Hi Steve,
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but I got real busy at work the last few days and just got some time to reply. Below is listed all my config, defines and tris settings. I read this in the data sheet for the 18f452 but I don't understand what I'm reading. Maybe if you have the time you could explain what I need to do.
PORTE has three pins (RE0/RD/AN5, RE1/WR/AN6
and RE2/CS/AN7) which are individually configurable
as inputs or outputs. These pins have Schmitt Trigger
input buffers.
The PORTE pins become the I/O control inputs for the
microprocessor port when bit PSPMODE (TRISE<4>) is
set. In this mode, the user must make certain that the
TRISE<2:0> bits are set and that the pins are configured
as digital inputs. Also, ensure that ADCON1 is configured
for digital I/O. In this mode, the input buffers are
Register 4-1 shows the TRISE register which also
controls the Parallel Slave Port operation.
PORTE pins are multiplexed with analog inputs. When
selected for analog input, these pins will read as ‘0’s.
TRISE controls the direction of the RE pins, even when
they are being used as analog inputs. The user must
make sure to keep the pins configured as inputs when
using them as analog inputs.
| 18F452 |
MCLR/Vpp ------> |1 40| <-----> RB7/PGD
RA0/AN0 <-----> |2 39| <-----> RB6/PGC
RA1/AN1 <-----> |3 38| <-----> RB5/PGM
RA2/AN2/Vref- <-----> |4 37| <-----> RB4
RA3/AN3/Vref+ <-----> |5 36| <-----> RB3/CCP2*
RA4/TOCK1 <-----> |6 35| <-----> RB2/INT2
RA5/AN5/SS/LVDIN <-----> |7 34| <-----> RB1/INT1
RE0/RD/AN5 <-----> |8 33| <-----> RB0/INT0
RE1/WR/AN6 <-----> |9 32| <----- Vdd +
RE2/CS/AN7 <-----> |10 31| <----- Vss -
+ Vdd -----> |11 30| <-----> RD7/PSP7
_ VSS -----> |12 29| <-----> RD6/PSP6
OSC1/CLK1 -----> |13 28| <-----> RD5/PSP5
OSC2/CLKO/RA6 <------ |14 27| <-----> RD4/PSP4
RC0/T1OSO/TICK1 <-----> |15 26| <-----> RC7/RX/DT
RC1/T1OSI/CCP2* <-----> |16 25| <-----> RC6/TX/CK
RC2/CPP1 <-----> |17 24| <-----> RC5/SDO
RC3/SCK/SCL <-----> |18 23| <-----> RC4/SD1/SDA
RD0/PSP0 <-----> |19 22| <-----> RD3/PSP3
RD1/PSP1 <-----> |20 21| <-----> RD2/PSP2
| 18F452 |
MCLR |1 40| Water_Valve_1
Buzzer |2 39| Water_Valve_2
Up_Push_Button |3 38| Water_Valve_3
Down_Push_Button |4 37| Water_Valve_4
Instructions_Push_Button |5 36| Water_Valve_5
Select2_Push_Button |6 35| Water_Valve_6
Select_Push_Button |7 34| The_Main_Water_Valve
Lcd |8 33| The_Nutrient_Pump
Lcd |9 32| <----- Vdd +
Need Digital Input here |10 31| <----- Vss -
+ Vdd -----> |11 30| Lcd
- VSS -----> |12 29| Lcd
OSC1 |13 28| Lcd
OSC2 |14 27| Lcd
Communications_Port_1 |15 26| Nutrient_Valve_1
Communications_Port_2 |16 25| Nutrient_Valve_2
Communications_Port_3 |17 24| Nutrient_Valve_3
Communications_Port_4 |18 23| Nutrient_Valve_4
Communications_Port_5 |19 22| Nutrient_Valve_5
Communications_Port_6 |20 21| Nutrient_Valve_6
'-------------------- PORTA PINS --------------------'
TRISA.0 = 0 '(pin 2) ................ Buzzer
TRISA.1 = 1 '(pin 3) ................ Up_Push_Button
TRISA.2 = 1 '(pin 4) ................ Down_Push_Button
TRISA.3 = 1 '(pin 5) ................ Instructions_Push_Button
TRISA.4 = 1 '(pin 6) ................ Select2_Push_Button
TRISA.5 = 1 '(pin 7) ................ Select_Push_Button
'-------------------- PORTB PINS --------------------'
TRISB.0 = 0 '(pin 33) ............... The_Nutrient_Pump
TRISB.1 = 0 '(pin 34) ............... The_Main_Water_Valve
TRISB.2 = 0 '(pin 35) ............... Water_Valve_6
TRISB.3 = 0 '(pin 36) ............... Water_Valve_5
TRISB.4 = 0 '(pin 37) ............... Water_Valve_4
TRISB.5 = 0 '(pin 38) ............... Water_Valve_3
TRISB.6 = 0 '(pin 39) ............... Water_Valve_2
TRISB.7 = 0 '(pin 40) ............... Water_Valve_1
'-------------------- PORTC PINS --------------------'
TRISC.0 = 1 '(pin 15) ............... Communications_Port_1
TRISC.1 = 1 '(pin 16) ............... Communications_Port_2
TRISC.2 = 1 '(pin 17) ............... Communications_Port_3
TRISC.3 = 1 '(pin 18) ............... Communications_Port_4
TRISC.4 = 0 '(pin 23) ............... Nutrient_Valve_4
TRISC.5 = 0 '(pin 24) ............... Nutrient_Valve_3
TRISC.6 = 0 '(pin 25) ............... Nutrient_Valve_2
TRISC.7 = 0 '(pin 26) ............... Nutrient_Valve_1
'-------------------- PORTD PINS --------------------'
TRISD.0 = 1 '(pin 19) ............... Communications_Port_5
TRISD.1 = 1 '(pin 20) ............... Communications_Port_6
TRISD.2 = 0 '(pin 21) ............... Nutrient_Valve_6
TRISD.3 = 0 '(pin 22) ............... Nutrient_Valve_5
TRISD.4 = 0 '(pin 27) ............... Lcd Data bit 4
TRISD.5 = 0 '(pin 28) ............... Lcd Data bit 5
TRISD.6 = 0 '(pin 29) ............... Lcd Data bit 6
TRISD.7 = 0 '(pin 30) ............... Lcd Data bit 7
'-------------------- PORTE PINS --------------------'
TRISE.0 = 0 '(pin 8) ............... Lcd Register select
TRISE.1 = 0 '(pin 9) ............... Lcd Enable
TRISE.2 = 1 '(pin 10) ............... Need Digital Input here
@ __CONFIG _CONFIG5L, _CP0_OFF_5L & _CP1_OFF_5L & _CP2_OFF_5L & _CP3_OFF_5L
Define LCD_DBIT 4
Define LCD_RSBIT 0
Define LCD_EBIT 1
ADCON1 = 7 ' Sets portA & E outputs to Digital
'----------- Configure Port Pins -----------'
Up_Push_Button VAR PORTA.1 '(pin 3)
Down_Push_Button VAR PORTA.2 '(pin 4)
Instructions_Push_Button VAR PORTA.3 '(pin 5)
Select_Push_Button VAR PORTA.5 '(pin 7)
Select2_Push_Button VAR PORTA.4 '(pin 6)
Buzzer VAR PORTA.0 '(pin 2)
Need Digital Input Here VAR PORTE.1 '(pin 10)
The_Nutrient_Pump VAR PORTB.0 '(pin 33)
The_Main_Water_Valve VAR PORTB.1 '(pin 34)
Water_Valve_1 VAR PORTB.7 '(pin 40)
Water_Valve_2 VAR PORTB.6 '(pin 39)
Water_Valve_3 VAR PORTB.5 '(pin 38)
Water_Valve_4 VAR PORTB.4 '(pin 37)
Water_Valve_5 VAR PORTB.3 '(pin 36)
Water_Valve_6 VAR PORTB.2 '(pin 35)
Communications_Port_1 VAR PORTC.0 '(pin 15)
Communications_Port_2 VAR PORTC.1 '(pin 16)
Communications_Port_3 VAR PORTC.2 '(pin 17)
Communications_Port_4 VAR PORTC.3 '(pin 18)
Communications_Port_5 VAR PORTD.0 '(pin 19)
Communications_Port_6 VAR PORTD.1 '(pin 20)
Nutrient_Valve_1 VAR PORTC.7 '(pin 26)
Nutrient_Valve_2 VAR PORTC.6 '(pin 25)
Nutrient_Valve_3 VAR PORTC.5 '(pin 24)
Nutrient_Valve_4 VAR PORTC.4 '(pin 23)
Nutrient_Valve_5 VAR PORTD.3 '(pin 22)
Nutrient_Valve_6 VAR PORTD.2 '(pin 21)