Led scrolling display: How to mirror characters?

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  1. #1
    mahia2005's Avatar
    mahia2005 Guest

    Default Led scrolling display: How to mirror characters?

    hello everybody

    I use a PIC16F876 in this project
    I work on an scrolling display consisting of 8 modules of 8x8 leds.

    I can make the message scroll from right to left and from left to right. But for this I use two library different because to make the message scroll from left to right I need to mirror characters.

    I would like to use a single library to save space in the memory of the PIC16F876.
    I thus try to create a routine which mirror characters from a single library to be able to make the message scroll from right to left and from left to right.

    If somebody can help me I would be grateful to him for it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

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    Read the library backwards and your characters should be mirrored !


  3. #3
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    [QUOTE=mahia2005;38046]hello everybody

    Can you please help to explain how you create the scrolling effect?
    Can you share some code here?

    Understand that only 1 collums will on during such a very short interval and this will happen to next collum meanwhile the row will keep on and off during this to display the character. Since this happen fast human eyes see it as a one full character.

    But how did you make it moving?
    Did you make the row on when the collum is on and then finish all the character first and to make it moving during the 2nd round you make it start at 2nd collum and 3rd round you make it start at 3rd collum and so on.

    Is this correct?

    Can you please help to explain more on this and show some code.

    Thanks in advance

  4. #4
    skimask's Avatar
    skimask Guest

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    Plenty of code, plenty of explanations, examples, and step-by-step instructions right here to get you going...

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