7-segment display with P16F84

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default 7-segment display with P16F84

    Hi all, I am new to PIC's but have been studying electronics for 3 years and work as a technician.

    I recently came across this site http://www.melabs.com/resources/articles/ledart.htm
    with instruction on how to run 7-segment display, i have built the circuit and programmed the PIC with this code: http://www.melabs.com/resources/samp...p/7segment.pbp
    but the numbers run really fast and display 0 runs too fast to read it, I have tried adding a PAUSE 1000 under "mainloop" and just below GOSUB display but it only make the displays flash on and off

    I am trying to get them to display a number for atleast 1 second each or atleast make it so i can read digit 0

    PS I have tried contacting the site but they never got back to me.

    Thanks is advance.
    once I get this working and learn a little more I plan on adding push buttons and making it into a stopwatch or either a countdown timer.


  2. #2
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    i	Var	Byte
    n	Var	Byte
    Value	Var	Word
    	TRISB = $80		' Set segment pins to output
    	TRISA = $f0		' Set digit pins to output
    	For Value = 0 To 9999
    		GoSub display	' Display the value
    	Next Value
    	GoTo mainloop		' Do it forever
    You need to modify this patch to something like this
    i	Var	Byte
    n	Var	Byte
    Value	Var	Word
    timedelay      var        word
    	TRISB = $80		' Set segment pins to output
    	TRISA = $f0		' Set digit pins to output
    	For Value = 0 To 9999
                    for timedelay = 0 to 2000
    		GoSub display	' Display the value
    	Next Value
    	GoTo mainloop		' Do it forever
    The value you choose for the timedelay will help you persist a value for as long as you choose.

    Last edited by Jerson; - 9th July 2007 at 13:02.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by spitfire View Post
    Hi all, I am new to PIC's but have been studying electronics for 3 years and work as a technician.

    I recently came across this site http://www.melabs.com/resources/articles/ledart.htm
    with instruction on how to run 7-segment display, i have built the circuit and programmed the PIC with this code: http://www.melabs.com/resources/samp...p/7segment.pbp
    but the numbers run really fast and display 0 runs too fast to read it, I have tried adding a PAUSE 1000 under "mainloop" and just below GOSUB display but it only make the displays flash on and off

    I am trying to get them to display a number for atleast 1 second each or atleast make it so i can read digit 0

    PS I have tried contacting the site but they never got back to me.

    Thanks is advance.
    once I get this working and learn a little more I plan on adding push buttons and making it into a stopwatch or either a countdown timer.


    This is the section of code you should try to alter

    	For i = 0 To 3		' Loop through 4 digits
    		n = Value Dig i	' Get digit to display
    		GoSub display1	' Display the digit
    		Pause 1		' Leave it on 1 millisecond
    	Next i			' Do next digit
    This displays each digit for 1 millisecond. try increasing the length of the pause.

    By adding your Pause 1000 in the main loop you are adding a 1 second delay between counting. The LEDs are only lit during the display subroutine so you have 4mS of display and then a second waiting to the next 4mS.

    Try a 25mS delay (PAUSE 25) or longer to make the digits more visible but you may then notice a flicker across the digits.

    Try adding another counting loop so that you only increment the 0-9999 count once every "x" passes through the main loop.




  4. #4
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    Thank alot guys, I was hardly expecting such promt replys.
    I will try your suggestions out now.

  5. #5
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    Thumbs up

    I got it working using your method Jerson by setting "for timedelay = 0 to 100", works great.

    I was wondering if someone could recomend some books or any other good sources of information for writing code?


  6. #6
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    Hi Spitfire,
    I have bought several books, and without this forum, I would be using them as table levelers, I do not have one I would recommend. Keep reading this forum and the PBP manual, read the archives . . every post, thats waaay better than any book I've seen. Bruce is writing one though and when it is published, I will buy one.
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  7. #7
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    Does anyone know where i can get one of those 3 digit seven segment displays that are designed to be multiplexed. aka has 12 pins instead of well loads more.

  8. #8
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    quick one.
    in the 7 seg display program what does ~dcd mean in the line
    digits=~dcd i

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoops2006 View Post
    quick one.
    in the 7 seg display program what does ~dcd mean in the line
    digits=~dcd i

    ~ = NOT
    DCD = it changes a bit number (0-15) into binary and set that bit to a Logic 1

    Basicly it finds out what value digits is (0 to 3, 0 being the first display on the right and so on) and converts that into binary if 0 then to 00, if 1 then to 01, if 2 - 10, if 3 - 11 and instead of applying a logic 1 like DCD is supposed to do it does the opposite because there is ~ infront of it which make it 0

    Its basicly applying a Logic 0 to pin RA0 on the PIC,completing the subroutine and then doing the same for pin RA1, RA2 and RA3. These are the pins that turn on and off each digit.
    Logic 0 normally means 0 or close to 0 Volts but in this case transisors are being used to supply the current to the display. A transistor is basicly an inverting switch so if you input logic 1 (+5V) you get 0 at the output and the opposite if you apply 0 Volts to the input.

    I got a little carried away there and have gone into more detail and answering more than you asked but it might help you understand what the code is doing a bit better. Or atleast I hope so.

  10. #10
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    Many thanks for your reply spitefire just what i needed. I made a boxing round timer a while back, now im trying to improve it by displaying the time on a 7 seg display. its proving to be tricker than i thought. As im still struggling to get my head round this one as im a newbie to pics your extra info helped alot.

  11. #11
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    No worries hoops, nice project there. Have you got the hardware side finished yet?

    I'm also somewhat of a newbie to PICs but after studying discrete logic and designing a 24 hour clock with cmos 4000 series IC's (made my own 4 digit 7-segment display on veroboard using 58 blue LEDs) I now unterstand abit better.

    I'm interested to see how it turns out.

  12. #12
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    Yes i think i have a fair idea of the hard ware. Pretty much the same set up as the link you gave on the first post. Two microswitches for round selection .With a relay chunked in for the buzzer. But my objective for now is to get minutes and seconds counting down on the display. Once i have that ill start worrying about how to select the times i want ect,

    So i have plenty to keep me going. ill keep you posted.

  13. #13
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    Would a count down timer be as simple as:

    for sec=59 to 0
    pause 1000
    if sec=0
    then minutes=minutes-1
    gosub display.

    the value for display would be (minutes*100)+sec eg if 3mins 59 sec value 359
    then just display the value as per the code on the link.

  14. #14
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    Are u in the raf spitfire?

  15. #15
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    Hi all friend
    there is someone can create this project in proteuse and poste it
    and thanks

  16. #16
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    Hi all friend

  17. #17
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    Thumbs up 7 seg display using 16f870

    I have used this listing for over two years without any problems...
    and am happy to share it...
    Thanks !

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