Originally Posted by
Darrel Taylor
Then don't modulate it.
The infrared receiver demodulates the 40khz, leaving only the data.
But with just a transistor, you're sending the 40khz along with the data to the receiving PIC.
Hi Darrel, Thank you for your anwser.
Well, it is maybe too technical for me.
Would it solve the problem if instead of sending a PWM at 40KHz I send a non PWM signal using PBP "High" and "Low" for the output pin?
I'm puzzled, I think I already tried this and it didn't work either...
The receiving pic should get the pulses and the PULSIN should record it.
I have to try again.
check_signal: '40KHz IR signal received by a TSOP4840 sensor or +5v (PWM) on the supplier input port, the total length with header is: max: 2400+16*600+16*1200 us
'This may be either a bullet or a medic supply or a scores request
'MEMO: the timings may be very important !!!!
'Get the data
'first byte contains the player ID:
'bit7 of this bit is hit/system message, bits 6-0 are player ID
'second byte is:
'00xxxx-- hit, from MT or SquadTag tagger (Milestag tagger has to select TEAM RED!!)
'11xxxx-- scores request from SUPPLIER
'01xxxx-- medic supply
'Only 00xxxx-- bullet is compatible with Milestag
'If other teams than RED are selected on the tagger, it will send fake information to the sensors module!
'If the input is a hit, only bits 2-5 contain the damage levels
'Only 4 values are valid for damage (IR bullet):
'25% is encoded as: d9
'50% is encoded as: d13
'75% is encoded as: d14
'100% is encoded as: d15
'See Milestag protocol version 2
'%01000000 medic
'%11000000 scores request
'We don't have to specificaly bypass the header because as it has already began, the pulsin will ignore it and wait for the next pulse which is the MSB of first sent byte
'fill in this data:
'- pin: which pin received the message
'- decode the data byte
pin = 255 'set default fake area
'choose the pin on which to read depending on the pin that has triggered the INT
'get the duration of each of the expected 14 bits (8+6)
'when the scores request from supplier (via transistor) get to pin0,
'it yields an invalid signal (while it is fine when it gets to pin1 or pin2)
IF (a.0(0) == 0) THEN
FOR i = 0 to 13 'get a sequence of incoming 14 bits (WITHOUT their prefixes which are 600us pause)
PULSIN PORTA.0,0,ir_pulse[i] ' Read 14 low-going pulses on RA.4, see pbp manual
pin = 0 ' Loop 14 times, record in 5us resolution pulse duration in the word variables array
IF (a.0(1) == 0) THEN
FOR i = 0 to 13 'get a sequence of incoming 14 bits (WITHOUT their prefixes which are 600us pause)
PULSIN PORTA.1,0,ir_pulse[i] ' Read 14 low-going pulses on RA.4, see pbp manual
pin = 1 ' Loop 14 times, record in 5us resolution pulse duration in the word variables array
IF (a.0(2) == 0) THEN
FOR i = 0 to 13 'get a sequence of incoming 14 bits (WITHOUT their prefixes which are 600us pause)
PULSIN PORTA.2,0,ir_pulse[i] ' Read 14 low-going pulses on RA.4, see pbp manual
pin = 2 ' Loop 14 times, record in 5us resolution pulse duration in the word variables array
IF (a.0(3) == 0) THEN
FOR i = 0 to 13 'get a sequence of incoming 14 bits (WITHOUT their prefixes which are 600us pause)
PULSIN PORTA.3,0,ir_pulse[i] ' Read 14 low-going pulses on RA.4, see pbp manual
pin = 3 ' Loop 14 times, record in 5us resolution pulse duration in the word variables array
IF (a.0(4) == 0) THEN
FOR i = 0 to 13 'get a sequence of incoming 14 bits (WITHOUT their prefixes which are 600us pause)
PULSIN PORTA.4,0,ir_pulse[i] ' Read 14 low-going pulses on RA.4, see pbp manual
pin = 4 ' Loop 14 times, record in 5us resolution pulse duration in the word variables array
'at this step we got the bit length for the 14 bits
'(it can be bytes for player ID and damage, or 0,192 if scores request, or medic supply)
'after this label:
'- we know which pin received the message;
'- if pin 0-4: we also have the durations of the pulses
'- if pin =5: we know it is a status request (+5V pulse)
LCDOUT $fe,1,"pin = ",#pin
PAUSE 2000
'Ranges for LOW bit: 109 to 153
'Ranges for HIGH BIT: 221 to 266
'header length: 118 to 122
'we scan the words array we stored from MSB to LSB
databyte = 0 'reset low byte and high byte of the word variable to %0000000000000000
FOR i = 0 TO 13 ' process only 14 "data" bits out of 16 bits collected
LCDOUT $fe,1,#i,":",#ir_pulse[i]
PAUSE 2000
IF ((ir_pulse[i] > 210) && (ir_pulse[i] < 275)) THEN '240*5us resolution at 8MHz = 1200 us (usual length of a zero is about 127 - 145 and 242 to 266 fore a one)
databyte.0(15-i) = 1 'clear the bit
goto slip 'bypass
IF ((ir_pulse[i] > 105) && (ir_pulse[i] < 160)) THEN '240*5us resolution at 8MHz = 1200 us (usual length of a zero is about 127 - 145 and 242 to 266 fore a one)
databyte.0(15-i) = 0 'clear the bit
GOTO slip 'bypass
'ELSE: invalid data
LCDOUT $fe,1,#i," != ",#ir_pulse[i]
LCDOUT $fe,$c0,"Invalid"
valid = 0
'PAUSE 3000
databyte.0 = %10000000 'set an invalid data value to bypass the validation routine
'GOTO hop_here 'bypass and abort if one of the 14 bits is off limits
'At this step we filled "databyte" word variable from MSB to LSB with 14 incoming bits
'at this step the bit lengths are fine
valid = 1
'now let's see if the bytes have a valid value
IF ((databyte.0(6) == 0) && (databyte.0(7) == 0)) THEN 'if it is a bullet hit,
'update hits count inflicted by the opponent (who we know the ID)
killer_id = databyte.byte1 'get opponent ID
read (killer_id + 128),gotchas 'get the hits count by this opponent from EEPROM
gotchas = (gotchas + 1) 'update count
write (killer_id + 128), gotchas 'store back updated count in EEPROM
'output the data related to the oponent who hit you
LCDOUT $fe,1,"Kiler: ",#databyte.Byte1
LCDOUT $fe,$C0,"Gotchas: ",#gotchas
PAUSE 3000
hop_here: 'jump here if one of the bit length is invalid (valid flag/bit is set to 0)
'show the two bytes values
LCDOUT $fe,1,"DATA: ",#databyte.byte0 'display lowest byte of the word
LCDOUT $fe,$c0,"ID: ",#databyte.byte1 'display lowest byte of the word
PAUSE 3000
RETURN 'after signal has been processed return from subroutine
SENDER pic, PWM, works with IR transmission, not with wired link,
variable sig = %11000000
send_sig: 'encoding the data signal: medic or score request
'OUTPUT PWM on IR led on HEXFET on RC5
high backlight
LCDOUT $FE, $c0 'move at begining of 2nd line
PAUSE 2000 'pause 2s
low backlight
T2CON.2 = 1 'start timer2
TMR2 = 0 'reset timer2
CCP1CON = 12
PAUSEus 2400 'HIGH pulse, 2400 uS output on RC5, *PWM*
'first byte, %00000000 (MT2 compatible), don't care
For i = 0 to 7 '8 bits, MSB to LSB
pauseus 600 'bit prefix (600us no-pulse)
TMR2 = 0 'reset timer2
CCP1CON = 12 'bit is '0'
PAUSEus 600
'second byte
For i = 0 to 5 'send only 6 bits MSB to LSB
pauseus 600 'bit prefix
TMR2 = 0
CCP1CON = 12
IF (sig.0(7-i) == 1) THEN
PAUSEus 1200 'if bit = 1
PAUSEus 600 'if bit = 0
T2CON.2 = 0 'stop timer2
LCDOUT $FE, 1,"sig:",#sig
LCDOUT $fe,$c0
FOR i = 0 to 7
LCDOUT #sig.0(7-i)
PAuSE 3000
LCDOUT $fe,1