Controling the temperature, humidity of the aviculture with PIC16F877A

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  1. #1
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    Default Controling the temperature, humidity of the aviculture with PIC16F877A

    Hi, i want to measure the temperature, humidity and the amount of ammoniac gas in the aviculture and control the fans and the heaters with PIC16F877A, first i want a complete and correct algorithm,could you help me? i use picbasic pro
    Last edited by amindzo; - 29th August 2008 at 17:57.

  2. #2
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    Here's an example for temp & humidity

    Can't help with the ammoniac gas part.

    tech at

  3. #3
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    it's depend of the aviculture,usually more than 100m2 with 6 or more fans and 2 or 3 heaters in each saloon,we also have some coolers that works with water(water pour on the chaff and and fans distribute the water on the air,we can adjust the humidity and temperature with with that,i'll show you sample algorithm that you can modify it.

  4. #4
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    imagine that we have 3 inputs from keyboard: temperature,humidity and the amount of ammoniac gas that insert from the operator and also we measure the temperature,humidity and the amount of ammonic gas from sensors.
    ,for example we have 5 fans,2 heaters and 3 cooler
    variables: temp1,humid1 and gas1 that insert form keyboard with operator
    temp2,humid2 and gas2 are the variables the measures from the sensors.
    we use fan1,fan3 and fann5 for adjust tempreature, fan2 and fann 4 for humidity.

    if temp2 > (temp1+2) then put fan1 in high revolution
    fan2 in high revolution
    fan3 in high revolution
    heather 1 and 2 OFF
    cooler 1,2 and 3 OFF

    if temp2 > (temp1+5) then put fan1,3 and 5 in high revolution
    heather 1 and 2 OFF
    cooler 1,2 and 3 ON

    if temp2 < (temp1-2) then put fan3 OFF
    fan 1 and 5 in low revolution
    heather 1 and 2 OFF
    cooller 1,2 and 3 OFF

    if temp2 < (temp1-5) then put fan3 OFF
    fan 1 and 5 in low revolution
    heather 1 and 2 ON
    cooler 1,2 and 3 OFF

    if (temp1-2) < temp2 < (temp1+2) then put fan 1 and 5 in low revolution
    fan3 in high revolution
    heather 1 and 2 OFF
    cooler 1,2 and 3 OFF

    if humid2 > (humid1+2) then put fan2 and 4 in high revolution

    if humid2 < (humid1-2) ten put fan2 and 4 OFF

    if (humid1-2) < humid2 < (humid1+2) then put fan 2 and 4 in low revolution

    if gas2 > (gas1+40) then ALARM
    fans 1,2,3,4 and 5 in high revolution

    if temp2 > (temp1+10) then ALARM

    if temp2 < (temp1-10) then ALARM

    if humid2 > (humid1+10) then ALRM

  5. #5
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    What you have looks like it will work from the info you gave about the system. So if there is not any surprises.

    On existing machines (systems) that I am going to automate, I get the best human operator I can find to run the machine, then record everything. See what the operator does if a problem comes up and work that into the algorithm.
    IF FIX 1 fails THEN ALARM

    You may have the situation where one problem needs fixed with and in dealing with it causes another, so min and max values for the error fixing part.

    I do not know about avicultures, but say the gas levels go up and fresh air is needed, and some how because of the weather this drives up the humidity. Can the humidity be higher than the set point for how ever long it takes to bring the gas levels back into range?

    Just thoughts...
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  6. #6
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    the humidity level is not important, i will define a maximum level but i need a complete and correct algorithm.

  7. #7
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    Well that is what I am getting at. I did not know humidity is not much of a problem. So I would maybe have the algorithm wrong. I still think the only ones that can write a correct algorithm for a system is one that completely understands the system. Getting that into code is another story, many here can help with that.

    About the gas sensor. If you can not find one for ammoniac, maybe use an O2 sensor. If I remember correctly, when NH4 goes up O2 goes down. If nothing else is messing with the O2 levels...
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by amindzo View Post
    the humidity level is not important, i will define a maximum level but i need a complete and correct algorithm.
    Very difficult to provide a correct and precise algorithm as previously stated, to many real world variables, unhatched to hatch parameters to solve. Perhaps an ultrasonic detector to alert of hatchlings so they can be moved to a monitored area to avoid ammoniac poisoning and monitor the ammonia there, (thus not altering the ideal conditions of the hatchery) reducing the problem in this way might be the simplest way.
    Hope it of some help
    Last edited by sheepdog; - 1st September 2008 at 03:09.

  9. #9
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    double post
    Last edited by sheepdog; - 1st September 2008 at 15:01.

  10. #10

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    Thumbs up

    What sensor will you be using? I ask because I have built one of these (without the amoniac gases bit) which not only works (activates relays) but allows the user to define the parameters, such as max/min temp, max/min humidity etc...

  11. #11
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    i use MQ137 sensor for ammoniac gas

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