new to PIC programming could really do with some help

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default new to PIC programming could really do with some help

    I've got a problem with this section of code and could really do with some help please.
    The LCD scrolling section looks ok to me, but when I try compiling it I get this error

    Error at Line [68] In file [OILCON~3.BAS] *** Variable ' LCDIN ' not defined! ***

    Also can anyone tell me if I've worked out how to generate sound on PORTD.1 correctly please?
    I know the sound section seems a little crude but for some reason I cannot get the FOR NEXT commands to work.

    The circuit will have a high signal from the main power supply and have a battery backup across the Vdd and Vss pins of the 16F877 (interlock? to make sure the power is not turned OFF BEFORE the switch on PORTB.6 has been pressed) along with a blocking diode to make sure the battery never gets charged

    Sorry for asking so many questions in one post, but a week ago I hadnt even considered about learning how to program PIC's and I only started learning about how to program them a few days ago.

    apart from the problem with the LCDIN not defined?? could someone check the code marked in red and see if it looks ok please?
    I would just put it all together and try it but at the moment I havent even got a development board to test any of my programming
    DEVICE = 16F877		' I'm going to use a  PIC16F877 PICmicro
    	XTAL = 4				' With a 4MHz crystal
    ' Define LCD pins
    Define  LCD_DREG        PORTD
    Define  LCD_DBIT        4
    Define  LCD_RSREG       PORTE
    Define  LCD_RSBIT       0
    Define  LCD_EREG        PORTE
    Define  LCD_EBIT        1
    ' Alias pins
    RST     var     PORTC.0         ' Reset pin
    DQ      var     PORTC.1         ' Data pin
    CLK     var     PORTC.3         ' Clock pin
    ' Allocate variables
    temp    var     word            ' Storage for temperature
            Low RST                 ' Reset the device
            ADCON1 = 7              ' Set PORTA and PORTE to digital
            Low PORTE.2             ' LCD R/W line low (W)
            Pause 100               ' Wait for LCD to start
            Lcdout $fe,1, "DIESEL"
    		Lcdout $fe,$C0, "Temp in degrees C"  ' Display sign-on message
    		Define LCD_RWREG PORTC ' which port LCD RW is connected to
            Define LCD_RWBIT 2 '  which bit RW is connected to 
    		LcdCols con 20     ' number of Columns in your LCD 
    		' Software variables
            sc_rol var byte
            CounterA var byte
            DataX var byte 
    input PORTB.1   'Input from DS1620 in Thermostat mode (only HIGH or LOW)
    output PORTB.2 'OUTPUT to Solenoid 1 FUEL SUPPLY
    input PORTB.4  ' Input from DS1620 in Thermostat mode (only HIGH or LOW)
    output PORTB.5 'OUTPUT to Solenoid 2  FUEL RETURN
    input PORTB.6   'INPUT from Pushbutton Switch
    output PORTC.2 ' output to R/W on LCD panel 
    input PORTD.0  'input to check MAIN power to circuit still alive
    output PORTD.1 'Output warning Sound via transistor and speaker
    high PORTB.0	'toggle the clock pin.
        Pause 10		'the conversion will be complete 
        Low PORTB.0		'before the inputs are read further down.
        ' Temploop to read the temperature and display on LCD
        RST = 1                 ' Enable device
        Shiftout DQ, CLK, LSBFIRST, [$ee]       ' Start conversion
        RST = 0
        Pause 1000              ' Wait 1 second for conversion to complete
        RST = 1
        Shiftout DQ, CLK, LSBFIRST, [$aa]       ' Send read command
        Shiftin DQ, CLK, LSBPRE, [temp\9]       ' Read 9 bit temperature
        RST = 0
        ' Display the decimal temperature
        Lcdout $fe,$C0,  dec (temp >> 1), ".", dec (temp.0 * 5), " degrees C"
         IF PORTB.1 = 1 AND PORTB.4 = 1 THEN  ' check to make sure both temperature inputs from DS1620's are HIGH 
            IF PORTB.6 = 0 AND PORTD.1 = 0 THEN ' check to see if switch on PORTB.6 is pressed of not AND IF main power is turned off
                LOW PORTB.2    'switch fuel to diesel
                HIGH PORTB.5   'fuel return goes to diesel tank 
    			LcdOut $FE,$C0, "PRESS THE BUTTON"
                Pause 250  ' leave it on the screen long enough to see
                           ' before incrementing along the line
            For sc_rol=1 to $C0 ' scroll one character to the right routine
            For CounterA=20-1 to 1 step -1' work backwards along the line
                                                   ' from right to left
                LcdIn $C0+CounterA-1,[DataX]' Read one character from column x-1...
                LcdOut $FE,2+CounterA,DataX '.and write it to the adjacent location
            Next CounterA   ' and do it for the whole line (less one column)
             If sc_rol=1 then LcdOut $FE,2," " '  'add a space
               Pause 250  ' Pause 
           Next sc_rol      
                    Sound PORTD.1,[120,05] 'DI sound 
    		  PAUSE 100
                    SOUND PORTD.1,[120,20] 'DAH sound
    		  PAUSE 100
    				Sound PORTD.1,[120,05] 'DI sound
    		  PAUSE 100
                    SOUND PORTD.1,[120,20] 'DAH sound
    		  PAUSE 100
    				Sound PORTD.1,[120,05] 'DI sound
    		  PAUSE 100
                    SOUND PORTD.1,[120,20] 'DAH sound
    		  PAUSE 100
                   Sound PORTD.1,[97,80,108,80,105,20,104,20,101,20,113,80,108,80,105,20,104,20,101,20,113,80,108,80,105,20,104,20,105,20,101,80]
                                                   'SHOULD play an ANNOYING "DI" DAH" morse code kinda sound then play the starwars tune
    	    IF PORTB.6 = 0 AND PORTD.1 = 1 THEN     ' IF pushbutton switch on PORTB.6 AND Main power is ON
                HIGH PORTB.2  'fuel switches to veg oil
                HIGH PORTB.5  'fuel return goes to veg oil tank
    	   Lcdout $fe,2, "Veg-Oil"
                HIGH PORTB.2  'switch fuel to Diesel
                LOW PORTB.5   'keep fueel return to OIL tank
                Lcdout $fe,2, "FLUSHING"   ;clears Injection pump of Veg-Oil
                Pause 10000   'PAUSES for TEN SECONDS then (HOPEFULLY) SETS OUTPUTS B2 and B5 LOW               
                Lcdout $fe,2, "Diesel"
                LOW PORTB.5   'switch car to Diesel Fuel
                LOW PORTB.2   'switch fuel return to Diesel Fuel
    			While PORTB.6=0        'wait for button to be pressed again
    		endif                      'this is short for while end
        Goto MAIN           ' Do it forever
    Last edited by karenhornby; - 5th March 2008 at 11:57.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by karenhornby View Post
    I've got a problem with this section of code and could really do with some help please.
    The LCD scrolling section looks ok to me, but when I try compiling it I get this error
    Which version of PBP?
    'cause that looks like Proton Basic...not MeLabs PicBasicPro

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