simple LED Blinking project

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  1. #1

    Unhappy simple LED Blinking project

    Hi Picers

    I have developed a few Pic projects without any problems in the past, but
    now I'm struggeling with a simple LED Blinking project.

    I have double check my circuit and replaced every component, but without any
    The voltage on the MCLR pin is there, but the LED pin is dead, which tell me
    that the pic did not start.

    Attached is my PCB or it can be viewed at

    Here is my code:
    Include "Modedefs.bas"

    DEFINE OSC 20 ' Set the Xtal frequency to 20mHz
    MYLED Var PORTB.7 '

    ADCON1 = 7
    High MYLED
    Pause 1000
    Low MYLED
    Pause 1000
    goto Main

    Thank you
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Wichita KS

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    You probably need

    this tells your chip that all your pins are outputs.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

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    Hmmm, deja vu, i've been answering your messages on the mailing list.

    1. Check that your LED isn't the wrong way around.
    2. Make sure that you set HS oscillator in your programmer.


  4. #4

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    Thank you for your feedback

    I have found the problem.
    The Pic run at 20Mhz and I'm designing everything on a breadboard.

    The copper tracks inside the Breadboard generate it's own capactance and when putting 15pf caps on the Crystal, it does not run.
    If I remove the Caps it run.
    What I did is put the Pic in a 40 Pin IC Socket, cut the 2 pins on the IC Socket for the crystal and directly connect the crystal and 2 caps to the pins on the IC Socket (and not through the breadboard's wholes)

    Now it is running smoothly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

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    Originally posted by Ingvar
    Hmmm, deja vu, i've been answering your messages on the mailing list.
    ... I had the same feeling.



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