
I'm trying to implement the PicBasic Pro example "USART.bas" but at 9600 baud (unstead of 2400) .

I've changed the SPBRG value to 129 as suggested in the PIC16F877 datasheet. I'm using a 20MHz crystal.

For the most part I'm using HSERIN and HSEROUT. However, I want to continuously toggle an I/O pin in the background while I'm waiting for a character to appear in the receive register.

Here is the "USART.bas" example:

' Read and write hardware USART

B1 var byte

' Initialize USART
TRISC = %10111111 ' Set TX (PortC.6) to out, rest in
SPBRG = 25 ' Set baud rate to 2400
RCSTA = %10010000 ' Enable serial port and continuous receive
TXSTA = %00100000 ' Enable transmit and asynchronous mode

' Echo received characters in infinite loop
loop: Gosub charin ' Get a character from serial input, if any
If B1 = 0 Then loop ' No character yet

Gosub charout ' Send character to serial output
Goto loop ' Do it forever

' Subroutine to get a character from USART receiver
charin: B1 = 0 ' Preset to no character received

If PIR1.5 = 1 Then ' If receive flag then...
B1 = RCREG ' ...get received character to B1

ciret: Return ' Go back to caller

' Subroutine to send a character to USART transmitter
charout: If PIR1.4 = 0 Then charout ' Wait for transmit register empty

TXREG = B1 ' Send character to transmit register

Return ' Go back to caller

Could somebody get back to me on this?

My last thread has gone unanswered and I'm wondering if I'm somehow posting this incorrectly.