Hi guys , I am fighting a space problem with program memory of the chip at 128k.

several part of the program require GLCD to show strings menus which are currently formed as multi lookup tables
I have an external sd card setup , for other uses.

I also have fonts but as they need to be shown as digits they are loaded and need to be displayed very quickly else it slow the display or jumps

am thinking i can write a hex file of the strings with some form of lookup to load them it would be nice to know how much space i am likly to save off the chip

currently the menus " lookup list has 40chrs x 5 lines
There are currently 45 menu groups of this nature

would it only be about 9k ?? or would it be more



for gl_k = 0 to 4 
     for gl_i = 0 to 39
       if Menu_Select =  1  then gosub Menu_1          ' Main Menu  
       if Menu_Select =  2  then gosub Menu_2          ' ANOTHER  Menu ETC 
       gosub put_char
          gl_x = gl_x + 6
       next gl_i 
     gl_i = 0
   next gl_k  
    gl_k = 0
  gosub Menu_lines

' =============== Main System Menu  - Menu_1_0 =============================== 
                                       '  |------- max 36 chrs wide ---------| 
        if gl_k = 0  then lookup gl_i,["        MAIN SYSTEM MENU                "],g_char ' Menu header gl_y 8
                                       '    ==============================
        if gl_k = 1  then 
           gl_y = 16                 
                              lookup gl_i,["  1.        SELECT NEW EVENT           "],g_char ' option 1    gl_y 24
        if gl_k = 2  then lookup gl_i,["  2.         SYSTEM SETUP                "],g_char ' option 2    gl_y 32
        if gl_k = 3  then lookup gl_i,["  3.       System Information             "],g_char ' option 3    gl_y 40
        if gl_k = 4  then lookup gl_i,["         (press SETUP to exit)             "],g_char ' option 4    gl_y 56
       gl_x1 = 40   ' underline the Menu Header 
       gl_x2 = 195 