Winbond ISD1700 Voice Recorder

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  1. #1
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    Default Winbond ISD1700 Voice Recorder

    Ok, I am trying to figure out this very simple procedure. I have a 16F876A interfaced via SPI to ISD17120 voice recorder chip. just to make this simple and get an idea i want to record 5 one second messages to the device. then I want to play those 5 messages randomly. if you look at the design guide follow the SPI command interface and these commands SET_PLAY SET_REC SET_ERASE. I am not fully understanding how to address the individual messages. if someone can give me some kind of clue as what to send to the ISD device that would be great. I have searched the forums please dont send me links to other projects involving different ISD devices unless its the 1700 series and pertains to my exact request.

    design guide
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  2. #2
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    The simplest way would be to randomize a number to get a value between 1 and 5, then invoke the ISD1700 device's FWD command that number of times. You can't hit a dead end because the memory is circular.

    "Easy to use" is easy to say.

  3. #3
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    Exclamation ISD17120 SPI Commands Structure.

    Good lord... does anyone have any code to use SPI with the ISD1700 Series Devices. I wasted an entire saturday trial and erroring this thing.

    Just please give me a simple command set to record a message and then play it back..

    ANYONE !!!!
    There are 10 kinds of people. Those that know binary and those that do not.

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    Would second that, just ordered 1 and would be nice to have some sample code to test it out.

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    Ship me one, and I'll do it.

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    Gentlemen... I'm almost there, gimme a few days

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e View Post
    Ship me one, and I'll do it.

    Me too!

    Or... You can try it yourself

    Most of this code was written for me by Jerson and I reconfigured to "fit my needs". The following will give you an idea on how to make the ISD1700 series jump and also telling them how high to jump AND how loud...

    SCLK        var portc.0
    MOSI        var portc.1
    MISO        var portc.2
    SS          var portc.3
    ' This array contains data to be sent to the ISD
    ' and on return it contains data reveived from ISD
    ISD_Data    var byte[8]
    SR0         var ISD_Data[0]
    SR1         var ISD_Data[1]
    isCmdErr    var SR0.0
    isINT       var SR0.4
    isReady     var SR1.0
    Reg         var byte
    Cnt         var byte
    bSPI        var byte      ' the byte being transferred on SPI
        ADCON1 = %00000111    'Sets all A/D conversion to Digital input/output.
        TRISA = %111111          ' All A Ports input
        TRISC = %00000100       ' MISO is input
        TRISB = %00000000
        SS = 1
        SCLK = 1
        MOSI = 0
        ' Initialize the ISD
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        gosub PowerUp
        pause 10
        gosub WR_APC2 ' In my application, this sets the volume and config bits. 
                               'You can use it as well if you desire.
        pause 10
        gosub ClrInt
    'This is the Set_Play command
        isCmdErr = 1
        while isCmdErr
          ss = 0
          bSPI = $80
          gosub SPI
          bSPI = $00    
          gosub SPI
          bSPI = $10       ' Start Address low byte. (First packet of memory after effects)(Use your begin low address here)
          gosub SPI
          bSPI = $00       ' Start Address high byte (Use your begin high address here)    
          gosub SPI
          bSPI = $00       ' end address low byte (Use your end address here)
          gosub SPI
          bSPI = $00       ' end address mid byte(Use your end address here)      
          gosub SPI
          bSPI = $00       ' end address high byte / Note end address is 24 bits long. (Use your end address here)
          gosub SPI            
          bSPI = $00
          gosub SPI
          ss = 1
        isCmdErr = 1
        while isCmdErr
          gosub SPI
          ISD_Data[0] = bSPI
          gosub SPI
          ISD_Data[1] = bSPI
    'This is the command I use to set the volume as stated above. I have the factory defaults tagged in brackets for reference...
        isCmdErr = 1
        while isCmdErr
          ss = 0
          bSPI = $65
          gosub SPI
          bSPI = %01000011
          gosub SPI
          ISD_Data[1]=bSPI                      'Factory default
                                                     'high byte  'low byte
          bSPI = %00000100                   '(0100)    (01000000)
          gosub SPI
    ' transact a byte with SPI interface
    ' You should come here after setting SS=0 for this to work
        for Cnt=0 to 7
          MOSI=bSPI.0         ' shift MOSI from LSB
          SCLK = 0            ' clock the MOSI data
          if MISO then        ' read the MOSI data
          @ bsf status,c
          @ bcf status,c
          @ rrf _bSPI         ' shift MISO into MSB
          SCLK = 1
    ' clear Interrupt and EOM bits
        isCmdErr = 1
        while isCmdErr
          gosub SPI
          ISD_Data[0] = bSPI
          gosub SPI
          ISD_Data[1] = bSPI
    ' read status of Chip
        gosub SPI
        gosub SPI
        ISD_Data[1] = bSPI
        gosub SPI
        ISD_Data[2] = bSPI
    Last edited by ScaleRobotics; - 26th October 2010 at 23:13. Reason: added code tags

  8. #8
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    I haven't tested the code yet (but thanks VERY much for posting it!!).

    But I noticed one thing...

    You have SR0 and SR1 as the first 2 bytes returned. The datasheet shows that the first TWO bytes returned are SR0 for every SPI command (as SR0 is 2 bytes long). So SR1 should actually be the THIRD byte returned?

    SR0 var ISD_Data[0]
    SR0b var ISD_Data[1] 'or whatever you want to name it
    SR1 var ISD_Data[2]

    Or am I missing something? I don't think this would cause a problem in your examples as you are not checking the isReady bit.
    Jim Robertson
    "MilesTag" DIY Lasertag
    Dayton, Ohio

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    Good point... Your right, I'm not checking the ready bit, I'm simply playing a sound file at a given time (on a scanning light) and if the time approaches again before it finishes playing, the chip automatically "ignores" the next command sent UNTIL it is ready for a new command (on the next return of the light...)

    But for future reference and expandability of my product, I will experiment a little on the SR0 / SR1 and correct so my code can see a ready bit in the future...

    Thanks for pointing that out!


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by milestag View Post
    I haven't tested the code yet (but thanks VERY much for posting it!!).

    But I noticed one thing...

    You have SR0 and SR1 as the first 2 bytes returned. The datasheet shows that the first TWO bytes returned are SR0 for every SPI command (as SR0 is 2 bytes long). So SR1 should actually be the THIRD byte returned?

    SR0 var ISD_Data[0]
    SR0b var ISD_Data[1] 'or whatever you want to name it
    SR1 var ISD_Data[2]

    Or am I missing something?
    No you are not. My mistake

    Unfortunately I do not have the hardware to have noticed it and so I missed that.

  11. #11
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    I'm working on a modified version of the code, and hope to test it this weekend. I'll be driving the ISD1700 with a PIC16F684 and will post the final (working) code here. So far I am just checking all the commands against the datasheets.

    I do have a couple observations.

    The SetPlay command should only send SEVEN bytes. The END address is contained within TWO bytes (12 bits). That THIRD address byte (last byte sent) should be set to "0x00" as it is not supported in existing hardware. Same case for SetRecord.

    I finally figured out your use of "While CmdError." Had me stumped for a while, then it clicked. That's pretty clever. Though it looks like in some cases it will be better to check the "RDY" status (depending on which command you are sending).

    Also I did not realize that you can shift data into a byte using "status, c" carry bit in assembly. That is a very cool trick, indeed! Pretty much all of the other SPI examples I've found for PicBasic just used the Shiftout command which does not allow reading the Status bits.

    For anyone interested, the original ISD1700 development kit made by Windbond (which cost me $270 from Digikey last year) does NOT support batch recording of sounds. You have to set the Start and End address manually and record one sound at a time. Very tedious and not usable other than basic function tests. However... there is a NEW ISD1700 development kit made by Nuvoton and it DOES support batch programming of wav files. So it can function as a decent production programmer. Unfortunately it's going to cost me another $270 - ouch. I called tech support at Nuvoton and they confirmed the new software is NOT compatible with the original Winbond development hardware.

    You should also be aware that the Quadravox QV400D programmer never added support for the ISD1700 series. I still use it for programming ISD2560 chips, but they are starting to get expensive and much harder to find.
    Jim Robertson
    "MilesTag" DIY Lasertag
    Dayton, Ohio

  12. #12
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    so someone would have to make himself friend with Winbond and suggest them an universal Gang device programmer

    Not sure this worth it, look at current storage device pricing and add a higher level Microcontroller to it... NO way you're going to be over the Price of any single Winbond IC... not to mention you can update any part of your firmware and sound using a simple bootloading process.

    Roman Black sounds almost the same as most Winbond solution and it's free, MP3 codec ICs are cheap, DsPIC are also cheaper... food for thought.

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    Not sure this worth it, look at current storage device pricing and add a higher level Microcontroller to it... NO way you're going to be over the Price of any single Winbond IC... not to mention you can update any part of your firmware and sound using a simple bootloading process.
    Requires porting of basic code but take a look at PIC iPod wav player.

    Mono CD quality (16bit 44k) for the price of an SD card and holder,
    a PIC18F4520, a few resistors for an R2 ladder, an audio amp and a speaker.

    Or stereo 8bit 44k if preferred.
    Up to 2 Gig's or 512 wav files.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e View Post
    so someone would have to make himself friend with Winbond and suggest them an universal Gang device programmer
    Yes, Winbond (Nuvoton?) does/did offer a production gang programmer. 12 chips at once I believe. But cost is around $2000
    Jim Robertson
    "MilesTag" DIY Lasertag
    Dayton, Ohio

  15. #15
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    Jerson done a FANTASTIC job while not having any hardware to test with!! These ISD chips are difficult to work with at a glance anyways...

    I done more changing to the code I'm using by adding the 3rd byte to the status register and "singling out" the 2nd bit to check the status of the PLAY mode. With this bit, I can control the amplifier, which sound to play and when and so on...

    More than adequate for the application I have

  16. #16
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    This works so far to play back 4 sounds repeatedly. The volume setting via apc2 works also. Next I plan to get rid of the PAUSE delays and monitor status to determine when each sound finished playing.

    'Code Version: 01 
    'Words Used = 354
    'Revision Date: 8 Feb 2009
    'PicBasic Pro Compiler version 2.50b
    'Processor=PIC16F684  (WDT=ON, MCLR=INPUT, OSC=INTOSC)
    'Modified from code posted by Jerson and Brenon
    'Memory Reference:
    'ISD17XX First Address = 0x010
    'ISD1730 Max Address   = 0x0FF
    'ISD1760 Max Address   = 0x1EF
    'ISD1790 Max Address   = 0x2DF
    '******************** DEFINE VARIABLES ***********************
    temp_bit    VAR BIT
    temp		VAR BYTE
    spi_cnt 	             var byte	' counter for SPI transfer
    bSPI 		var byte 	' the byte being transferred on SPI
    s_addr		VAR WORD	' Start Address
    e_addr		VAR WORD	' End Address
    ISD_Data 	var byte[7]	' This array contains data to/from ISD
    SR0a 		var ISD_Data[0]
    SR0b 		var ISD_Data[1]
    SR1 		var ISD_Data[2]    ' only valid after ReadStatus
    isCmdErr 	var SR0a.0	             ' 1=previous command failed/ignored
    isFull 		var SR0a.1	' 1=memory full
    isPU		var SR0a.2	' 1=ISD powered up
    isEOM		VAR SR0a.3	' 1=EOM detected (clear by CLR_INT command)
    isINT 		var SR0a.4	' 1=current operation completed (clear by CLR_INT command)
    isReady 	var SR1.0	' 1=Ready to receive SPI command (only valid after ReadStatus)
    				        ' Some SPI commands can still be sent when isReady=0
    '******************** PIN ASSIGNMENTS ************************
    Symbol sensor	= PORTA.0			' 
    Symbol miso		= PORTA.3			'ISD1760 SPI MISO 
    Symbol led1	    = PORTC.1			'  
    Symbol led2	    = PORTC.2			'
    Symbol ss		= PORTC.3			'ISD1760 SLAVE SELECT  
    Symbol sclk		= PORTC.4			'ISD1760 SPI CLOCK 
    Symbol mosi 	= PORTC.5         	'ISD1760 SPI MOSI	
    '******************** INITIALIZATION *************************
    	OSCCON = %01111000
    	CMCON0 = 7				'turn off comparators
    	ANSEL = 0
    	PR2 = 35				'PWM Period (40K=49, 56K=35) (35 to 55)
    	CCPR1L = 15				'PWM Duty Cycle (1 to 15)
    	T2CON = 4				'Timer2 = ON; Prescale = 1:1
    	CCP1CON = 0				'PWM module off
    	OPTION_REG = %11111111	'Turn off PortA weak pull-ups
    	TRISA = %111111    		'set PortA directions
    	WPUA =  %000000			'enable weak pull-ups PortA
    	IOCA =  %000000			'disable PORTA.0 Int On Change
    	TRISC = %000000    		'set PortC directions
    	PORTA = %000000
    	PORTC = %000000    		'
    	HIGH ss			'start with Slave Select HIGH
    	HIGH sclk		'start with SPI Clock HIGH
    	LOW MOSI		'start with MOSI LOW
        INPUT sensor
    	LOW led1
    	LOW led2
    start:                       'Initialize the ISD
    	GoSub isd_pu
    	PAUSE 50		         '50 mS Power Up Delay (per datasheet)
    	GoSub isd_wr_apc 	     'set volume and config bits 
    	PAUSE 10
    	GoSub isd_clr_int	     'clear interrupt and EOM
    '********************* MAIN PROGRAM **************************
    main_loop:	'(MAIN PROGRAM LOOP)
        PAUSE 2000
        s_addr = $010
        e_addr = $02b
        GOSUB isd_set_play
        PAUSE 2500
        GOSUB isd_stop
        PAUSE 2000
        s_addr = $02c
        e_addr = $048
        GOSUB isd_set_play
        PAUSE 2500
        GOSUB isd_stop
        PAUSE 2000
        s_addr = $049
        e_addr = $07c
        GOSUB isd_set_play
        PAUSE 4800
        GOSUB isd_stop
        PAUSE 2000
        s_addr = $07d
        e_addr = $093
        GOSUB isd_set_play
        PAUSE 2000
        GOSUB isd_stop
    	GoTo 	main_loop
    '********************** SUBROUTINES **************************
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI=$01		'Power Up Command
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	HIGH ss
    	GOSUB isd_rd_status
    	IF isReady = 0 THEN isd_wait_ready
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI = $80		'Set Play Command (7 bytes)
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI	'SR0a
    	bSPI = $00 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	bSPI = s_addr.LowByte 	' Start Address low byte. 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[2] = bSPI	'SR0a
    	bSPI = s_addr.HighByte 	' Start Address high byte 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[3] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	bSPI = e_addr.LowByte 	' End Address low byte 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[4] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	bSPI = e_addr.HighByte 	' End Address high byte
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[5] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	bSPI = $00		' Reserved Address - set to "0"
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[6] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	HIGH ss
    isd_wr_apc:			'Write to APC Register using bits D2:D0 to set Volume 
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI = $65		'Write APC2 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	bSPI = %01000011	'Volume set by D2:D0 (000=Max)
    				'Output set by D7 (0=Aud, 1=Aux)
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	bSPI = %00000100 	'PWM Speaker Output D8 (0=Enable, 1=Disable)
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[2] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	HIGH ss
    isd_spi:				        ' shift SPI data out and into SPI byte 
    	FOR spi_cnt = 0 to 7        '
    		MOSI = bSPI.0 		    ' shift LSB of byte onto MOSI line
    		LOW SCLK 		        ' clock MISO data out to uC (Falling Edge)
    		temp_bit = miso         '
    		HIGH SCLK		        ' clock MOSI into ISD1700 (Rising Edge)
    		bSPI = bSPI >> 1 		' shift SPI byte Right
    		bSPI.7 = temp_bit
    	NEXT spi_cnt
    isd_clr_int:					' CLEAR INTERRUPT AND EOM BITS
    	LOW SS
    	bSPI=$04		'Clear Interrupt Command
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	HIGH SS
    isd_stop:					' Stop Immediately
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI=$02		'Stop Command
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	HIGH ss
    isd_pd:					' Stop Immediately
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI=$07		'Power Down Command
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	HIGH ss
    isd_rd_status:				'read status of ISD1700 
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI=$05		'Read Status Command
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI	'SR0a
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI	'SR0b
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[2] = bSPI	'SR1
    	HIGH ss
    Jim Robertson
    "MilesTag" DIY Lasertag
    Dayton, Ohio

  17. #17
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    I did some further testing. Seems the best way to determine when a sound has finished playing is to monitor the INT status bit. Just remember to clear the INT before each SET_PLAY.

    The PLAY bit will not work as it does not get cleared until you change to another mode (i.e. RECORD).

    The READY bit will not tell when the sound is completed playing, rather it tells you that the chip is ready to receive another SPI command (which can happen before the sound is complete when using SETPLAY).

    I couldn't find how to edit the previous post, so here are the changed parts:
    (obviously your start/end addresses will be different)

        PAUSE 1000
        s_addr = $049
        e_addr = $07c
        GOSUB isd_set_play
        GOSUB isd_wait_int
        GoSub isd_clr_int
        PAUSE 1000
        s_addr = $07d
        e_addr = $093
        GOSUB isd_set_play
        GOSUB isd_wait_int
        GoSub isd_clr_int
        GoTo 	main_loop
    	GOSUB isd_rd_status
    	IF isINT = 0 THEN isd_wait_int
    Jim Robertson
    "MilesTag" DIY Lasertag
    Dayton, Ohio

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    Quote Originally Posted by milestag View Post
    I did some further testing. Seems the best way to determine when a sound has finished playing is to monitor the INT status bit. Just remember to clear the INT before each SET_PLAY...
    So monitoring the Int bit - reads 0 when the file is playing and sets to 1 when completed... I have completed the program for this chip in my application! : INSERT BOUNCY HERE:

    I'd REALLY like to thank Jerson for the initial beginning of this coding and to thank Jim for the clarifications needed to succeedingly write the final piece to operate my products.

    Last edited by ivirscar; - 8th February 2009 at 20:53. Reason: Clarification of post...

  19. #19
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    Default ISD17240PY Project

    Quote Originally Posted by milestag View Post
    I'm working on a modified version of the code, and hope to test it this weekend. I'll be driving the ISD1700 with a PIC16F684 and will post the final (working) code here. So far I am just checking all the commands against the datasheets.

    I do have a couple observations.

    The SetPlay command should only send SEVEN bytes. The END address is contained within TWO bytes (12 bits). That THIRD address byte (last byte sent) should be set to "0x00" as it is not supported in existing hardware. Same case for SetRecord.

    I finally figured out your use of "While CmdError." Had me stumped for a while, then it clicked. That's pretty clever. Though it looks like in some cases it will be better to check the "RDY" status (depending on which command you are sending).

    Also I did not realize that you can shift data into a byte using "status, c" carry bit in assembly. That is a very cool trick, indeed! Pretty much all of the other SPI examples I've found for PicBasic just used the Shiftout command which does not allow reading the Status bits.

    For anyone interested, the original ISD1700 development kit made by Windbond (which cost me $270 from Digikey last year) does NOT support batch recording of sounds. You have to set the Start and End address manually and record one sound at a time. Very tedious and not usable other than basic function tests. However... there is a NEW ISD1700 development kit made by Nuvoton and it DOES support batch programming of wav files. So it can function as a decent production programmer. Unfortunately it's going to cost me another $270 - ouch. I called tech support at Nuvoton and they confirmed the new software is NOT compatible with the original Winbond development hardware.

    You should also be aware that the Quadravox QV400D programmer never added support for the ISD1700 series. I still use it for programming ISD2560 chips, but they are starting to get expensive and much harder to find.
    I found a Development Board for $70 from Elusions Co.


  20. #20
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    Default Missing a Key element here ! !

    Thanks everyone (including Jerson) for the code for these ISD devices. However we only have half of the issue resolved.

    According to the code only "set_play" was included. How you gonna play something if it is not recorded?

    What i am getting at is... in my original post.....

    Show me a simple code to Record 5 messages using set_rec and play any of them back using Set_play... i.e. for the ISD17120

    Thanks again.
    There are 10 kinds of people. Those that know binary and those that do not.

  21. #21
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    Trying to understand how these devices work, I could not found a way to play e.g. the third message out of 10. How is the messages indexed? I mean if you record 10 messages, how can you know the position of each and how to play them?

    Are these devices confussing or am I too dumb to get it? Doh...


  22. #22
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    Default Dont worry man !!

    Are these devices confussing or am I too dumb to get it? Doh...
    dude... these are very difficult devices... if you were to take the previous version the 2500 series... they were addressed very easily through and address bus. this SPI interface is a real headache.

    my OLED is far simpler to write code for than these chips.

    don't worry man this is exactly why i posted this thread.
    There are 10 kinds of people. Those that know binary and those that do not.

  23. #23
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    Hang in there - it's not that bad. It's just that the ISD1700 has a TON of features and options so it's overwhelming to sort out the datasheets and find what you need.

    As soon as I am able, I will post some more code examples (PicBasic Pro and Liberty BASIC). I have all the record and playback functions working fine using SetPlay and SetRecord. The PIC firmware (PBPro) translates serial commands from the PC (Liberty BASIC Windows app) and controls the ISD1700 for record, play, erase, etc.

    Note: I use DEBUGIN so no UART or level shifter is required for the PC to PIC serial connection.

    As far as addressing, for SetRecord and SetPlay you must know the Start and End address of each sound. To make addressing easier, I just divided the ISD memory into predefined "blocks" of 1,2 or 4 seconds. This way I always know the Start address of each sound, and I use the EOM function so I don't need to know the exact length of the sound during playback (it stops automatically when it hits the EOM marker even in SetPlay). So I can replace (re-record) any sound as long as the new sound fits within the block.

    Tip: When you are using SetRecord, you must specify the Start and End address. But you can send a STOP command before the End address is reached and the ISD will place an EOM marker at that spot. If you enable the EOM function, playback will stop at the EOM regardless of the End address - even when you use SetPlay!! This is very cool, and it's what allowed me to use the pre-defined memory map without knowing the exact length of the sounds.

    It's not the most efficient use of available memory, but it's simple and the software/firmware does not have to calculate length of each wav file and write locations to a table. The table is pre-defined. It works well for my application (Laser Tag) as I just need to trigger a few short sound effects, and my customers want to be able to replace the stock sound effects with their own custom sounds.

    Jim Robertson
    "MilesTag" DIY Lasertag
    Dayton, Ohio

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    Oh boy! Its worst than I thought!

    What stupid memory administration these chips have!

    I hoped that there was an auto mark method for the start and stop. Well for the stop there is the EOM but what about the 3rd message for example? How can the PIC know where it resides?



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    If you don't want to use direct addressing, then you can still operate in "pushbutton mode" with fast-forward to each message (same as ISD2560). This can be done with actual 'buttons', microcontroller I/O, or through SPI interface commands simulating tape recorder style operation.

    For my application, it is better to use the SPI and 'memory map' scheme. I need the fast response and instant triggering of sounds. But the ISD1700 is VERY flexible so you can still do it the 'old school' way.

    I do not have any code for controlling via pushbutton mode, so you would have to read up the datasheets on that. There is some documentation on migrating from ISD2560 to ISD1700 from Winbond (Nuvoton) that should help.

    Also they have a tech support email and phone. I used the phone tech support to solve some issues I ran into last year.

    There is always a learning curve with a device that has so much flexibility...

    Also you may want to check out the Cowlacious website, they have an ISD1700 recorder/player that may be more similar to what you are looking for.
    Jim Robertson
    "MilesTag" DIY Lasertag
    Dayton, Ohio

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    Default Finally !!! Complete !

    Thanks everyone for helping me understand this device and the steps to get it coded. i have been playing with it all day recording messages and playing them back.

    Thanks Jerson, Brenon and Jim for simplifying and breaking it down so that i may understand it line by line. my problem i was using the SHIFTOUT commands in PBP and i was not working properly. i now know how much memory space i need for the 20, 1 to 4 second sounds that i will be using.

    Cheers to all of you... today is a good day.

    - Gary
    There are 10 kinds of people. Those that know binary and those that do not.

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    Hi Gary

    Good to know you have figured it out. You have yourself to thank for the patience and dedication to figure it out.


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    Thanks Jim for the tips. OK, I will try a bit more without beeing prejudiced.

    Gary: If you areallowed can you post the working code?



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    Default Ok... here's the code

    hey Ioannis,
    here is my code that I have working. I am using my own RFEFX board which includes an RF. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. after i cleaned up some of Jim's code, as I have a different platform, the lights kinda just went off in my head and it all became real easy. For Video Click Here (9MB File takes a min to load)

    '*  Name    : ISD17XX.BAS                                       
    '*  Authors : Jerson,Brenon,Jim,Gary                            
    define OSC 20
    Time1 var word          'these variables used for the Erase flash
    Time2 var byte          'LEDS when the device is erased
                            'used in Label - FlashLED:
    time1 = 5000
    time2 = 50
    '******************** DEFINE VARIABLES ***********************
    temp_bit    VAR BIT
    temp		VAR BYTE
    spi_cnt 	var byte	' counter for SPI transfer
    bSPI 		var byte 	' the byte being transferred on SPI
    s_addr		VAR WORD	' Start Address
    e_addr		VAR WORD	' End Address
    ISD_Data 	var byte[7]	' This array contains data to/from ISD
    SR0a 		var ISD_Data[0]
    SR0b 		var ISD_Data[1]
    SR1 		var ISD_Data[2]    ' only valid after ReadStatus
    isCmdErr 	var SR0a.0	' 1=previous command failed/ignored
    isFull 		var SR0a.1	' 1=memory full
    isPU		var SR0a.2	' 1=ISD powered up
    isEOM		VAR SR0a.3	' 1=EOM detected (clear by CLR_INT command)
    isINT 		var SR0a.4	' 1=current operation completed (clear by CLR_INT command)
    isReady 	var SR1.0	' 1=Ready to receive SPI command (only valid after ReadStatus)
    				        ' Some SPI commands can still be sent when isReady=0
    '******************** PIN ASSIGNMENTS ************************
    Symbol miso		= PORTC.5			'ISD1760 SPI MISO 
    Symbol LED1	    = PORTA.5			'  
    Symbol LED2	    = PORTA.0			'
    Symbol ss		= PORTC.7			'ISD1760 SLAVE SELECT  
    Symbol sclk		= PORTC.4			'ISD1760 SPI CLOCK 
    Symbol mosi 	= PORTC.6         	'ISD1760 SPI MOSI	
    '******************** INITIALIZATION *************************
      ' Im using a PIC 16F876A with an external 20 MHZ clock
      ' there is really little setup. 
    	HIGH ss			'start with Slave Select HIGH
    	HIGH sclk		'start with SPI Clock HIGH
    	LOW  MOSI		'start with MOSI LOW
    	LOW LED1
    	LOW led2
    start:                       'Initialize the ISD
    	GoSub isd_pu
    	PAUSE 50		         '50 mS Power Up Delay (per datasheet)
           'I removed the APC because it doesn't work on my Audio Board 
    	PAUSE 10
    	GoSub isd_clr_int	     'clear interrupt and EOM
    	gosub erase              'this will erase the ISD chip whenever
    	                         'I reprogram my PIC
    '********************* MAIN PROGRAM **************************
    main_loop:	'(MAIN PROGRAM LOOP)
        PAUSE 2000
    RecordLoop:                       'Here is my board waiting for me to 
        if portc.3 = 1 then Record       'push the record button
        goto recordLoop
        high led1                   'a record LED
        if portc.3 = 1 then record  'it will not continue until i 
                                       'release the button
        s_addr = $010               'a 1 second clip takes approx 16 rows of 
        e_addr = $01f               'memory space $010-$01F = 16
        GOSUB isd_set_rec           'this Set_rec identical to set_play
                                    'was added so i could record a message
        PAUSE 2000    
        GOSUB isd_stop              ' an immediate stop to stop recording
        low led1                    ' turn record LED off
    Playloop:                       'the same button then becomes a play button
        'pause 2000
        if portc.3 = 1 then play
        goto playloop
        high led2                   'a different LED for play
        if portc.3 = 1 then play    'wont play until button is released 
        s_addr = $010               'playing back from the same 16 rows
        e_addr = $01f
        GOSUB isd_set_play
        PAUSE 2000
        GOSUB isd_stop
        low led2
        'pause 2000                  
        if portc.3 = 1 then play     'in this loop you can either play the sound
        if portc.5 = 1 then erase    'again or erase it and record another one
        goto Eraseloop               'two different buttons are used
    Erase:                           'this is the erase subroutine which is also 
        if portc.5 = 1 then erase    'called at the beginning of this program
        s_addr = $010                'this is not a Gang erase so the Start and
        e_addr = $01f                'End address must be present or you will get
        GOSUB isd_set_erase          'a command error
        gosub flashLED               'when i erase the chip a series of LEDS
                                     'are flased to indicate an erase.
        pause 1000
        goto recordloop              'after an erase it goes back to record loop
    '********************** SUBROUTINES **************************
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI=$01		'Power Up Command
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	HIGH ss
    	GOSUB isd_rd_status
    	IF isReady = 0 THEN isd_wait_ready
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI = $80		'Set Play Command (7 bytes)
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI	'SR0a
    	bSPI = $00 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	bSPI = s_addr.LowByte 	' Start Address low byte. 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[2] = bSPI	'SR0a
    	bSPI = s_addr.HighByte 	' Start Address high byte 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[3] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	bSPI = e_addr.LowByte 	' End Address low byte 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[4] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	bSPI = e_addr.HighByte 	' End Address high byte
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[5] = bSPI 	'SR0b
    	bSPI = $00		' Reserved Address - set to "0"
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[6] = bSPI 	'SR0a
    	HIGH ss
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI = $82		           'Set Erase Command (7 bytes)
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI	        SR0a
    	bSPI = $00 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	       'SR0b
    	bSPI = s_addr.LowByte 	   'Start Address low byte. 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[2] = bSPI	       'SR0a
    	bSPI = s_addr.HighByte 	   'Start Address high byte 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[3] = bSPI 	       'SR0b
    	bSPI = e_addr.LowByte 	   'End Address low byte 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[4] = bSPI 	       'SR0a
    	bSPI = e_addr.HighByte 	   'End Address high byte
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[5] = bSPI 	       'SR0b
    	bSPI = $00		           'Reserved Address - set to "0"
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[6] = bSPI 	       'SR0a
    	HIGH ss
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI = $81		           'Set Record Command (7 bytes)
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI	       'SR0a
    	bSPI = $00 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	       'SR0b
    	bSPI = s_addr.LowByte 	   'Start Address low byte. 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[2] = bSPI	       'SR0a
    	bSPI = s_addr.HighByte 	   'Start Address high byte 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[3] = bSPI 	       'SR0b
    	bSPI = e_addr.LowByte 	   'End Address low byte 
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[4] = bSPI 	       'SR0a
    	bSPI = e_addr.HighByte 	   'End Address high byte
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[5] = bSPI 	       'SR0b
    	bSPI = $00		           'Reserved Address - set to "0"
    	GoSub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[6] = bSPI 	       'SR0a
    	HIGH ss
    isd_spi:				        ' shift SPI data out and into SPI byte 
    	FOR spi_cnt = 0 to 7        '
    		MOSI = bSPI.0 		    ' shift LSB of byte onto MOSI line
    		LOW SCLK 		        ' clock MISO data out to uC (Falling Edge)
    		temp_bit = miso         '
    		HIGH SCLK		        ' clock MOSI into ISD1700 (Rising Edge)
    		bSPI = bSPI >> 1 		' shift SPI byte Right
    		bSPI.7 = temp_bit
    	NEXT spi_cnt
    isd_clr_int:					' CLEAR INTERRUPT AND EOM BITS
    	LOW SS
    	bSPI=$04		            'Clear Interrupt Command
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI 	        'SR0a
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	        'SR0b
    	HIGH SS
    isd_stop:					 ' Stop Immediately
    	LOW ss
    	bSPI=$02		         'Stop Command
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI 	     'SR0a
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI 	     'SR0b
    	HIGH ss
    isd_rd_status:				'read status of ISD1700 
    	LOW ss                  '
    	bSPI=$05		        'Read Status Command
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[0] = bSPI	    'SR0a
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[1] = bSPI	    'SR0b
    	gosub isd_spi
    	ISD_Data[2] = bSPI	    'SR1
    	HIGH ss
    '*********** Erase Indicators ********************************
        pulsout porta.5,time1
        pause time2
        pulsout porta.3,time1
        pause time2
        pulsout porta.2,time1
        pause time2
        pulsout porta.1,time1
        pause time2
        pulsout porta.0,time1
        pause time2
        low porta.0
    There are 10 kinds of people. Those that know binary and those that do not.

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    Hi Gary.

    Thanks a lot for your sample code.

    Nice work with the pcb's too!

    Your video was downloaded in less than 9 sec, for the records.

    Also your introduction to the site is quite impressive. Waiting to see the rest! Did you do this your own?


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    Hey Ioannis,
    Thanks a lot for your feedback. I do understand Flash websites, but in all honesty, it took

    me 5 hours modifying that flash intro template to my liking. i couldnt imagine coding the

    entire thing from scratch. Although "If there is a will. There is a way."

    The website will be based on the same flash template arcitecture and i cant imagine how long

    that is going to take me to modify.

    But yeah, thanks for the feed back and I hope you like the site when its available...

    - Gary
    There are 10 kinds of people. Those that know binary and those that do not.

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    Hi Gary.

    1. Do you have any newer design guide for the ISD17xx than the revision 0/2006?

    2. What do you use for the site you built? Is this template included?


  33. #33
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    The ISD17XXX series is a fairly old device so there have been no changes to it. therefore I

    believe the design guide would not change. the design guides are somewhat difficult to get.

    I had to tell Winbond that my company (the one I was working for at the time) that we were

    going to use about 500,000 devices a year.... so they quickly sent over their design guide.

    As far as the flash template modification, I use MXStudio 2004 (photo Attached) and I just

    downloaded a free Flash intro template and modified it to my liking.

    - Gary
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    There are 10 kinds of people. Those that know binary and those that do not.

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    500.000! Wow!

    Hope I do sell 5.000 pcs only!

    Thanks for the infos, very much.


  35. #35
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    Hello all,
    first, I want to thank you. With your help I was able to quickly understand ISD1700 functionnality (really bad datasheet !!).

    I made a system that can speak numerous messages: Not full messages are recorded, but words.
    Then I compose my message, sending play for words one after other.

    My question is: How to copy memory from one ISD to another ? Is there a digital way via SPI commands ? I don't want to record my voice on each ISD !!!

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    You have 2 choices.

    1. Buy the evaluation kit (programmer) that Nuvoton makes. The new design supports "batch" programming. The old version from Winbond does not, so make sure it's the new one made by Nuvoton.

    2. Build your own custom programmer. I did this for my laser tag system by embedding the "recorder" functions in my PIC firmware. SO I also wrote a simple Windows application (in Liberty Basic) that plays wav files and sends commands to the PIC telling it to START or STOP recording. It also sends address commands.

    To make it easier, I set up a memory map of pre-defined addresses for the ISD1700. Then I just make sure that the wav files are not longer than each memory location. Since the wav files will usually be shorter than the memory slot, I send a STOP command after the PC plays the wav file. The ISD1700 will insert a EOM marker. When the ISD plays the file it will stop playback at the EOM (the EOM feature must be enabled).

    Jim Robertson
    "MilesTag" DIY Lasertag
    Dayton, Ohio

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    Default C Code, PIC SPI Settings

    Hi Guys,

    I started a project using the PIC16F887 and a WINBOND ISD1700 Chip. I've been struggling to get the SPI communications working.

    In googling and searching through forums I came across this post.

    In reading through your posts and some of the code you have posted, it appears that you guys "bit banged" the ISD commands. Have any of you used the specific hardware on your PICs? Do you know if this is possible?

    I've used the PIC16F887 before with assembly so it's not that big of a deal to try and read your code, but I was wondering if any of you did any work in C? This is my first project using MPLAB and the HI-Tech C compiler.

    Thanks, Alan

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    Hmm, then you are at wrong forum. This is about PicBasic Pro compiler. Not the C compiler of any company.


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    Default My Apologies


    I'm not a fan of those who stray off topic and don't pay attention to forum etiquette. More of my concern was whether or not any of you were able to use your PICs and the actual SPI hardware in them. Or did all of you "bit bang" to communicate?

    Thanks, Alan

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    The best code so far is at post #30 by RFEFX.

    It uses SPI.


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