Compilation Errors – Code Designer Lite and PicBASIC Pro Compiler (MicroCode Studio)

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  1. #1
    zz22's Avatar
    zz22 Guest

    Default Compilation Errors – Code Designer Lite and PicBASIC Pro Compiler (MicroCode Studio)

    Would you kindly identify the source of the compiling errors?
    This program has worked before.

    B. Here is the beginning of the error list.

    PBP,7: undefined Variable 'TRISA'
    PBP,8: undefined Variable 'TRISB'
    PBP,10: ':' 'or =' Expect (Token 'VAR')
    PBP,11: to 23: ':' 'or=' Expect (Token 'VAR') is repeated for lines 11 to 23

    PBP,30: Undefined variable 'num_samples'
    PBP,30: Undefined variable '1_threshold'
    PBP,30: Undefined variable 'r_threshold'
    PBP,30: Varible expected (Token 'temp')
    PBP,30: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORT B')
    PBP,30: Illegal Character '.'
    PBP,30: End of line or ':' Expected (Token ',')
    PBP,30: Illegal Character '['

    B. Here are the compiling steps.

    1. MicroCode Studio
    Go to the Project Menu
    Choose “Compile and Program”
    Be sure that 16F627A is selected in the Target Processor pulldown window.

    2. EPIC settings in the Configuration Menu.
    Oscillator: XT INTRC (IN)
    Code Protection: Off
    Watch Dog Timer: enabled
    Power-up Timer: enabled
    Brown-Out Reset: enabled
    Master Clear Reset: enabled
    Memory Size: 1 K

    3. Open the Hexapod zip file containing the code.

    4. Extract only the insect-explore.bas.
    All of the other files are for experiments.

    5. Open insect-explore.bas in Microcode Studio.

    6. Make sure that a 16F627A chip is in the programmer.
    Notch faces the Centronix connector (for parallel cable).

    7. In MicroCode Studio, go to the Project Menu.
    Select “Compile and Program.”
    This action brings up the EPIC program.

    8. Erase, and verify that the chip is clear.
    Go to the Run menu and select “Program.”

    C. Here is the code (Karl Williams,

    '************************************************* *******
    ' insect-explore.bas
    ' exploration with obstacle avoidance control program
    ' PicBasic Pro Compiler
    '************************************************* *******

    trisa = %11111111 ' set porta to inputs
    trisb = %00001100 ' set portb pins 2 & 3 to inputs

    m_servo var byte ' initialize variables
    l_servo var byte
    r_servo var byte
    temp var byte
    timer var byte
    decision var word
    ir_left var byte
    ir_right var byte
    l_count var byte
    r_count var byte
    l_threshold var byte
    r_threshold var byte
    num_samples var byte
    behavior var byte

    num_samples = 30 ' number of samples taken per i.r. module
    l_threshold = 5 ' noise floor threshold for left detector
    r_threshold = 5 ' noise floor threshold for right detector

    for temp = 1 to 10 ' delay for approximately 1 second by
    sound portb.4,[90 + (temp*3),2] ' flashing LED's and making sounds so that
    toggle portb.1 ' the infrared detecor board has time to
    toggle portb.0 ' stabalize on power up.
    pause 100
    next temp


    gosub infrared ' get sensor values from infrared subroutine

    portb.1 = ir_left
    portb.0 = ir_right

    behavior = ir_left * 2 + ir_right

    branch behavior,[walk_forward, turn_left, turn_right, walk_reverse]

    sound portb.4,[90,1,80,2,125,1,90,2,100,2]
    for temp = 1 to 2
    m_servo = 170
    gosub servo
    l_servo = 120
    r_servo = 120
    gosub servo
    m_servo = 100
    gosub servo
    l_servo = 160
    r_servo = 160
    gosub servo
    next temp

    random decision

    if decision.0 = 1 then turn_right
    sound portb.4,[140,1,80,2,125,1,95,2]
    for temp = 1 to 2
    m_servo = 170
    gosub servo
    l_servo = 120
    r_servo = 160
    gosub servo
    m_servo = 100
    gosub servo
    l_servo = 160
    r_servo = 120
    gosub servo
    next temp
    goto start
    sound portb.4,[140,1,120,2,110,1,100,2]
    for temp = 1 to 2
    m_servo = 170
    gosub servo
    l_servo = 160
    r_servo = 120
    gosub servo
    m_servo = 100
    gosub servo
    l_servo = 120
    r_servo = 160
    gosub servo
    next temp
    goto start
    m_servo = 170
    gosub servo
    l_servo = 160
    r_servo = 160
    gosub servo
    m_servo = 100
    gosub servo
    l_servo = 120
    r_servo = 120
    gosub servo
    goto start


    l_count = 0
    r_count = 0
    ir_left = 0
    ir_right = 0

    for temp = 1 to num_samples ' take 30 samples per detector

    if portb.2 = 0 then ' if left module senses an object
    l_count = l_count + 1 ' increase the left count

    if portb.3 = 0 then ' if left module senses an object
    r_count = r_count + 1 ' increase the right count


    if l_count >= l_threshold then ' if left count is greater than the threshold
    ir_left = 1 ' then an object was sensed with left detector

    if r_count >= r_threshold then ' if right count is greater than the threshold
    ir_right = 1 ' then an object was sensed with right detector

    return ' return to main program

    servo: ' subroutine to set servos

    for timer = 1 to 10
    pulsout portb.7,m_servo
    pulsout portb.6,l_servo
    pulsout portb.5,r_servo
    pause 13
    next timer


    Thank you.

    Catherine Wang

  2. #2

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    Works just fine for me, so I have to ask, did you follow your own instructions? Try this. Open up PicBasic, open a new page, and copy/paste your code straight in. Make sure the PIC is the right one, and it should work just fine for you.
    Last edited by gringobomba14; - 30th June 2008 at 21:52.

  3. #3
    skimask's Avatar
    skimask Guest

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    Almost looks like this person is compiling a PicBasicPro program with PicBasic.

  4. #4

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