Originally Posted by
I got a solution from a friend:
HH>StartHH ||
HH=StartHH & MM>StartMM ||
HH=StartHH & MM=StartMM & SS>=StartSS
Looks like that will work (with some parenthesis added).
This should work for the rest of it ...
TimeCmpFlags VAR BYTE
PastStart VAR TimeCmpFlags.0
PastStop VAR TimeCmpFlags.1
NextDay VAR TimeCmpFlags.2
ProgON VAR TimeCmpFlags.3
TimeCmpFlags = 0 ; clear flags first
; if the Start and Stop times are the same, then Always OFF
if (Stop_H=Start_H) AND _
(Stop_M=Start_M) AND _
(Stop_S=Start_S) then AlwaysOFF
; is it past the Start time?
if (Hours>Start_H) OR _
(Hours=Start_H AND Minutes>Start_M) OR _
(Hours=Start_H AND Minutes=Start_M AND Seconds>=Start_S) then PastStart=1
; is it past the Stop time?
if (Hours>Stop_H) OR _
(Hours=Stop_H AND Minutes>Stop_M) OR _
(Hours=Stop_H AND Minutes=Stop_M AND Seconds>=Stop_S) then PastStop=1
; does the period end the following day?
if (Stop_H< Start_H) OR _
(Stop_H=Start_H AND Stop_M < Start_M) OR _
(Stop_H=Start_H AND Stop_M=Start_M AND Stop_S < Start_S) then NextDay=1
if !NextDay then ; same day, use AND
if PastStart AND !PastStop then ProgON = 1
else ; next day, use OR
IF PastStart OR !PastStop then ProgON = 1
Added: You should keep in touch with your "Friend". It was a good "Tip".