Help is needed guys.
i am trying to implement this program below but using either
RB1 or RB2 as RB0 on my pic is already being used. i am using a
Could another help out .

' On Interrupt - Interrupts in BASIC Using 18f452
' Turn LED on. Interrupt on PORTB.0 (INTE) turns LED off.
' Program waits .5 seconds and turns LED back on.

led var PORTB.7

INTCON2.7 = 0 ' Enable PORTB pullups
INTCON2.6 = 0 'interupt on falling edge

On Interrupt Goto myint ' Define interrupt handler
INTCON = $90 ' Enable INTE interrupt

loop: High led ' Turn LED on
Goto loop ' Do it forever

' Interrupt handler
Disable ' No interrupts past this point
myint: Low led ' If we get here, turn LED off
Pause 500 ' Wait .5 seconds
INTCON.1 = 0 ' Clear interrupt flag
Resume ' Return to main program
