Originally Posted by
Ok. What I am trying to do is control the limits of a servo based on the position of two pots.
Sounds exactly like this other thread out there recently...
Im trying to use 16f690 chip because I think I need the AD converter to handle the pot command.
PBP manual says it gets the POT value by charging up an external, then measuring the time it takes to discharge to a low logic level...on a digital input pin.
I think you'd be better off using an analog input and some ADC type commands and registers.
Besides, if you're using POT, you'll be at the mercy of your capacitor...which are notorious for having very wide tolerances.
If you set your potentiometer up as a simple voltage divider, you'll get much more accurate results, and repeatable.
The POT command is a holdover from way back when, and not a very good command in my opinion.
Code from another thread using a 12F675...
Uses a couple of switches and pot to set some endpoints...
Change the registers over to '690 equals and make something out of it...
@ DEVICE pic12F629, INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT ; Using Internal Clock, no clock out
@ DEVICE pic12F629, WDT_ON ; Enable Watch dog timer
@ DEVICE pic12F629, PWRT_ON ; Enable Power-up timer
@ DEVICE pic12F629, MCLR_OFF ; Disable MCLR pin
@ DEVICE pic12F629, BOD_ON ; Enable Brown-out detect
@ DEVICE pic12F629, CPD_OFF ; EEPROM Protect
@ DEVICE pic12F629, PROTECT_OFF ; Code Protect off
TRISIO = %11111110
INTCON.6=0 ' Disable all unmasked Interrupts
INTCON.7=0 ' Disable Global Interrupts
CMCON = 7 ' Disable analog comparator
ServoOut var GPIO.0
SetLimitSw var GPIO.1
PotIn var GPIO.2
MinSw var GPIO.4
MaxSw var GPIO.5
wPosit var word
Posit var byte
MinPosit var byte
MaxPosit var byte
'load starting min and max positions
data @ 0, 100
data @ 1, 250
'************************************************* ***************
low Servoout
'read in stored min and max limits
read 0, MinPosit
read 1, MaxPosit
'for power-on reset of positions:
if minsw = 1 then
minposit = 100
write 0, minposit
if maxsw = 1 then
maxposit = 250
write 1, maxposit
pause 1000
gosub GetServoPosition
pulsout servoout, posit
pause 20
if setlimitsw = 1 then 'check min max buttons
if minsw = 1 then
MinPosit = Posit
write 0, MinPosit
pause 250
if maxsw = 1 then
MaxPosit = Posit
write 1, MaxPosit
pause 250
goto start
'************************************************* ***************
high potin
pause 1
rctime potin, 1, wPosit 'at 4 mhz, returns 0 - 120
'adjust posit to get values between 75 and 250
'use word-sized variable because calculation might exceed 255
wposit = wposit + 75 + (wposit / 2)
'now limit posit to 100 - 250 (1 ms - 2.5 ms)
'and put into byte-sized variable
if wposit > 250 then
posit = 250
posit = wposit
if posit < 100 then posit = 100
if setlimitsw = 0 then 'apply limits
if Posit < MinPosit then Posit = MinPosit
if Posit > MaxPosit then Posit = MaxPosit
'************************************************* ***************