Pic16f84 ---> Pic16f628

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  1. #1
    xak's Avatar
    xak Guest

    Default Pic16f84 ---> Pic16f628

    Hi to all

    Preciso aid of alguem experienced, my knowledge in this subject still is in the start, in my Brazil country pic16f84 is more expensive here (around $10,00) and pic 16f628 is cheaper (around $3,00) therefore would like to modify the code below that it was written for pic16f84 to be used in the 628, as I said before still I do not have experience for this, use soft IC-prog I eat interface AN589, I alguem I can help me?

    I am thankful anticipatedly.

    ;************************************************* ******************************************
    ; message.asm
    ; This code makes a message appear in mid air.The 5 leds are connected to portb. RB0 - RB4
    ; put new message in below. NOTE: messages too long are a problem, as the
    ; 'persistence of vision' doesn't work.
    ; LEDS connected to port RB0 - 4 tilt/accelerometer to RA0 to start text
    ; letters are in columns. i.e letter A
    ; 0110
    ; 1001
    ; 1001 the 1's make up the A. 1 = LED on. 0 = off
    ; 1111
    ; 1001
    ; By Barry Carter
    ;************************************************* ******************************************

    LIST P=16C84;f=inhx8m

    w equ 0 ; register destination addresses.
    f equ 1
    same equ 1

    z equ 2 ; status flags
    zero equ 2
    c equ 0
    carry equ 0

    count1 equ 0C ; wait counter ls digit file register C
    count2 equ 0D ; wait counter ms digit file register D

    portb equ 06 ; port b I/O register f6
    porta equ 05 ; port a I/O register f5
    status equ 03 ; status register f3
    time equ .15
    org 0 ; origin
    movlw 0 ;initialise port settings
    tris portb
    movwf portb
    movlw 1
    tris porta
    bcf porta,0

    goto getbut


    letters call lh ;type in letters here.
    call le
    call ll
    call ll
    call lo
    goto getbut ;goto get button input


    getbut bcf status,1
    movf porta,w ;gets input from start button on porta.0
    movwf status ;read status register, to see value of porta
    btfsc status,0
    goto getbut ;if status = 1 then goto letter else goto getbut
    goto letters

    ;each letter is prefixed with l e.g la is a

    la call wait ; wait for a bit
    movlw B'00001111' ;output corresponding values out of portb
    movwf portb
    call wait
    movlw B'00010010'
    movwf portb
    call wait
    movlw B'00010010'
    movwf portb
    call wait
    movlw B'00001111'
    movwf portb
    call space1

    lb lz call wait ; wait for a bit
    movlw B'00010001'
    movwf portb
    call wait ;
    movlw B'00010011'
    movwf portb
    call wait
    movlw B'00010101'
    movwf portb
    call wait
    movlw B'00011001'
    movwf portb
    call space1

    space1 movlw B'00000000' ;routine to put spaces between the letters
    call wait
    movlw B'00000000'
    movwf portb
    movlw B'00000000'

    space2 nop ;loop forever
    goto space2

    ;* wait subroutine *

    movlw time ; load count1 with decimal time
    movwf count1
    d1 movlw time ; load count2 with decimal time
    movwf count2

    d2 decfsz count2,same ; decrement F,skip if zero
    goto d2 ; if not zero
    decfsz count1 ; decrement count1 if count2 is zero
    goto d1 ; do inside loop again if count2 nz
    retlw 00
    ; ----------------------------

    Last edited by xak; - 5th July 2004 at 17:56.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

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    There are very few differences between a 16F88 and 16F628...

    Firstly addd this to the defines at the start of your program...

    cmcon equ 0x1F

    Then also at the start of your program where the port tris registers are being defined add...

    movlw 0x07
    movwf cmcon

    Look in the Datasheet (Section 9.0 & 9.1) to see what I have done.

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