Error 0X0000008E when connecting a 18F2550 USB HID

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  1. #1

    Question Error 0X0000008E when connecting a 18F2550 USB HID

    Hi everybody !!

    I have a 18F2550 PIC HID, the PIC i compiled with the new kind of configuration fuses, as Mister_e said in some posts, i included the .CFG file with the configuration of the 2550 and the compilation is just fine, with not any warnings or errors ... when i connect the HID to the USB port in PC it sends a Blue Screen with error 0X0000008E ...

    Im using MicroCode Studio to complie it, with MPASM .. and im programming the PIC with PicKit 2 ... i have just downloaded the las Version of it...

    Does anyone have an idea or an explanation of it ??? any advice ???

    thks a lot =)

  2. #2
    skimask's Avatar
    skimask Guest


    And which version of Windows?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Colorado Springs


    Blue screen?

    Haven't seen one of those since "Windows ME".
    Years ago. Contrary to recent MAC commercials.

    I'll go with skimask.

    Which version of windows?

  4. #4

    Cool Yesss !! a blue very ugly screen !!!

    Hi there !!! Thks, for your post, i really aprecciate them =)

    this is what happened, i made an HID with 18F2550 PIC, at the beginning i do use Serial Port to program so i made it with MeLabs, i use the program to configure the fuses of the PIC, i didnt make any config by code ... it just works very fine ... now i buy the PicKit2 and the configuration of the fuses i made it by code (since it cannot be done by program)..

    i made a .CFG file in PBP folder, in wich i include the configuration of the fuses in ASM ... all the configuration is done with the new kind of configuration of 18F2550 ... its the same configuration as i did in melabs ...

    CONFIG PLLDIV = 3 ; 12 MHz PLL Prescaler: Divide by 3 (12 MHz input)
    CONFIG CPUDIV = OSC1_PLL2 ; System Clock Postscaler: [OSC1/OSC2 Src: /1][96 MHz PLL Src: /2]
    CONFIG USBDIV = 2 ; Full-Speed USB Clock Source: 96 MHz PLL/2 ; CAMBIO
    CONFIG FOSC = HSPLL_HS ; HS oscillator, PLL Enabled, HS used by USB
    CONFIG FCMEN = ON ; Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled
    CONFIG IESO = ON ; Internal/External Switch Over Disabled
    CONFIG PWRT = OFF ; Power-up Timer enabled
    CONFIG BOR = ON ; Brown-out Reset Enabled when the device is not
    CONFIG BORV = 3 ; Brown-out Voltage: 2.1V
    CONFIG VREGEN = ON ; USB Voltage Regulator Enabled
    CONFIG WDT = ON ; Watchdog timer = HW Enabled - SW Disabled
    CONFIG WDTPS = 128 ; Watchdog Postscaler = 1:128
    CONFIG MCLRE = ON ; MCLR Enabled
    CONFIG LPT1OSC = ON ; Timer1 oscillator configured for high power
    CONFIG PBADEN = OFF ; PORTB<4:0> pins are configured as digital I/O
    CONFIG CCP2MX = ON ; CCP2 input/output is multiplexed with RB3
    CONFIG STVREN = ON ; Stack Overflow Reset Disabled
    CONFIG LVP = OFF ; Low Voltage Programming Disabled
    CONFIG XINST = OFF ; Extended Instruction Set Enabled
    CONFIG DEBUG = OFF ; Background Debugger Disabled
    CONFIG CP0 = OFF ; Code Protection Block 0 Disabled
    CONFIG CP1 = OFF ; Code Protection Block 1 Disabled
    CONFIG CP2 = OFF ; Code Protection Block 2 Disabled
    CONFIG CP3 = OFF ; Code Protection Block 3 Disabled
    CONFIG CPB = OFF ; Boot Block Code Protection Disabled
    CONFIG CPD = OFF ; Data EEPROM Code Protection Disabled
    CONFIG WRT0 = OFF ; Write Protection Block 0 Disabled
    CONFIG WRT1 = OFF ; Write Protection Block 1 Disabled
    CONFIG WRT2 = OFF ; Write Protection Block 2 Disabled
    CONFIG WRT3 = OFF ; Write Protection Block 3 Disabled
    CONFIG WRTB = OFF ; Boot Block Write Protection Disabled
    CONFIG WRTC = OFF ; Configuration Register Write Protection Disabled
    CONFIG WRTD = OFF ; Data EEPROM Write Protection Disabled
    CONFIG EBTR0 = OFF ; Table Read Protection Block 0 Disabled
    CONFIG EBTR1 = OFF ; Table Read Protection Block 1 Disabled
    CONFIG EBTR2 = OFF ; Table Read Protection Block 2 Disabled
    CONFIG EBTR3 = OFF ; Table Read Protection Block 3 Disabled
    CONFIG EBTRB = OFF ; Boot Block Table Read Protection Disabled

    then in My 18F2550 .inc in PBP Folder File i include the Config File as flollows:

    ;************************************************* ***************
    ;* 18F2550.INC *
    ;* *
    ;* By : Leonard Zerman, Jeff Schmoyer *
    ;* Notice : Copyright (c) 2004 microEngineering Labs, Inc. *
    ;* All Rights Reserved *
    ;* Date : 12/31/04 *
    ;* Version : 2.46 *
    ;* Notes : *
    ;************************************************* ***************
    ifdef PM_USED
    "Error: PM does not support this device. Use MPASM."
    LIST p = 18F2550, r = dec, w = -311, f = inhx32
    INCLUDE "P18F2550.INC" ; MPASM Header
    INCLUDE "C:\PBP\ConfigFuses.cfg" ; Config Fuses

    when compiling with microcode studio i do not receive any warning nor any error, and when i import the .HEX file in PicKit2 software i do receive the very same configuration as i did with melabs ...

    i program the PIC and everything seems very well .. i mount it in the same board as i did with the pics programmed in melabs and then BAMMM ! THE VERY UGLY BLUE SCREEN APPEARS !!!

    the program is the same as the last that works with melabs,

    i have already read the program of the last PIC and i wrote it into a new pic and its working fine, so the programmer is working !

    since i have XP Windows i didnt think it would be very possible ! jeje

    the leds are lighted, so there is already a connection =S

    do you have an idea of what can be my error ??? or do you know any other test i can do ???

    maybe im forgetting something or maybe i dont know if something else must be done when configuring of fuses are by code !!!!

    thks in advance ... for reading and thinking with me !!! i aprecciate it !! =)

  5. #5
    skimask's Avatar
    skimask Guest


    Probably doesn't have anything to do with the way you configured your PIC...
    Probably has everything to do with your HID and your drivers themselves.

    Is your PICKIT2 plugged in at the same time as the demo board?

    Here's another possible problem:
    ;* Version : 2.46 *
    How about an upgrade to 2.50b?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Colorado Springs


    Microsoft points to HaxDoor (a virus) as a possible cause.

    You may receive an error message on a Windows-based computer: "STOP 0x00000050" or "STOP 0x0000008e"

  7. #7

    Smile It WORKS =)

    Just GREAT =)

    i change the version 5.0 instead of 4.7 .. and it works just fine !!!
    i let everything as yesterday and just changed the version and that was it !!

    do you know why ?? i tought that version 4.7 does also support 18F2550 ...

    thanks a lot for your help !!! very very much !!!! =)

  8. #8
    skimask's Avatar
    skimask Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by FranciscoMartin View Post
    Just GREAT =)
    i change the version 5.0 instead of 4.7 .. and it works just fine !!!
    i let everything as yesterday and just changed the version and that was it !!
    do you know why ?? i tought that version 4.7 does also support 18F2550 ...
    thanks a lot for your help !!! very very much !!!! =)
    How did you accomplish such a feat?

  9. #9


    Well, i just uninstall the last version i have in my PC (4.7), i did a back up of the .INC and .CFG files i just mentioned above .. and then i install the newer version (5.0) .. and that was it !!
    was my procedure wrong ??

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