Hello friends,
I am posting this code for 12C672 which are OTP pics.
I do not have the 12C672JW and UV eraser--not for armature like me !
I have added my questions "???". I would appreciate your answers on these questions
Each error will cost me one 12C672, so please see if these are OK:
[ code ] code here [ /code ]
'Pic 12C672 TEST adopted from Rentron.com
'Trying to get 4 channel A/D conversion
' and the book "Programming PIC Microcontroller with PicBasic"
' and code samples in the great user forum of picbasic.co.uk
' Will program in JDM board with IC-Prog 1.05e,Win98SE, Tecra CDM750 with com port - does not work in inspiron 700m e USB--RS232
' a) Oscillator-->"IntRC GP4" or "IntRC CLOCKOUT" ; I want to use the onboard 4MHz osc. ???
' b) Fuses---> "WDT" unchecked, "PWRT" checked, MCLR unchecked; Are these OK ???
' Can it also be programmed with PonyProg--I am asking because there are less options than IC-Prog and
' it does not show the OSCCAL value for pic12C672<----???
'PIN Name Use/Connection
'1 Vdd +5VDC
'2 GPIO.5 N/C Serial output to PC/ another PIC
'3 GPIO.4 (Channel 3) 1K Resistor to center of 5K Pot // 33k resistor between +ve and -ve of 1.5v battery OR a voltage divider with <= 5v
'4 GPIO.3 N/C Not Connected
'5 GPIO.2 (Channel 2) Same as GPIO.4
'6 GPIO.1 (Channel 1) Same as GPIO.4
'7 GPIO.0 (Channel 0) Same as GPIO.4
'8 VSS Ground
'---------------INCLUDE FILES-------------
Include "modedefs.bas" 'Include serial modes//Not mentioned in Rentron
@ device pic12c672, INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT ;4MHz internal oscillator
@ device pic12C672, WDT_OFF ; Watch Dog Timer is OFF
@ device pic12C672, PWRT_ON ;Power On RESET On ??? is it OK ??
'???<---Any more fuses to setup--????
'TRISA <---? how to declare it here ?? Is it needed ?
'----------------DEFINITIONs and VARIABLES and SETUPS--------------
Define OSCCAL_2K 1 'Set OSCCAL for PIC12C672 // for 12C671 it is OSCCAL_1k
'???WHAT is the use/need of the following line IF I use the above line ---???
OSCCAL = $58 'Got this by READING the PIC12C672 using IC-PROG;PonyProg does NOT show this <---EXTRA(???)
DEFINE CHAR_PACING 100 'SEROUT pacing 0.1 millisecond
RESULT var byte[4] 'Array for FOUR channels
J var byte 'A/D channel number byte variable, this shortens the code
ADCON1 = %00000000 'Set GPIO.0, GP1, GP2 and GP4 (NB NOT GP3) to ANALOG input, Vref=VDD, No pins left for DIGITAL I/O
'-------------------PROGRAM STARTS HERE-------------------
FOR J = 0 to 3 'Count 4 channels
'???<-->Shouldn't I set the ADCON0 as %11000001 to use the internal OSC, I want to use the internal OSC
'ADCON0=%10000001 'Set A/D Fosc/32,[4MHz],Channel-0 = on <----???? For External clock?
ADCON0=%11000001 'Use the internal clock
'Do I need to do this every time a channel is read ????
'Any alternate ???
' %11xxxxxx <---This means ADCS1(bit7)=1 and ADCS0(bit6)=1; see table by Rentron/data sheet
' %xxxxxxx1 <---This means ADON (bit0) = 1 ie. turn the A/D on
pauseus 10 'Wait for 10 u Sec for channel setup <---??? is the time OK?
'ADCON0.2 is bit2 which is the GO/DONE bit; see table by Rentron/data sheet
ADCON0.2=1 'Start conversion by setting GO/DONE-bit to HIGH
'???Can ADCON0.2=1 be substituted with ADCON0=%11000101 <----?????
IF ADCON0.2 = 1 THEN 'Check if conversion completed
pauseus 5 'Wait for 5 micro second <---Is this time OK or should I increase it ??
Pause 250 'Pause 1/4th sec so that conversion setup is done
'In what format will the output go to pc ? Binary, floating, integer, hex ????
'Is it possible to send in a format of xx.xxx volt(e.g. 3.456v or 11.123) ? i.e. with 3 points after decimal ?
SEROUT GPIO.5,N2400,["@",RESULT[0],"#",RESULT[1],"#",RESULT[2],"#",RESULT[3],"#"] 'Send the value of conversion to PC Serial port; @ will be used in PIC-PIC serout/serin2
'If you want to use baud rate above 2400, use external oscillator.
Pause 250 'Pause 1/4th sec to let the Serial communication to complete; it takes much less than 1 sec