src=" 8">
    '*   Name    : VClock.BAS                                                     *
    '*   Author  : Trent Jackson                                                  *
    '*   Notice  : No Copyright                                                   *
    '*           :                                                                *
    '*   Date    : 17/5/2007                                                      *
    '*   Version : 1.0                                                            *
    '*                                                                            *
    '* Acknowledgements                                                           *
    '* Portions of Program extracted from: EZCLOCK2 By Paul R. Borgmeier, PhD     *
    '* Crux analysis & design, LLC                           * 
       Include "modedefs.bas"             ' Serial Protocol
       Define   OSC 4                     ' 4MHz crystal used
       '// Variables
       Counter    VAR Word                ' Track TMRO  
       Hours      VAR Byte                ' Total hrs (0-23)
       Minutes    VAR ByTE                ' Mins (0-59)
       Seconds    VAR Byte                ' Secs (0-59)
       RX_To_PC   VAR PORTA.0             ' RX line
       TX_To_PC   VAR PORTA.1             ' TX ...
       LED_Buzzer VAR PORTB.5             ' LED & Buzzer
       '// Init
       CMCON       = 7                    ' All digital
       OPTION_REG  = %10000111            ' TMRO prescale = 256
       TRISA       = %00000010            ' All outputs except RA1
       TRISB       = %00000000            ' All outputs ...
       TMR0        = 0                    ' Reset TMRO
       INTCON.2    = 0                    ' Clear TMRO overflow flag
       Hours       = 0                    ' Null  
       Minutes     = 0                    ' ^
       Seconds     = 0                    ' ^
       Counter     = $7A12                ' Load time counter
       Wait_For_TMR0:                     ' Main loop  
       IF INTCON.2 = 0 THEN Wait_For_TMR0 ' Wait for TMRO overflow
       INTCON.2    = 0                    ' Clear TMRO overflow flag
           Counter = Counter - $800       ' Dec counter until 1 sec has elapsed  
       '// Process hrs, mins secs accordingly ...
       IF Counter < $800 THEN
          Seconds = Seconds + 1
          If Seconds = 60 Then
             Seconds = 0
             Minutes = Minutes + 1
             If Minutes = 60 Then
                Minutes = 0
                Hours = Hours + 1
                If Hours = 24 Then
                   Hours = 0
       '// Add leading zeros to all single digits & output str serially to PC
          If Hours < 10 And Minutes > 9 And Seconds > 9 Then
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@","0",#Hours,":",#Minutes,":",#Seconds]
          ELSE:IF Hours > 9 and Minutes < 10 and Seconds > 9 THEN
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@",#Hours,":0",#Minutes,":",#Seconds]
          ELSE:IF Hours < 10 and Minutes < 10 and Seconds > 9 THEN
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@","0",#Hours,":0",#Minutes,":",#Seconds]
          ELSE:IF Hours > 9 and Minutes > 9 and Seconds < 10 THEN
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@",#Hours,":",#Minutes,":0",#Seconds]
          ELSE:IF Hours < 10 and Minutes > 9 and Seconds < 10 THEN
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@","0",#Hours,":",#Minutes,":0",#Seconds]
          ELSE:IF Hours > 9 and Minutes < 10 and Seconds < 10 THEN
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@",#Hours,":0",#Minutes,":0",#Seconds]
          ELSE:IF Hours < 10 and Minutes < 10 and Seconds < 10 THEN
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@","0",#Hours,":0",#Minutes,":0",#Seconds]
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@",#Hours,":",#Minutes,":",#Seconds]
          EndIf: EndIf: EndIf: EndIf: EndIf: EndIf: EndIf
          Counter = Counter + $7A12          ' Reset counter 
          Toggle LED_Buzzer                  '  
       Else 'Wait here for 50mS to see if the host(PC) is trying to set new time val                               
          SERIN TX_To_PC, N2400, 50, Wait_For_TMR0, ["@"], Hours, Minutes, Seconds
       GoTo Wait_For_TMR0                    ' Loop back
    If you plan on running the Windows executable you'll firstly need to obtain msvbvm50.dll <a href="" target="_blank">Click here!</a>.
    Happy time keeping !
    Trent Jackson
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    Last edited by T.Jackson; - 17th May 2007 at 14:37. Reason: Correct link

  2. #2
    T.Jackson's Avatar
    T.Jackson Guest

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    I think it's possible to squeeze a relatively good calendar into this too. I actually have an algorithm that can workout the dates in which the days in ea month fall on for any given year based on the total num of days since 1900. Anyone here coded a calendar for a PIC before?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

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    Nice project Trent!

    I would like to see the algo you have for the calendar, if I may.

    Thanks, Ioannis

  4. #4
    T.Jackson's Avatar
    T.Jackson Guest

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    I wrote this calendar in VB early this year ....

    <img src=" 4">

    Portion of code for generating the dates in ea month (2000 - 2100)
    Public Sub Draw_Calendar()
       '// Build / draw calendar onto field where user can actively select from it
       Dim Print_Y      As Integer 'Contains current X-axis for printing
       Dim Print_X      As Integer 'Y-axis
       Dim Date_Num     As String  'Holds current day for the selected month
       Dim Cal_Col      As Integer 'Column in (6x7) matrix
       Dim Cal_Row      As Integer 'Row
       Dim Days_From_01 As Long    'Total days from the year 0001
       Dim Start_Day    As Long    'First day of the month
       Dim i            As Long    'General working var
       ReDim Grid_Dat(6, 7)        'Grid contents (all the dates in the month)
       '// From Jan 0001 to 2000 there's 730127 days (Crucial needed key to this algorithm)
       Days_From_01 = 730127
       '// Wipe area ready for new print / render
       If Draw_3D_Cells.Checked Then
       End If
       Days_In_Months(2) = 28 'Assume no leap
       '// Check for leap year with currently selected year
       If Is_Leap_Year(Set_Year) Then Days_In_Months(2) = 29
       '// Add up total days from yr 2000 until selected yr
       For i = 2000 To Set_Year - 1
           Days_In_Year = 365     'No leap
       '// Check for leap
           If Is_Leap_Year(i) Then
              Days_In_Year = 366  'Leap
           End If
       '// Sum it all
           Days_From_01 = Days_From_01 + Days_In_Year
       Next i
       '// Add up total days until a month before the selected month
       For i = 1 To (Set_Month - 1)
           Days_From_01 = Days_From_01 + Days_In_Months(i)
       Next i
       '// Swap vars (new meaninful name with what we're about to do next)
       Start_Day = Days_From_01
       '// Dec week until we find the start day of the month
       Do While Start_Day > 7: Start_Day = Start_Day - 7: Loop
       '// Reset to 0 if > 7
       Start_Day = Start_Day Mod 7
       '// Starting print coords
       Print_X = (Start_Day * 23) + 5
       Print_Y = 5
       '// Starting col in sync with the actual first day of the month
       Cal_Col = Start_Day
       '// Loop through days in month (1 to total)         '
       For i = 1 To Days_In_Months(Set_Month)
       '// Set new row after 7 across (gird is 6x7)
           If Print_X > 160 Then                           '
              Print_Y = Print_Y + 23                       'Inc
              Print_X = 5                                  'Reset
              Cal_Row = Cal_Row + 1                        'Inc
              Cal_Col = 0                                  'Reset
           End If
       '// Copy var to string
           Date_Num = Trim(Str(i))
       '// Add space for single digit vals (center alignment)
           If Len(Date_Num) = 1 Then
              Date_Num = Space(1) & Date_Num
           End If
       '// Print date to feild using the TextOut API (much faster)
           TextOut Calendar_Field.hdc, Print_X, Print_Y, Date_Num, Len(Date_Num)
       '// Store locations in grid array for later usage (user clicks fields)
           Grid_Dat(Cal_Row, Cal_Col) = Date_Num
       '// Inc X-axis for printing and col pos
           Print_X = Print_X + 23
           Cal_Col = Cal_Col + 1
       Start_Day = Start_Day + Set_Day                     'Set start day in month
       Cal_Col = 0                                         'Reset col & row
       Cal_Row = 0                                         '
       '// Here we need to locate the col & row in the grid that matches first day
       For i = 0 To Start_Day - 1                          'Loop through
           Cal_Col = Cal_Col + 1                           'Inc col
           If Cal_Col = 7 Then                             'New row?
              Cal_Row = Cal_Row + 1                        'Inc row
              Cal_Col = 0                                  'Reset col
           End If
       If Show_3D_Sel.Checked Then
       '// Blit selected 3D cell
          BitBlt Calendar_Field.hdc, Cal_Col * 23 + 3, Cal_Row * 23 + 3, 20, 20, Selected_3D.hdc, 0, 0, SrcCopy
       '// Rectangle around it
          Rectangle Calendar_Field.hdc, Cal_Col * 23 + 3, Cal_Row * 23 + 3, 23 + Cal_Col * 23, 23 + Cal_Row * 23
       '// Show day inside cell
          TextOut Calendar_Field.hdc, Cal_Col * 23 + 5, Cal_Row * 23 + 5, Grid_Dat(Cal_Row, Cal_Col), Len(Grid_Dat(Cal_Row, Cal_Col))
       Else '(Show 2D selector)
       '// Position selector square to selected day in the month
          Selector.Move (Cal_Col * 23) + 5, (Cal_Row * 23) + 5
       '// Show date inside square
          TextOut Selector.hdc, 1, 0, Grid_Dat(Cal_Row, Cal_Col), Len(Grid_Dat(Cal_Row, Cal_Col))
       End If
       '// Build return string (mm-dd-yy)
       Return_Date = Set_Month & "-" & Grid_Dat(Cal_Row, Cal_Col) & "-" & Set_Year
       Call Extract_Date_Specifics
       '// Update bottom portion of picker with a readout of the selected date
       Show_Date.Caption = Format(Return_Date, IIf(Show_Long_Date.Checked, "dddd, mmmm d, yyyy", "dd/mm/yyyy"))
       '// Reset (var only used by Set_Picker_Date proc to force a sel)
       Set_Day = 0
       '// Draw grid? (optional)
       If Show_Grid.Checked Then
       End If
    End Sub
    *Definitely not directly applicable to PBP, there's lot of work needed to port it. Be great if PBP supported strings & string manipulation !
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    Last edited by T.Jackson; - 18th May 2007 at 07:43.

  5. #5
    T.Jackson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    Nice project Trent!

    I would like to see the algo you have for the calendar, if I may.

    Thanks, Ioannis
    By the way - you have some nice products!

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the post. I thought it was for the PIC itself though!

    Thanks also for the comment about my products. Wait to see the new ones!


  7. #7
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    No worries. A calendar project for PBP is kind of swimming around in my mind a bit at the moment, so don't be too surprised to see something a bit further down the track.

  8. #8
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    Thanks! If I 'll find the time, I may do it first! Will see..


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

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    Default Port to 18F4550 isn't working...Help??

    Quote Originally Posted by T.Jackson;38524.

    Anyhow, turning your attention back to the clock for a moment, if you take a look at the schematic below you'll see that the whole thing can be built for less than the cost of your lunch. The circuit relies on no dedicated RTC chip, but instead uses portions of Paul R. Borgmeier's EZCLOCK2 code which makes good use of TMR0 to enable for some relatively accurate time keeping. Arguably almost on par with the DS1302. Last but not least, some of you may be asking what's the buzzer and LED for? Well, as it stands with the software "as is", the buzzer briefly goes off every second making a sort of tick-tock sound.

    Happy time keeping [B
    Trent Jackson
    Trent, first of all let me say you did an awesome job on this project.
    I am trying to port it over to a PIC 18F4550. My code (shown below) compiles and assembles OK, but when I turn on the PIC with the WINDOWS Clock HID running, set the clock time in the WINDOWS HID, and then turn on the COM2 port, nothing happens. The time display never changes. Nor do I see the Test LED blink.
    Can you please look at my code and advise me if you see where I may have gone wrong.

    '*  Name    : VClock_18F4550.BAS                                *
    '*  Author  : John R. Ellis                                     *
    '*  Notice  :                                                   *
    '*          : A                                                 *
    '*  Date    : 11/9/2009                                         *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : Portions of Program extracted from:               *
    '*             1) EZCLOCK2 By Paul R. Borgmeier, PhD            *
    '*             Crux analysis & design, LLC *
    '*             2) VClock by Trent Jackson (see reference below) *
    '*  Device  : Options of 18F2550/4550                           *
    '*  Memory  : 1624 bytes of Program Memory required             * 
    '*          :                                                   *
         '*   Name    : VClock.BAS                                  *
         '*   Author  : Trent Jackson                               *
         '*   Notice  : No Copyright                                *
         '*           :                                             *
         '*   Date    : 17/5/2007                                   *
         '*   Version : 1.0                                         *
         '*                                                         *
         '* Acknowledgements                                        *
         '* Portions of Program extracted from:                     *
         '*       EZCLOCK2 By Paul R. Borgmeier, PhD                *
         '*       Crux analysis & design, LLC  * 
    ;--- if you un-comment these, you must comment the ones in the .inc file ---
    ASM  ; setup for 18F2550/4550, 8mhz crystal used in EasyPic6..4 MHz PLL input
       __CONFIG    _CONFIG1L, _PLLDIV_2_1L & _CPUDIV_OSC1_PLL2_1L & _USBDIV_2_1L
       __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
    ;ASM  ; setup for 18F13K50/14K50...Only 12mhz crystal can be used for USB
       Include "modedefs.bas"             ' Serial Protocol
       Define   OSC 4                     ' EasyPic6 is 8MHz crystal; 4MHz used
    'PIC: 18F4550 pin usage
    ' Pin 1 (RE3)  : (MCLR Internal)
    ' Pin 25 (TX)  : Tx pin for Serial interface
    ' Pin 26 (RX)  : Rx pin for Serial interface
    ' Pin 13 (OSC1): XTAL 8.0000 Hz (w/tolerance = 30 ppm) w/ cap to GND
    ' Pin 14 (OSC2): XTAL 8.0000 Hz (w/tolerance = 30 ppm) w/ cap to GND
    ' Pin 27 (RD4) :  Turn Something On (relay, FET, alarm, etc)
    ' Pin 28 (RD5) :  Test Location LED, Buzzer, VOM, nothing?                                       '
       '// Variables
       Counter    VAR Word                ' Track TMRO  
       Hours      VAR Byte                ' Total hrs (0-23)
       Minutes    VAR ByTE                ' Mins (0-59)
       Seconds    VAR Byte                ' Secs (0-59)
       RX_To_PC   VAR PORTC.7             ' RX line to Pin 26 (RC7)
       TX_To_PC   VAR PORTC.5             ' TX line to Pin 25 (RC6)
       LED_Buzzer VAR PORTB.5             ' LED & Buzzer
       '// Init
       CMCON    = 7                    ' All digital
       T0CON    = %10000111            ' TMR0 enabled, TMRO prescale = 256
       TRISA    = %00000000            ' All outputs
       TRISB    = %00000000            ' All outputs
       TRISC    = %01000000            ' All outputs except RC7
       INTCON.2 = 0                    ' Clear TMRO overflow flag
       Hours    = 0                    ' Null  
       Minutes  = 0                    ' ^
       Seconds  = 0                    ' ^
       Counter  = $7A12                ' Load time counter
       Wait_For_TMR0:                     ' Main loop  
       IF INTCON.2 = 0 THEN Wait_For_TMR0 ' Wait for TMRO overflow
       INTCON.2    = 0                    ' Clear TMRO overflow flag
           Counter = Counter - $800       ' Dec counter until 1 sec has elapsed  
       '// Process hrs, mins secs accordingly ...
       IF Counter < $800 THEN
          Seconds = Seconds + 1
          If Seconds = 60 Then
             Seconds = 0
             Minutes = Minutes + 1
             If Minutes = 60 Then
                Minutes = 0
                Hours = Hours + 1
                If Hours = 24 Then
                   Hours = 0
       '// Add leading zeros to all single digits & output str serially to PC
          If Hours < 10 And Minutes > 9 And Seconds > 9 Then
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@","0",#Hours,":",#Minutes,":",#Seconds]
              IF Hours > 9 and Minutes < 10 and Seconds > 9 THEN
                 SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@",#Hours,":0",#Minutes,":",#Seconds]
              IF Hours < 10 and Minutes < 10 and Seconds > 9 THEN
                 SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@","0",#Hours,":0",#Minutes,":",#Seconds]
              IF Hours > 9 and Minutes > 9 and Seconds < 10 THEN
                 SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@",#Hours,":",#Minutes,":0",#Seconds]
              IF Hours < 10 and Minutes > 9 and Seconds < 10 THEN
                 SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@","0",#Hours,":",#Minutes,":0",#Seconds]
              IF Hours > 9 and Minutes < 10 and Seconds < 10 THEN
                 SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@",#Hours,":0",#Minutes,":0",#Seconds]
              IF Hours < 10 and Minutes < 10 and Seconds < 10 THEN
                 SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@","0",#Hours,":0",#Minutes,":0",#Seconds]
             SEROUT RX_To_PC, N2400, ["@",#Hours,":",#Minutes,":",#Seconds]
          EndIf : EndIf : EndIf : EndIf : EndIf : EndIf : EndIf
          Counter = Counter + $7A12          ' Reset counter 
          Toggle LED_Buzzer                  '  
       Else 'Wait here for 50mS to see if the host(PC) is trying to set new time val                               
          SERIN TX_To_PC, N2400, 50, Wait_For_TMR0, ["@"], Hours, Minutes, Seconds
       GoTo Wait_For_TMR0                    ' Loop back

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