Hello Jcee,
Jc>>I have a problem with serial communication between two PIC-
processors, one PIC16F84A and one PIC16F627. I uses the commands SerIn2 and SerOut2. One-way communication works fine, I can send a signal from one PIC to the other (SerIn2 on the 16F84A and SerOut2 on the 16F627) but when I tries to use both commands on both PIC's at the same time and so get a two-way communication everything stop working.<<
Well, you have step one going! This is important. communication in one direction. Yes, everything will stop working. One serial communication must be completed before the response is sent from the other chip. The Serin takes control of that one pin, and must finish its job before a Serout take place.
Ability to Fly:
Hurling yourself towards the ground, and missing.
Engineers that Contribute to flying:
Both optimists and pessimists contribute to the society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute
Pilots that are Flying:
Those who know their limitations, and respect the green side of the grass...