Problem with I2C EEPROM addressing

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Florida, USA

    Default Problem with I2C EEPROM addressing

    Hello - I have a strange problem when trying to access an EEPROM at a certain address. I have a string of five 24LC256 EEPROMs all sharing the same clock and data line. On the first 4, I am storing the position of 4 servos with the position value converted to a byte-sized variable. On the last one, I am storing the state of a relay (1 or 0). The EEPROMs are addressed 000, 001, 010, 011 and 100. I have no problem reading and writing to the first 3 EEPROMs and the last one, but for some reason, I can not read or write to the 4th EEPROM (011). I have tried swapping EEPROMs around and have determined that there is something to do with that address. My code is pretty straight forward - record mode = read the positions of the 4 servos and relay convert to byte-size (servos) and store the data. Playback mode = read the data convert it to word-sized numbers (for servos) and send it out. The same code is used for all 4 servos. 1, 2 and 3 work fine, 4 just pegs out during playback. The servo #4, when under manual control, responds fine. Anyone have any idea what my problem could be? Attached is a drawing showing my EEPROM layout. I thought it might be a timing issue but why does it only affect #4 and not #5?

    PBP 2.5 and 877A PIC.
    Here are some code snipetts:

    Posit var word
    Posit1 var word
    Posit2 var word
    Posit3 var word
    Posit4 var word
    PVal var byte

    'EEPROM 1 will contain posit data for Servo 1
    EChip1W CON %10100000 'Write mode for EEPROM 1
    EChip1R CON %10100001 'Read mode for EEPROM 1

    'EEPROM 2 will contain posit data for Servo 2
    EChip2W CON %10100010 'Write mode for EEPROM 2
    EChip2R CON %10100011 'Read mode for EEPROM 2

    'EEPROM 3 will contain posit data for Servo 3
    EChip3W CON %10100100 'Write mode for EEPROM 3
    EChip3R CON %10100101 'Read mode for EEPROM 3

    'EEPROM 4 will contain posit data for Servo 4
    EChip4W CON %10100110 'Write mode for EEPROM 4
    EChip4R CON %10100111 'Read mode for EEPROM 4

    'EEPROM 5 will contain data for Relay
    EChip5W CON %10101000 'Write mode for EEPROM 5
    EChip5R CON %10101001 'Read mode for EEPROM 5

    Record Mode Code Snipett---
    gosub ReadPot1
    pulsout servo1, posit1
    pause 5

    gosub ReadPot2
    pulsout servo2, posit2
    pause 5

    gosub ReadPot3
    pulsout servo3, posit3
    pause 5

    gosub ReadPot4
    pulsout servo4, posit4
    pause 5

    if recordflag = 1 then 'store data
    posit = (posit1 * 23) / 100 'convert to a value < 255
    pval = posit 'put into a byte variable
    I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip1W, Addr, [PVal] 'write it out

    posit = (posit2 * 23) / 100
    pval = posit
    I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip2W, Addr, [PVal]

    posit = (posit3 * 23) / 100
    pval = posit
    I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip3W, Addr, [PVal]

    posit = (posit4 * 23) / 100
    pval = posit
    I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip4W, Addr, [PVal]

    if RelaySw = 1 then
    pval = 1
    pval = 0
    I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip5W, Addr, [PVal]
    addr = addr + 1

    PlayBack Mode Code Snipett---
    high PlayLED
    read 16, Lastaddr.byte0
    read 17, lastaddr.byte1

    for addr = 1 to lastaddr
    i2cread dpin, cpin, echip1r, addr, [pval]
    posit = pval * 4 'multiply by 4.03 to convert back to word
    posit = posit + ((pval * 3) / 100)
    pulsout servo1, posit
    pause 5

    i2cread dpin, cpin, echip2r, addr, [pval]
    posit = pval * 4
    posit = posit + ((pval * 3) / 100)
    pulsout servo2, posit
    pause 5

    i2cread dpin, cpin, echip3r, addr, [pval]
    posit = pval * 4
    posit = posit + ((pval * 3) / 100)
    pulsout servo3, posit
    pause 5

    i2cread dpin, cpin, echip4r, addr, [pval]
    posit = pval * 4
    posit = posit + ((pval * 3) / 100)
    pulsout servo4, posit
    pause 5

    i2cread dpin, cpin, echip5r, addr, [pval]
    if pval = 0 then
    low Relay
    low RelayLED
    high Relay
    high RelayLED

    if SSRecBtn = 1 then
    low Relay
    low RelayLED
    low PlayLED
    pause 500
    goto Start
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    skimask's Avatar
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    Short of a bad solder joint, I don't see anything wrong at a quick look.
    Swap out a few chips and see what happens. Double check your joints.
    Slow down the oscillator and see what happens.

    (And on a side note, post all your code if you can. I can see room for a bunch of improvements that can be made in your code, streamlining it and all. And I'm not talking about MY standard 'colon-ization' stuff )

  3. #3
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    On the 24LC256, Pin1 (A0) is the low order bit. You have them reversed in the picture.

    Red is the actual addresses.

    <img src="" />
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  4. #4
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    That was IT!!!! You guys are so awesome!!! Thanks! It works perfectly now... Funny how that one was the only one where it mattered that I had it backwards. I had the right addresses (except one) but they were not assigned to the EEPROMs that I thought they were...

    Thanks again!

  5. #5
    skimask's Avatar
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    Aw crap! I poured over that schematic and missed it...
    Chalk another one up for DT...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by skimask
    I poured over that schematic ...
    What a coincidence! &nbsp;I poured a beer while looking over that schematic.

    Maybe it helped?

  7. #7
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    Atom058, Why all the hardware? Why not just use an 24LC1025?

    Dave Purola,

  8. #8
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    Dave - Yes, I could have done that, but I have a bunch of these and size was not a problem. I will certainly consider that for the future... Thanks!

  9. #9
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    Default record servos

    [QUOTE = Atom058; 60240 Olá] - Eu tenho um problema estranho ao tentar acessar uma EEPROM em um determinado endereço. Eu tenho uma seqüência de cinco 24LC256 EEPROMs todos compartilhando o mesmo relógio e linha de dados. Na 4 primeiro, eu estou armazenando um POSIÇÃO DE 4 servos POSIÇÃO COM O valor convertido para um byte de tamanho variável. Na última, eu estou armazenando o estado de um relé (ou 1 0). O EEPROMs abordadas são 000, 001, 010, 011 e 100. Não tenho nenhum problema de leitura e escrita para os 3 primeiros EEPROMs ea última, mas por alguma razão, eu não consigo ler ou gravar uma EEPROM 4 (011). Tentei trocar EEPROMs ao redor e ter determinado que há alguma coisa ver um com esse endereço. Meu código é bastante simples - modo de gravação ler = as posições dos servos e revezamento 4 conversor para byte de tamanho (servos) os dados e Armazenar. Modo de reprodução = ler os dados converte-lo para uma palavra-de tamanho (número de servos) e enviá-lo para fora. O mesmo código é utilizado para todos os 4 servos. 1, 2 e funcionam bem 3, apenas 4 pinos para fora durante a reprodução. O servo # 4, quando sob o controle manual, responde muito bem. Alguém tem alguma idéia do que poderia ser meu problema? Em anexo é um desenho mostrando o layout do meu EEPROM. Eu pensei que poderia ser um problema de tempo, mas porque é que só afetam # 4 e # 5, não?

    * PBP PIC 2,5 e 877A.
    * Aqui estão alguns snipetts Código:

    **** Var palavra Posit
    **** Posit1 palavra Var
    **** Posit2 palavra Var
    **** Posit3 palavra Var
    **** Var palavra Posit4
    **** Var PVal byte

    **** "EEPROM 1 CONTERA Dados sobre POSIÇÃO Servo de 1
    ****% EChip1W CON 10100000 'modo de gravação para EEPROM 1
    **** EChip1R% CON 10100001 'modo de leitura para EEPROM 1

    **** "EEPROM 2 Irá Conter dados sobre POSIÇÃO de Servo 2
    ****% EChip2W CON 10100010 'modo de gravação para EEPROM 2
    **** EChip2R% CON 10100011 'modo de leitura para EEPROM 2

    **** "EEPROM 3 CONTERA Dados sobre POSIÇÃO de Servo 3
    ****% EChip3W CON 10100100 'modo de gravação para EEPROM 3
    **** EChip3R% CON 10100101 'modo de leitura para EEPROM 3
    **** "EEPROM 4 Contém dados sobre POSIÇÃO de Servo 4
    ****% EChip4W CON 10100110 'modo de gravação para EEPROM 4
    **** EChip4R% CON 10100111 'modo de leitura para EEPROM 4
    **** "EEPROM 5 Irá Conter dados para Relay
    ****% EChip5W CON 10101000 'modo de gravação para EEPROM 5
    **** EChip5R% CON 10101001 'modo de leitura para 5 EEPROM

    * Modo de Gravação Código Snipett ---
    **** Gosub ReadPot1
    **** PULSOUT servo1, posit1
    **** Pausa 5
    **** Gosub ReadPot2
    **** PULSOUT servo2, posit2
    **** Pausa 5
    **** Gosub ReadPot3
    **** PULSOUT servo3, posit3
    **** Pausa 5
    **** Gosub ReadPot4
    **** PULSOUT servo4, posit4
    **** Pausa 5

    **** Se recordflag = 1 then 'dados armazenam
    ******** Posicao = (posit1 * 23) / 100 'converter um valor para <255
    ******** Pval byte = posit 'colocar em uma variável
    ******** I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip1W, Addr [PVal] 'write it out
    ******** Posicao = (posit2 * 23) / 100
    ******** Pval = posit
    ******** I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip2W, Addr [PVal]
    ******** Posicao = (posit3 * 23) / 100
    ******** Pval = posit
    ******** I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip3W, Addr [PVal]
    ******** Posicao = (posit4 * 23) / 100
    ******** Pval = posit
    ******** I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip4W, Addr [PVal]
    ******** Se RelaySw = 1 then
    ************ Pval = 1
    ******** Diferente
    ************ Pval = 0
    ******** Endif
    ******** I2CWRITE DPIN, CPIN, EChip5W, Addr [PVal]
    ******** Addr = addr + 1
    **** Endif

    * Modo de Reprodução Código Snipett ---
    **** Alta PlayLED
    **** Ler 16, Lastaddr.byte0
    **** Ler 17, lastaddr.byte1
    **** Addr = 1 para um lastaddr
    ******** I2cread dpin, CPIN, echip1r, addr, [pval]
    ******** Posit = pval * 4 'multiplicar por 4,03 para converter de volta para o Word
    ******** POSIÇÃO = posicao + ((pval * 3) / 100)
    ******** PULSOUT servo1, postular
    ******** Pausa 5
    ******** I2cread dpin, CPIN, echip2r, addr, [pval]
    ******** Posit = pval * 4
    ******** POSIÇÃO = posicao + ((pval * 3) / 100)
    ******** PULSOUT servo2, postular
    ******** Pausa 5
    ******** I2cread dpin, CPIN, echip3r, addr, [pval]
    ******** Posit = pval * 4
    ******** POSIÇÃO = posicao + ((pval * 3) / 100)
    ******** PULSOUT servo3, postular
    ******** Pausa 5

    ******** I2cread dpin, CPIN, echip4r, addr, [pval]
    ******** Posit = pval * 4
    ******** POSIÇÃO = posicao + ((pval * 3) / 100)
    ******** PULSOUT servo4, postular
    ******** Pausa 5
    ******** I2cread dpin, CPIN, echip5r, addr, [pval]
    ******** Pval Se = 0 então
    ************ Baixo Relay
    ************ Baixa RelayLED
    ******** Diferente
    ************ Relé de alta
    ************ Alta RelayLED
    ******** Endif
    ******** Se SSRecBtn = 1 then
    ************ Baixo Relay
    ************ Baixa RelayLED
    ************ Baixa PlayLED
    ************ Pause 500
    ************ Goto Start
    ******** Endif
    **** Próxima QUOTE [/]
    iria me ajudar

    que registram o movimento do servo-4

    Tenho um programa em PBASIC
    Eu quero converter para PICBASIC Pro
    ser capaz de me ajudar
    coloque bacalhau em um novo tópico


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Talking What's the matter ???

    Nice translation of post #1 ... ( Brazilian ??? )

    But where is the problem ???

    remove the "stars" or what ???

    Sorry, but help needed for translation : Just French ,English, German and Italian spoken ... Castejano only under torture.

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  11. #11
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    Tenho um programa em PBASIC
    Eu quero converter para PICBASIC Pro
    Tanslation :
    I have a program in PBASIC I want to convert it for PICBASIC

    This program ALREADY is a PicBasicPro program ...

    What are you looking for ???

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Miami, Florida USA

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    What's the matter ???
    Nice translation of post #1 ... ( Brazilian ??? )

    I really hate to correct you on this one, but in Brazil they don't speak "Brazilian" they speak Portuguese.


  13. #13
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    hi, Robert

    My dictionnary makes notable difference between Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese ... ( 2 different files ...)

    Just like Urugayan and Argentinian Spanish ... "Spanish" also called " Castejano ", BTW. ... that Spanish tourists couldn't understand while I went there for Working :

    I had to translate from Spanish to English, my accompanist Engineer from English to Castejano and vice versa ... Humour !!!

    sooo ... where the truth, in this world of supra-culture ???

    Last edited by Acetronics2; - 31st October 2009 at 20:33.
    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  14. #14
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    my friends coming back to the subject
    1 in this link: program records the trez movements (in servo rc)
    2 I want to compile in (pic basic pro)
    3 have an alteration in (portA)
    4 as to make the alteration
    5 necessary of aid to modify the program of (pbasic) for (pic basic Pro)
    6 in Brazil we say Portuguese who and well different of protugues spoken in portugual (Europe)
    Last edited by sergio; - 3rd November 2009 at 03:54.

  15. #15
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    This page may help you to convert a Picbasic program to PicBasic Pro.
    It's not too hard.

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