For the thread of “Using Nokia LCD” is too long,so I post a new thread to discuss my idea.

We planned to develop a game toy,during playing it is a good idea to display some ongoing info for player, that will include text info, like name/elapsed time/team name/power and so on, and photograph which shows position of each player.

I think there is no too much difficult to display text info, but, maybe it is a nightmare to refresh positions of each player in LCD.

The troubles I can think out are :
A) how to save power or provide necessary power in a dedicated period(with portable power supply batteries);
B) to compute the relative position;
C) how to select the focus point, players maybe move in a wide range area, the photograph should show most of the players, that means we need to move the focus point during playing. The PIC can take it?
GPS-like device will provide self position para;
Other player’s position provided by server;

Pls give some advices, is it possible or not?
Anyone has tried to display photo in LCD?