Okay I feel really really humble in asking such a simple question but I've been digging and digging and just can't find a place that really spells it out in super newbie words.
I'm confused on the whole "cystals, oscilators, system clock and capacitors" thing.
I'm starting to develop with 16F648A and 16F688 chips (which may or may not be right for my application but the data sheet seemed to show about the specs I need)... anyway....
1. The data sheets seem to indicate that these both have internal clocks / oscilators / whatever that can be run between 4Mhz and 8Mhz (and lower, but I probably need to run them higher). So the first Q - do I even need any sort of external whatever other than a pull up resistor (on /MCLR - as required by PBP manual, pg 9) and a .1uF noise cap on the power supply? As I'm understanding it, these chips should run just fine at 8mhz just as is.
2. Will they run "more accurate" with an external crystal or ocsilator? Some threads seemed to indicate timing wasn't quite accurate with the internal stuff. I will need to do some pretty accurate timing for my app, so going with an external may be required.
3. What, exactly (read: "exactly including part number") do I need for an external "crystal"? I did some searching and found this:
Is that what I need - is that what's meant by "crystal"? (Again, hanging my head in shame - that's got to be an incredibly silly question).
4. If I get the above noted Crystal and say, I want to drive my PIC's at 20Mhz, then I just need to purchase the 20Mhz version of this crystal and add it to the circuit as noted in the PBP manual in place of the shown 4mhz crystal? And again if I want to run it at 8Mhz, or 10Mhz - I just get the correct Mhz version of that crystal and plug it in and wallah - the clock now runs at a different speed. Right?
5. What about those .22pf caps? Is the .22pf a value always used, or does that value change depending on the crystal or the specific PIC used? I saw in a data sheet some place that seemed to say the cap value should change depending on either the PIC used or the type or speed of the crystal. If it does change, where would I find the correct value for whatever PIC / Crystal / Speed combo I end up using?
6. What about using an "oscillator" - that same company makes an ECS-2100 serries "oscillator" which they say does not require capacitors - looks like the whole thing all in one pacakged unit:
Again I'm totally new to this whole thing, but does this oscillator work the same way but with fewer components? (I see it costs a bit more, but just trying to understand it here).
Thank you again in advance. If there are some links to "I just got a PIC in a package and I'm not sure what the little pointy prongs are for - please guide me" sort of tutorials, I would be very thankful to share them. I hate having to ask such simple questions. lol.
BTW - My proto PICs, my copy of PBP, and my programmer are all in a UPS box right now or I'd just try it out and see. They'll arrive mid week. I'm trying to use the PIC for a simple task that became too complicated for using descrete components - I did some BasicStamp work years ago just for fun but this is my first step back into MCU programming in a very long time - the PBP code looks very straight forward, bravo on that to MELabs - if I can just get started in the right direction, the actual application should be pretty simple.