accessing ports pins using an index variable

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  1. #1
    xnihilo's Avatar
    xnihilo Guest

    Smile accessing ports pins using an index variable

    Hi there,

    I need your help about using PBP pro with a PIC16F684.

    I have to access portA pins in my program, using a variable as an index because I need to check what pin triggered the interrupt and then I need to poll the pin.

    (let's assume the INT triggering port A pin is default high with weak pullups, it goes low when an int occurs and I jump to the below routine once I know what pin triggered the INT and assign that pin number to trigpin variable)

    for i = 0 to 255
    IF porta.trigpin = 1 then exitloop
    PAUSEus 1000
    next i

    I know that PCPpro refuses to use porta.trigpin or porta[trigpin]
    Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    skimask's Avatar
    skimask Guest

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    for i = 0 to 255
        IF porta <> 0 then exitloop
    pause 1
    next i
    if any pin on porta is set, exit the loop

  3. #3
    xnihilo's Avatar
    xnihilo Guest

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    Smile accessing byte's bits

    Okays, thanks.
    However it does not exactly meet my needs:

    Not all pins will be triggered when they go from High to Low.

    My program gets an IR signal on a sensor connected to a PORTA pin and this triggers an INT. In the int routine, I check what pin received the IR signal and then I poll the pin to get a signal that is encoded.
    On pin RA5, I set no WPU because the default state will be 0V and once 5V gets to this pin, it triggers an INT.

    (I'm developping software and hardware for a lasergame).

    Anyway thank you very much for your help.

  4. #4

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    You could bitwise xor the read of port A with a saved previous state. Then changed bits would be set. Then you could use a SELECT CASE to do actions if a specific bit is set

    casetest = portA ^ prev_state

    prev_case = portA

    SELECT CASE casetest
    CASE casetest.BIT0
    ( do stuff for bit 0 changes)
    CASE casetest.BIT1
    (do stuff for bit 1 changes)
    etc, etc.
    Tim Barr

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    If you just need to know which pin changed, you can
    use something like -

    DeltaPortA = OldPortA ^ PortA
    If DeltaPortA > 0 THEN
    OldPortA = PortA
    BitThatChanged = NCD DeltaPortA

    BitThatChanged will have a number from 1-8, corresponding to the bit that changed.
    If more than one changed, the highest-order bit that changed will be in the variable.

    If you need to know ONLY if it went from LOW to HIGH, you can use

    DeltaPortA = OldPortA ^ PortA
    If DeltaPortA > 0 Then
    OldPortA = PortA
    DeltaLowToHigh = DeltaPortA & PortA
    BitThatChangedH = NCD DeltaLowToHigh

    BitThatChangedH will contain the number (1-8) of the highest order bit that changed from low to high.

    You can use the same technique for figuring out which one went from HIGH to LOW.
    Charles Linquist

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by xnihilo View Post
    I know that PCPpro refuses to use porta.trigpin or porta[trigpin]
    I think you need to use PortA.0[trigPin]

    there's an entire thread dealing with bit handling on PBP

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Code sample

    Hello xnihilo,

    You may find some ideas here:


  8. #8
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    If I am getting it right, this should be it.
    But, this should not be this easy, should it?
    I must be wrong then.

    <font color="#000000">TRISA = <font color="#FF0000"><b>%11111
    </b></font>MyPort <font color="#000080"><b>VAR </b></font>PORTA
    Index  <font color="#000080"><b>VAR BYTE
        <font color="#000080"><b>FOR </b></font>Index = <font color="#FF0000"><b>0 </b></font><font color="#000080"><b>TO </b></font><font color="#FF0000"><b>5   </b></font><font color="#000080"><i>' Scan MyPort (PORTA) pins.
          </i><b>IF </b></font>MyPort.<font color="#FF0000"><b>0</b></font>[Index] = <font color="#FF0000"><b>0 </b></font><font color="#000080"><b>THEN BRANCH </b></font>Index,[IntA0,IntA1,IntA2,IntA3,IntA4,IntA5]    
        <font color="#000080"><b>NEXT </b></font>Index
        <font color="#000080"><i>' Above routine is the same as
        ' IF MyPort.0 = 0 then IntA0
        ' IF MyPort.1 = 0 then IntA1
        ' IF MyPort.2 = 0 then IntA2
        ' IF MyPort.3 = 0 then IntA3
        ' IF MyPort.4 = 0 then IntA4
        ' IF MyPort.5 = 0 then IntA5                    
    </i><b>GOTO </b></font>Start
    <font color="#000080"><i>'Do your stuff or PORTA.0 here.
        </i><b>GOTO </b></font>Start
    <font color="#000080"><i>'Do your stuff or PORTA.1 here.
        </i><b>GOTO </b></font>Start
    <font color="#000080"><i>'Do your stuff or PORTA.2 here.
        </i><b>GOTO </b></font>Start
    <font color="#000080"><i>'Do your stuff or PORTA.3 here.
        </i><b>GOTO </b></font>Start
    <font color="#000080"><i>'Do your stuff or PORTA.4 here.
        </i><b>GOTO </b></font>Start
    <font color="#000080"><i>'Do your stuff or PORTA.5 here.
        </i><b>GOTO </b></font>Start
    <font color="#000080"><b>END
    "If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital." Napoleon Bonaparte

  9. #9
    xnihilo's Avatar
    xnihilo Guest

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    thank you very much for your help guys

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