Parallax RFID Reader code example

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Lightbulb Parallax RFID Reader code example

    I was having troubles getting the Parallax RFID Reader module to work in my project, which you can read about in my thread here...
    My main problem turned out to be that my compiler was too old and the EEPROM READ comand was not working properly. Here's my WORKING code that was tested successfully on a PIC 16F628A with a 20MHz resonator compiled using PBP v2.47. It reads data from the Parallax RFID Reader Module, compares it against known values stored in EEPROM and allows or denies access accordingly. Enjoy!

    CMCON = 7   
    DEFINE OSC 20	'Set oscillator in MHz
    ' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    buf	VAR	Byte(10)	' RFID bytes buffer
    tagNum	VAR	Byte	' from EEPROM table
    idx	VAR	Byte	' tag byte index
    char	VAR	Byte	' character from table
    ' -----[ EEPROM Data ]-----------------------------------------------------
    Tag1	DATA	"100050A4B7"
    Tag2	DATA	"1000508E0A"
    Tag3	DATA	"10005091DC"
    Tag4	DATA	"100050203A"
    Tag5	DATA	"100050DA36"
    ' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
    HIGH portb.3	' turn off RFID reader
    LOW portb.6	' lock the door!
    Low portb.4	'Turn off LED
    ' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
    LOW portb.3				' activate the reader
    SERIN2 portb.2, 396, [WAIT($0A), STR buf\10]	' wait for hdr + ID
    HIGH portb.3				' deactivate reader
      FOR tagNum = 1 to 5			' scan through known tags
        FOR idx = 0 TO 9				' scan bytes in tag
        READ (((tagNum-1) * 10) + idx), char		' get tag data from table
        IF (char <> buf(idx)) THEN Bad_Char		' compare tag to table
        GOTO Tag_Found				' all bytes match!
    Bad_Char:					' try next tag
      tagNum = 0
      FREQOUT portb.5, 1000 */ $100, 115 */ $100	' groan
      PAUSE 1000
      GOTO Main
      HIGH portb.6				' remove latch
      High portb.4				' Light LED
      FREQOUT portb.5, 2000 */ $100, 880 */$100	' beep
      LOW portb.6				' restore latch
      Low portb.4				' LED OFF
      GOTO Main

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Thanks for sharing.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Waco, Texas

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    Default Re: Parallax RFID Reader code example

    Hello All-
    I am trying to use the example given above in Dan-Tron's post but using different PIC but I am having trouble. I can read from the Parallax reader and display the info on the LCD but when it gets to the actual compare it breaks down. Even when it reads and compares all 10 chars.
    I have stared and work with this all weekend and I have added remarks and hopefully enough data so if anyone spots where I am a complete loser and can't see the problem I would appreciate it very much.
    The full code is listed below:

    '*  Name    : RFID.PBP                                                *
    '*  Authors : Steve Scott                                             *
    '*                                                                    *
    '*                                                                    *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                                     *
    'Design Notion            
    'Ver 0.1 - initial code
    'wait for $0A then recieve either 10 bytes of data or stop once it recieves $0D, which ever comes first.
    'tag var BYTE[10] ' Creates a byte array of 10 bytes
    'SERIN Rx, T2400,[WAIT ($0A),STR tag\10\$0D]
    '2400 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop, least significant bit 1st.
    'Want to 'enroll' new cards to be authorized from a central location and broadcast updated card information
    'via a mesh network around the house.
    'I can read the card just fine (I think) and I can read the EEPROM location for all of the stored cards
    'BUT, when I do it with the compare it does not work.
    'I put an LCD on the system to see information because I used a serial port to interface a USB (FT232RL)
    'and I don't seem to be able to get serial data to a realterm client on the Win 7 PC (no hyperterminal in Win7).  
    'I have debugging information as REMarked statements where applicable - maybe this will jar my brain......  
    'Processor used is Microchip PIC18F8680 running 40Mhz oscillator.
    'RFID is Parallax serial unit
    'Using PBP3 GOLD and MicroCode Studio
    'MPLAB USB programmer
    'Internals Overview:
    'Assign address values for all of the configuration registers for the purpose of table reads
    '_DEVID1         EQU    H'3FFFFE'   ' This is hardcoded by manufacturer to indicate processor info
    '_DEVID2         EQU    H'3FFFFF'   ' This is hardcoded by manufacturer to indicate processor info
    'I like this new command!
       __CONFIG    _CONFIG1H, _OSC_ECIO_1H & _OSCS_OFF_1H             
    ; Oscillator switching not enabled, EC w/OSC2 as RA6
       __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L & _BOR_ON_2L & _BORV_45_2L  
    ; Brown out enabled at 4.5 volts, power-up timer enabled
       __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_OFF_2H & _WDTPS_1_2H                
    ; Watchdog timer disabled with postscaler = 1:1
    ;   __CONFIG    _CONFIG3L, _MODE_MC_3L & _WAIT_OFF_3L              
    ; Disable external wait for table functions, set to microcontroller mode
       __CONFIG    _CONFIG3H, _MCLRE_ON_3H & _ECCPMX_PORTE_3H & _CCP2MX_OFF_3H         
    ; Use /MCLR instead of as RG5, Set ECCPMX, CCP2MX to Port E
    ; Turn off debug pins, stack full/underflow will cause reset
    ;Not used - @ __CONFIG    _CONFIG4H,
       __CONFIG    _CONFIG5L, _CP0_ON_5L & _CP1_ON_5L & _CP2_ON_5L & _CP3_ON_5L       
    ; Code Protect On for all of memory (Blocks 0 - 3)
       __CONFIG    _CONFIG5H, _CPB_ON_5H & _CPD_ON_5H      
    ; Code Protect On for all of memory (EEPROM and Boot)
    ;'@   __CONFIG    _CONFIG6L, _WRT0_ON_6L & _WRT1_ON_6L & _WRT2_ON_6L & _WRT3_ON_6L        
    ; Flash program memory protect On for all of memory
    ;'@   __CONFIG    _CONFIG6H, _WRTB_ON_6H & _WRTC_ON_6H &  _WRTD_ON_6H
    ; Flash program memory protect On for all of memory (EEPROM, Boot and Config Register)
    ;'@   __CONFIG    _CONFIG7L, _EBTR0_ON_7L & _EBTR1_ON_7L & _EBTR2_ON_7L & _EBTR3_ON_7L
    ; Disable Table Read protection
    ;'@   __CONFIG    _CONFIG7H, _EBTRB_ON_7H
    ; Disable Boot Block Table Read protection
    ;Set ID Bits For Automatic Configuration
    ;    __IDLOCS    _IDLOC0, $49      ; Configure ascii to say 'Imagine!'
    ;    __IDLOCS    _IDLOC1, $6D      ;
    ;    __IDLOCS    _IDLOC2, $61      ;
    ;    __IDLOCS    _IDLOC3, $67      ;
    ;    __IDLOCS    _IDLOC4, $69      ;
    ;    __IDLOCS    _IDLOC5, $6E      ;
    ;    __IDLOCS    _IDLOC6, $65      ;
    ;    __IDLOCS    _IDLOC7, $21      ;
    'Add INCLUDE files here...................
    include "modedefs.bas"
    ' Define Declarations
    DEFINE OSC 40                                   ' A 40MHz oscillator is used for this processor
    ' LCD stuff here
    PAUSE 300                                       ' Stop 300ms
    ' DEBUG stuff here even though it does not seem to work with the USB bridge
    define DEBUG_REG PORTC                          ' Sets the serial/USB bridge output to PORTC
    define DEBUG_BIT 6                              ' Sets the output to bit 6 - TXD
    define DEBUG_BAUD 9600                          ' Sets baud
    define BEBUG_MODE 0                             ' Sets 0=true or 1=inverted
    ' Constant Declarations
    ' Alias Declarations
    STAT1       VAR PORTA.6                         ' STAT1 Status LED - active high
    STAT2       VAR PORTA.4                         ' STAT2 Status LED - active low 
    RFID_en     var PORTA.5                         ' Low ENABLES reader 
    RFID_data   var PORTB.1                         ' Serial data from reader
    Lock        var PORTB.0                         ' Controlled lock
    Lock_LED    var PORTA.4                         ' System ready
    ' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    x           var byte                            ' Junk counter variable
    buf	        VAR	byte [10]                       ' RFID bytes buffer
    cardNum     VAR	Byte	                        ' from EEPROM table
    idx	        VAR	Byte	                        ' card byte index
    char        VAR	Byte	                        ' character from table
    ' -----[ EEPROM Data ]-----------------------------------------------------
    'The card data was taken from reading and displaying the card data on the LCD
    'Reads and compares only the 1st 8 chars
    card1	DATA	"5400826125"
    'Reads and compares only the 1st 2 chars
    card2	DATA	"6500017041"
    'Reads and compares only the 1st 2 chars
    card3	DATA	"0603222230"
    'Reads and compares only the 1st 2 chars
    card4	DATA	"6500021219"
    'Reads and compares ALL 10 chars
    card5	DATA	"5400819186" 
    ' Jump to program initialization
    GoTo Initialization
    ' Start program execution by initializing all required variables and machine states
        'Hookay Boyz, here we go again!
        LCDOUT $FE, $01                             ' Initialize the LCDOUT function for PBP
        LCDOUT $FE, $80                             ' Go to the first character position of the first line
        LCDOUT "Initializating...   "               ' Write text on first line
        LCDOUT $FE, $C0                             ' Go to the first character position of the second line
        LCDOUT "                    "               ' Move cursor to 2nd line and write text
        INTCON = 0                                  'Disable all interrupts and clear all interrupt flags
        TRISA.4 = 0                                 'Set all externally accessible mainboard I/O ports, this is an OUTPUT
        TRISA.5 = 0     
        TRISA.6 = 0     
        TRISB.0 = 0     
        TRISB.1 = 1     
        TRISC.5 = 1     
        TRISG.1 = 1     
        TRISG.3 = 0     
        TRISG.4 = 0     
        TRISD = $FF     
        TRISE = $FF     
        TRISF = $FF     
        TRISH = $FF     
        TRISJ = $0                                  ' Set as OUTPUTS
        ADCON1 = %00111011                          'Set AN0 - AN3 to be the only analog inputs, External VRef+/VRef
        CMCON = %00000111                           'Turn off Comparator for PortF.1 & PortF.2    
        PSPCON.4 = 0                                'Turn off Parallel Slave Port functionality on Port D
        CCP1CON = %00000000                         'Turn off CCP1 function
        CCP2CON = %00000000                         'Turn off CCP2 function
        ' Setup the main system loop timer
        T0CON = %01000000               'Set Timer 0 to disabled, 8-bit operation, internal ClkOut clock, prescaled as
                                                            'constant'd above 
        INTCON.5 = 0                                        'Disable the interrupt for the main system loop 
                                                            'timer (Timer 0)
    ' -----[ Port Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
        high rfid_en                                ' turn off RFID reader PORT A5 is the reciever port
        LOW lock                                    ' lock active
        high lock_led                               ' Turn off LED
        goto Main
            lcdout $FE,1,   "     READY          "
            pause 500
            low lock_led                            ' Turn ON door LED
            low rfid_en                             ' activate the reader
            pause 500
            SERIN2 rfid_data, 396, [WAIT($0A),STR buf\10]
            high lock_led                           ' Turn OFF door LED
            pause 500
            high rfid_en                            ' deactivate reader
            for idx=0 to 9
                lcdout $FE,$80+idx, hex1 buf[idx]
            next idx
            lcdout $FE,$80+12,"CARD"
    'At this point we have sucessfully displayed the read card
            FOR cardNum= 5 to 5                     ' scan through known cards - OR USE AS A DEBUG
                for idx=0 to 9
                    read (((cardNum-1)*10)+idx), char
                    lcdout $FE,$C0+idx, char
                next idx
                lcdout $FE,$C0+12,"EEPROM"," ",dec1 cardnum
                pause 500
    'At this point we sucessfully display the 1st line is the read card 10 digits
    'The second line is the 1st EEPROM value 
                FOR idx= 0 TO 9		                        ' scan bytes in card
                    READ (((cardNum-1)*10)+idx), char	    ' get card data from table
                    lcdout $FE,$94+idx, char        
                    lcdout $FE,$94+12,"COMPARE"
                    lcdout $FE,$D4,  "B4 compare, idx=",dec1 idx
                    pause 500
                    IF (char <> buf(idx)) THEN BadChar		' compare card to table
                    pause 500
    'This seems to be where it breaks down.  I can read from EEPROM and can read a card
    'but I don't seem to get this to work.
    'On some cards it gets only 2 chars then breaks to a new cardNum and thus data
    'On a TAG it will read all 10 chars but NEVER falls through to the CARDFOUND label!
    'It flows on to BadChar and since there is no other card it falls through and says
    'INVALID CARD - even if it reads and compares ALL 10 chars - like the last card!!
                NEXT idx 
    'I never get to this next line even if it reads and compares ALL 10 chars!!!!!
                lcdout $FE,$D4,  "@ last idx,CARDFOUND"
                pause 2000
                GOTO CardFound			               ' all bytes match!
    BadChar:					                       ' try next card
            NEXT cardnum 
            FREQOUT PORTC.5, 1000 */ $100, 115 */ $100	' groan
            lcdout $FE,$D4,  "Invalid CARD        "
            pause 5000
            GOTO Main
            HIGH lock   				                ' Open lock
            low lock_led				                ' Light LED
            FREQOUT PORTC.5, 2000 */ $100, 880 */$100	' beep
            LOW lock    				                ' Reset lock
            high lock_led				                ' LED OFF
            GOTO Main
    Stop		' Kill the program if it gets this far
    "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research"
    - Albert Einstein

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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    Default Re: Parallax RFID Reader code example

    Just a guess, do you need a PAUSE after READ?


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Waco, Texas

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    Default Re: Parallax RFID Reader code example

    Thanks Robert. It ended up not being a PUSE after a READ but it was the bad data I was getting from the LCD - maybe it was too slow - I don't know.
    Out of desperation, I used the SEROUT as a DEBUG since the DEBUG doesn't seem to work with a USB bridge.
    I used the SEROUT data and it worked 1st time!
    Thanks for the help and interest,
    "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research"
    - Albert Einstein

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