Sleep Mode

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Thread: Sleep Mode

  1. #1

    Default Sleep Mode


    Did someone know if I can weakup the Mikrocontroller 18F452 with USART RX too or just with PORTB Interrupts.

    I Use @Sleep and all work fine with PortB Change Interrupt.

    Thank You for any Answer.

    Regards Pesti

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Salt Lake City, Utah USA

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    yes - see section 19.3 of the datasheet

    you can have the PIC continue on with the instruction after the @ sleep or vector to your ISR ... depending on your interrupt settings
    Paul Borgmeier
    Salt Lake City, UT

  3. #3

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    Thanks Yes I found on the Datasheet this.

    8. USART RX or TX (Synchronous Slave mode).

    But I need Asynchronous!

    I think that I can not without Shematic change I must to use a resistor or a transistor from RX to PortB.4 ,when I receive something I must Change the State for PortB.4.

    Regards Pesti

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Salt Lake City, Utah USA

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    I did not understand your question before (and still do not know what you are trying to do or what your TX source is?). During Sleep, the BRG is inactive (the clock to USART is suspended) so you cannot wakeup and catch incoming data automatically.

    A couple options to consider:

    1)You could tie your RX pin to one of the PORTB “wake on change” pins as you suggest, but it sounds like this is a board change for you. Doing this, you can wakeup your PIC with a toggle of the line into your RX pin and then be ready to catch data. Obviously, you would need to be able to toggle the line from the source – is this an option?

    2)You could switch to the almost identical 18F4520. This PIC for the most part is PIN for PIN compatible, but has some neat advanced power management modes that enable the clock to the EUSART to be on when in reduced power mode. It also has an Auto-Wake-Up from Sleep feature that works essentially the same as option 1, except it all happens on the RX pin.

    One last note - the 18F4520 is more feature rich and costs about 30% less than the 18F452.

    Good Luck
    Paul Borgmeier
    Salt Lake City, UT

  5. #5

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    Thank you very much Borgmeier !

    Regards Pesti

  6. #6

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    I think that my Weakup is Workinng but it s not!

    I use this code the Device go Sleep I measure the mA Normal Mode with Display without Backlight is 12 mA and Sleep is ~6.6 mA.

    I reduce my Code to Minimum ,This is my Code:

    INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"


    RCON = %00000000 'Enable priority levels on interrupts
    ADCON0 = %11000000 'Configure and turn off A/D Module.
    ADCON1 = %01000110 'configuriere alle 8 digitale Kanäle werden aktiviert
    RCIF VAR PIR1.5 ' Alias RCIF (USART Receive Interrupt Flag)
    OERR VAR RCSTA.1 ' Alias OERR (USART Overrun Error Flag)
    CREN VAR RCSTA.4 ' Alias CREN (USART Continuous Receive Enable)
    ADON VAR ADCON0.2 'A/D On bit
    RCIE VAR PIE1.5 'USART Receive Interrupt Enable bit
    RCIE = 0 ' enable USART RX interrupts
    '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Interrupts '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    RBIF VAR INTCON.0 'RB Port Change Interrupt Flag bit
    RBIE VAR INTCON.3 'RB Port Change Interrupt Enable bit
    RBPU VAR INTCON2.7 'PORTB Pull-up Enable bit
    PEIE VAR INTCON.6 'Peripheral Interrupt Enable bit
    INT1IF VAR INTCON3.0 'INT1 External Interrupt Flag bit
    INT2IF VAR INTCON3.1 'INT2 External Interrupt Flag bit
    INT1IE VAR INTCON3.3 'INT1 External Interrupt Enable bit
    INT2IE VAR INTCON3.4 'INT2 External Interrupt Enable bit
    RBIE = 0 'Disables the RB port change interrupt
    RBPU = 0 'PORTB pull-ups are enabled by individual port latch values

    TMR0IF VAR INTCON.2 'TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Flag bit
    TMR0IE VAR INTCON.5 'TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Enable bit
    T0PS0 VAR T0CON.0 'Timer0 Prescaler Select bits
    T0PS1 VAR T0CON.1 'Timer0 Prescaler Select bits
    T0PS2 VAR T0CON.2 'Timer0 Prescaler Select bits
    T0CS VAR T0CON.5 'Timer0 Clock Source Select bit
    T08BIT VAR T0CON.6 'Timer0 8-bit/16-bit Control bit
    TMR0ON VAR T0CON.7 'Timer0 On/Off Control bit
    PSA VAR T0CON.3 'Timer0 Prescaler Assignment bit
    TMR0IP VAR INTCON2.2 'TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Priority bit
    TMR0IE = 0 ' TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Enable bit
    TMR0ON = 0 ' Timer0 On/Off Control bit
    T08BIT = 0 ' Timer0 8-bit/16-bit Control bit
    T0CS = 0 ' Timer0 Clock Source Select bit
    T0PS0 = 1 ' Timer0 Prescaler Select bits
    T0PS1 = 0 ' Timer0 Prescaler Select bits
    T0PS2 = 0 ' Timer0 Prescaler Select bits
    PSA = 0 ' Timer0 Prescaler Assignment bit
    TMR0IF = 0 ' TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Flag bit
    TMR0IP = 1 ' TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Priority bit
    TMR0H = $3C
    TMR0L = $AF

    INT0IF var INTCON.1 'INT0 External Interrupt Flag bit
    INT0IE var INTCON.4 'INT0 External Interrupt Enable bit
    INTEDG0 var INTCON2.6 'External Interrupt0 Edge Select bit
    INT0IE = 1 'Disable INT0 interrupt
    PEIE = 0 ' enable Peripheral interrupts
    INTEDG0 = 0 'Interrupt on falling edge
    INT0IF = 0
    TRISA.4 = 0
    TRISB.0 = 1
    TRISB.3 = 1
    TRISB.4 = 1
    TRISD.0 = 0
    TRISD.2 = 0
    TRISD.3 = 0
    TRISD.7 = 0

    Symbol Buzzer = PortC.1
    Symbol LCD_Light = PortD.7
    Symbol RW = PortD.5
    Symbol WC = PortD.3 'EEprom Enable Bit
    Mode var byte
    Mode = 0
    Low Sleep_Switch
    Pause 5
    High LCD_Light
    Low WC
    Pause 100
    Low RW
    Pause 500
    Lcdout $fe, 1 ' Clear screen
    Pause 1
    Lcdout $FE, $80, " RFID "
    Lcdout $FE, $C0, " Software V.1.0 "
    Pause 2000
    Low LCD_Light
    Lcdout $FE,1
    Pause 10
    On Interrupt Goto IntHandler
    Lcdout $fe,$80,"Standby"
    Pause 100
    Goto Timer


    Lcdout $FE,1
    Pause 10
    IF (INT0IF and INT0IE) then Goto Push_Button

    Sound Buzzer,[123,5]
    Pause 250
    INT0IF = 0 ' INT0 External Interrupt Flag bit Reset
    Goto Button_Sel_Mode

    If Mode = 0 Then
    Mode = 1
    Low LCD_Light
    Lcdout $fe,$80,"Status 1"
    Pause 100
    INT0IF = 0
    If Mode = 1 Then
    High LCD_Light
    Mode = 0
    Lcdout $fe,$80,"Status 2"
    Pause 1000


    Thank You for any Help

    Regards Pesti

  7. #7

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    I found the Problem I use now instead Falling edge Rising edge and now is weaking up the mcu.

    but i dont know why work this just with Rising Edge!?

    regards Pesti

  8. #8

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    Ok the Problem :-) was :PORTB pull-ups are enabled by individual port latch values

    I use now the Interrupts without this setting and just with really Pullups resistor and now is all Working fine with my weakup.

    Regards Pesti

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