RPM - DIV32 Problem

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default RPM - DIV32 Problem

    I am reading a tacho out line from an engine ECU with pulsin, scaling it, then displaying it on an LCD screen. I have had it working with the following code...

      PULSIN PORTD.6,1,rlow                             
      PULSIN PORTD.6,0,rhigh                            
      rpm = rhigh + rlow
      rpm = rpm / 50
      rpm = 60000 / rpm
      if rpm = 65535 then
        rpm = 0
      lcdout $fe,$ca,dec rpm,"rpm  "
    in the higher RPM, the resolution drops, so I figured if I was to change my calculations to be ... rpm = 3000000 / rpm ... then the resolution would increase.

    However when I make it ...

      PULSIN PORTD.6,1,rlow                             
      PULSIN PORTD.6,0,rhigh                            
      rpm = rhigh + rlow 
      tbase = 50 * 60000
      rpm = div32 rpm
      if rpm = 65535 then
        rpm = 0
    The result is roughly 32370rpm
    when the revs are increasing, the displayed rpm decreases, and visa-versa... but when the rpm is steady (at idle, or held steady at any RPM) the displayed rpm settles back to 32370

    Is there something I am missing here? I am successfully using DIV32 many more times in my code for other functions.

    Also I thought I might be overflowing the DIV32 integer (but according to my manual I am not) so I thought I would try....

      PULSIN PORTD.6,1,rlow                             
      PULSIN PORTD.6,0,rhigh                            
      rpm = (rhigh + rlow) / 10
      tbase = 500 * 600
      rpm = div32 rpm
      if rpm = 65535 then
        rpm = 0
    This results in 0 being displayed all the time.

    At idle, rlow, and rhigh (which are identical) read approximately 1400 each, which when I do my maths on paper, (either method I have shown) comes out to approximately 1071rpm which would be correct

    Could somebody more intelligent or more observant than I please help me?

    Also might add I'm using a 16F877A
    Last edited by davewanna; - 11th April 2008 at 03:35.

  2. #2
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    Not a fan of pulsin or count... I could do some calc... but i feel lazy... did you measure the frequency range of your signal?

    What's the min, and max? From what i remember 1,000 RPM for a 4Cyl signal is ~30 HZ.. but noisy 30Hz, so you must do some signal shaping and some average (samples) of it, unless it's not going to be really accurate...
    Last edited by mister_e; - 11th April 2008 at 03:13.

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  3. #3
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    Default calculation problem


    It's not a pulsin problem, I am displaying rhigh and rlow on the LCD, and they are great... the number falls when the revs goes up, visa-versa... And in my first example the whole thing works perfectly... it's just that because of the division by 50, the result is a number like 56 at 1000rpm, and lower for higher rpm, and therefore poor resolution... Something like 200+rpm jump over around 4000rpm.

    I don't need it to be spectacular, but I will change it when I learn more about timers and interrupts.

    The issue I have is that my calculations on paper are right, but in the pic are just not working.

    Also if I change the line "rpm = rhigh + rlow" ... to ... "rpm = rhigh * 2" ... or ... "rpm = rlow * 2" ... I get 1rpm when the engine is running, and 0rpm when the engine is not. That doesn't make any sense to me... As the result should be the same.

    Also might add I'm using a 16F877A
    Last edited by davewanna; - 11th April 2008 at 03:34.

  4. #4
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    Hence why i asked for your frequency range. Knowing this, we can know what happen at idle... there we will find your max value for each Pulsin... which i suspect to be really high, so when you add them it just overflow... or they are already zero because of your possible low frequency (or you use BYTE variable)... then screw everything else...

    We also need to know your PIC OSC value.
    Last edited by mister_e; - 11th April 2008 at 03:38.

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  5. #5
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    Default frequency

    I'm not sure exactly why you think it's overflowing, as I'm showing it on the LCD to be 1400, but here goes...

    I haven't put a cro on it (would have to take out out to the car) but, with the 4mhz clock, at idle (roughly 1000rpm) rlow, and rhigh show me roughly 1400 each. So the 4mhz clock gives resolution at 10us, so a complete high/low would be 28mS.

  6. #6
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    Default changes

    I have just changed my code to:

      PULSIN PORTD.6,1,rlow                             
      PULSIN PORTD.6,0,rhigh                            
      rtotal = (rhigh + rlow) / 10
      tbase = 500 * 600
      rpm = div32 rtotal
      if rpm = 65535 then
        rpm = 0
    and I am displaying rtotal on my LCD, which when rlow and rhigh are at 1400, rtotal is at 280. Exactly what I expect. The problem is in the next 2 lines. 500 * 600 should be 300,000. Which when divided by 280, should give me 1071.

    But instead I get 0rpm (obviously caused by the following if statement intended to show me 0rpm if the engine is not running)

  7. #7
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    The little problem is that you MUST use variable in your 16x16 bit multiplication, unless it's not going to work.

            rlow var word
            rhigh var word
            rtotal var word
            RPM VAR WORD
            tbase var word
            a var word
            b var word
            rtotal = (rhigh + rlow) /10
            tbase = a*b
            rpm = div32 rtotal
    this return 1071

    you should have better resolution with...
            rlow var word
            rhigh var word
            rtotal var word
            RPM VAR WORD
            tbase var word
            a var word
            b var word
            rtotal = (rhigh + rlow)
            tbase = a*b
            rpm = div32 rtotal
    Last edited by mister_e; - 11th April 2008 at 04:20.

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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  8. #8
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    Default strange

    ok I have done some more changes... just for debugging purposes... My code now looks like:

      PULSIN PORTD.6,1,rlow                             
      PULSIN PORTD.6,0,rhigh                            
      rtotal = (rlow + rhigh) / 10
      tbase = 500 * 600
      rpm = div32 280
      if rpm = 65535 then
        rpm = 0
    This was to test if putting the variable rtotal after the DIV32 command was in any way incorrect. According to what I understand, it should now just display a fixed 1071rpm on the LCD.

    However... when I now start the engine, at any rpm lower than roughly 1100 (probably 1071 to be precise), the display shows 0rpm, but over that, as I rev the engine, it shows RPM in the 32000 + range.

    WHAT IS DIV32 DIVIDING BY 280??? Cause it's not 300000...

  9. #9
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    seems we post at the same time

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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  10. #10
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    Mister_e you are my hero!!

    That was the problem, I wasn't using variables. I originally had it trying to divide by 3,000,000 but thought I might be over-flowing for some reason, and tried it at 300,000.

    DIV32 was taking the last calculation using variables (rlow + rhigh /10) and therefore dividing rtotal by itself.. which was giving me a 1 while running, and a 0 while off...

    All makes sense now really..

    Just for interests sake, code now looks like

    a = 50
    b = 60000
      PULSIN PORTD.6,1,rlow                             
      PULSIN PORTD.6,0,rhigh                            
      rtotal = rlow + rhigh
      tbase = a * b
      rpm = div32 rtotal
      if rpm = 65535 then
        rpm = 0
    Thankyou very much, many hours were wasted over that.

    Now that I have it conquered, I will learn more about timers and interrupts.

  11. #11
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    I knew there was a "fussy" code writing thing in that. Better explanation at the following link

    Glad to hear it works.

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

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